Yearly Article Digest – Year 2014 – RS Web Solutions

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This article contains the yearly digest of the year “2014” at RS Web Solutions (@rswebsols). You can easily find all our published articles from January 2014 to December 2014 in ascending order by date. This is a yearly archive page to help our readers to give an easy-to-find list of yearly articles. Along with the article title, you can be also able to read a short excerpt of each article. If you find an interesting article that catches your attention, you can, of course, click on the “continue reading” link to read the entire article. Happy reading!

7 Predictions About 2014 (Smartphones, HTML5, and more…)

Published on: January 8, 2014 | Listed under: Internet

7 Predictions About 2014As 2014 is already here, we are here too, with our predictions and hopes for the year and from the year. Without beating around the bush, lets see what these predictions are. It Will Be All About SmartPhones Although for North Americans and West Europeans, this might sound a bit strange, as you are already having the best Apple, Samsung, Sony or HTC has to offer, it is not till middle of 2013 when the sales of smartphones started to ...

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Finding Your Way through the ASP.NET Landscape

Published on: January 16, 2014 | Listed under: Apps & Software, Programming

ASP.NETASP.NET boasts of enough flair to work you over – positively so. From being a typical programming language to becoming one of the most popular frameworks, ASP.NET has come a long way indeed. And it has on its course guided by the host of invasive tools and capabilities that let developers set some seriously difficult goals, and get there with ease. Pulling a developer’s direction in different directions, it boasts of enough capabilities and functionalities that leave him spoilt for ...

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Making Websites Better For the Smaller Screen

Published on: January 20, 2014 | Listed under: Design

responsive-web-design-for-mobile-websitesThe best method of getting a firm’s web page into the mobile market is to have a responsive web design. Creating a truly responsive website requires a different approach than mobile-centric, content-centric or snowballs like designs where everything is simply blazed over. You may not have the financial resources to get a web site made through web design companies using a responsive approach although that is the ideal way of getting a web site made. The goal may be to ...

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5 Signs your Business is Crying Out for a Content Management System

Published on: January 23, 2014 | Listed under: Design

cms-content-management-systemWhether you run a small e-commerce store (which, let’s be frank, is just an extension of your brick-and-mortar store) or you are planning to turn your so-so blog into a thriving online magazine, you will need to create, modify and delete web pages. You will also have to find a way to propitiate the search engine gods. As long as you had a small website with a few static pages, there was no question of getting a content management system ...

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The Basics of Web Design

Published on: January 29, 2014 | Listed under: Design

web designThe modern age has made it very popular for individuals as well as legal persons to have their own unique websites and the market for such web sites have created an environment for website design companies to flourish and offer services to make websites suited for all purposes. Larger companies have the technical know-how and manpower to make their websites whilst others hire companies to create websites for them. Websites are sometimes for profit and deal with e-Commerce while others ...

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Choosing the Most Appropriate WordPress Theme for Your Business Website

Published on: January 29, 2014 | Listed under: WordPress

wordpressWordPress is one of the major CMS platforms today, and most of the websites use the WordPress to develop their website and present it to the audience. WordPress offers you with numerous themes, both premium and for free, to add to your website. Having a good knowledge about the WordPress themes and the facts to be considered is important to choose the best WordPress theme for your website. Decide the Type of Theme for Your Website Each and every business ...

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CSS Tools for Unique Web Designs with Colourful Features

Published on: February 10, 2014 | Listed under: Design

CSS-Cascading-Style-SheetsEither self design or hire professional web designers, but CSS tools for web designing are the most widely used in the process of web designing. Usually there are two core technologies that are used for the purpose for designing websites; they are known as HTML i.e. The Hypertext Markup Language and CSS i.e. Cascading Style Sheets. Most of the web pages that an average internet user encounters while web browsing are built up using either of the two technologies or ...

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Simple & Expert Level Fixes for Common Android Phone Problems

Published on: February 11, 2014 | Listed under: Gadget Reviews

Android PhonesAre you tired with your Android smartphone or tablet malfunctioning all the time? Well, there is a high chance that you are not using it the way it’s supposed to be. Android phones have been ridiculed for their high resource usage, lag and breakdown, but this happens with all the smartphones available in the market. It is true Android Operating System (OS) requires more RAM and processor speed than their Windows counterparts, but not many people are aware that Android ...

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Hidden Benefits of Renting Computers or Laptops

Published on: February 12, 2014 | Listed under: Gadget

Renting Computers LaptopsComputers have increasingly become a part and parcel of our lives over the past few years. Almost all daily activities, which were erstwhile done manually, are now done with the aid of a computer or at the most some other machine. However, many such machines are controlled by mini and full size computers. Therefore, it is not untrue when one says that life itself is now dependent on computers. Simple tasks like communication by virtue of messages or writing documents ...

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Reseller Web Hosting – Tips for Choosing the Best

Published on: February 19, 2014 | Listed under: Hosting Server

Reseller Web HostingThe internet has been now integrated in our lifestyles and it is exploring every single day. The website is main attraction of the internet which helps you to connect with the people all around the world. You can establish your business online without higher investments and it will work efficiently like any other geographical location based shop! These days, the internet business is one of the most convenient source of gaining knowledge and extending or starting business as well. And ...

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Optimizing WordPress Blog – 3 Elementary Ways you are Probably Ignoring

Published on: February 24, 2014 | Listed under: WordPress

WordPress SpeedBlogging is the buzzword today, and it has been so since last few years. A decade back, Internet was used by professionals, or by teenagers to vent out their feelings and thoughts. On this date, people of all age groups and background have invaded this space, and they have invaded it for good. It goes without saying that blogging has given a new way to earn to people who are good at crafting words out of their opinions and knowledge. ...

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4 Musts to Reinforce Security of Your Joomla Website

Published on: March 4, 2014 | Listed under: Joomla

Joomla SecurityJoomla has been making giant strides in the Internet ambit ever since it made its debut. The last few years have witnessed it come the leading content management system and a blogging platform. There are various reasons that have shouldered it to be the top billed CMS today, and they continue to increase in numbers with each day. But that said, surely would be an overstatement when we say that Internet is awash with coders who are prying on different ...

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How a Responsive Web Design is a better alternative to Mobile Design?

Published on: March 11, 2014 | Listed under: Design

responsive-web-design-for-mobile-websitesAt present, the digital and online marketing industries are swarming with new innovative trends for website design and web development. Most of the web designers and developers are increasingly facing questions about the relevancy of responsive and mobile design approach by their clients. This dilemma has affected the decision makers of small business enterprises and entrepreneurs as well. Mobile and responsive web design are known to influence the inbound traffic to your website and lead conversion, besides building brand credibility ...

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Grid Layout Enhances the Aesthetics of a Website and Provides Exemplary User Experience

Published on: March 11, 2014 | Listed under: Design

HTML Grid LayoutWay back in history, especially during the Renaissance, the great masters of art harped on the importance of proportion and golden ratio, while describing a piece of art. The reason being it makes the piece of work aesthetically pleasing, and it keeps the artwork at par with the other elements in the universe. The same rule is applicable also while creating or designing a website. For any website design to be effective, it is not about the layout or the ...

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How to Build a Site Using Joomla – The Best Learning Guides – Look for Them Here!

Published on: March 19, 2014 | Listed under: Joomla

JoomlaGoing to create a website using Joomla? You’ve got to the right place. The goal of this blog post is to tell you more about the CMS and supply you with best guides on the topic. We hope that they will be really helpful for creating a modern, good-looking website with your own hands. A few words about Joomla: First of all, Joomla is an open source content management system available for everyone for free. It enables developers build web ...

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Magento – What makes Magento such a Great Tool

Published on: April 1, 2014 | Listed under: Magento

MagentoMagento made its foray into the world of website development and design in the first quarter of the year 2008. Magento is a robust, user-friendly and flexible open source web application. Acquired by eBay in 2011, it has brought a sea of change in the field of website development and design. It is the most trusted content management system present today. The dynamic design is good for both web and mobile platform and the design makes it adaptable, scalable and ...

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Unleashing the Top 3 Secrets for Successful Mobile User Experience (UX)

Published on: April 16, 2014 | Listed under: Design

responsive-web-design-for-mobile-websitesThe sudden upsurge in the frequency of people adopting mobile phones for browsing the web has made it a mandate for web design agencies and developers to ponder as to how they should create websites that can cater specifically to the mobile-first audience. However, a web design is not successful with just a responsive layout, an aesthetically beautiful UI(User Interface) and an eye-catching content that renders well on every device. There is more to it when it comes to mobile ...

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PSD to Wordpress Conversion

Published on: April 25, 2014 | Listed under: WordPress

psd-to-wordpressDeveloping a website basically involves two important things- an attractive and user-friendly design and an efficient and functional website code. Both these things are necessary in order to do extremely well in today’s web surfing world. So to develop an interactive website, it is necessary to create good design along with amalgamation of an efficient user-friendly coding using HTML, PHP, JavaScript and CSS. This becomes difficult for non-programmers to work out with the coding of website. Thus, to abandon this ...

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Trends in Typography for 2014

Published on: April 30, 2014 | Listed under: Design

typographyTypography of a website is crucial because it can make a huge difference to the design. Good typography means your website is appealing, more readable and thus more likely to generate sales. As you pay attention to the quality of content, typography gains prominence because it accentuates designs, adds to the layout and keeps your audience engaged. With web and design trends changing ever so often, typography trends are not to be left behind. They are important to complement the ...

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15 Excellent 3D Printing Software You Should Opt For

Published on: May 12, 2014 | Listed under: Apps & Software

3d-Printing-SoftwareThere are tens and hundreds of 3D printing software out there in the market. While many are expensive and burn a huge hole in the pocket there some which are free and offer amazing features. Mentioned below are fifteen 3D printing applications. 1. FreeCAD The two features which make FreeCad unique are; value-based object development and modular designing approach. While the former simply means designs are built along with certain user fed parameters which can be easily edited via timeline ...

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Sony Xperia Z2 (Android Smartphone) – What Makes it Unique?

Published on: May 20, 2014 | Listed under: Gadget Reviews

sony-xperia-z2It is raining new flagship devices and there are new, insanely powerful devices to be seen every few days. Each one claiming to bring something fresh to the table, those others haven’t thought of. Amidst this shower of high end devices, Sony has launched its new high end device called the Xperia Z2. It is the successor to the Xperia Z1 and while it brings some updates, we think it might be too soon to upgrade such a powerful device. ...

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10 Worst Web Design Ideas for About Us Page

Published on: May 21, 2014 | Listed under: Design

about-us-pageIt goes without saying that ‘About Us’ is indeed the most crucial page of your website. With so many ideas available for designing the ‘About Us’ page, web designers often tend to get confused about choosing the right one. Finding the right idea for designing the ‘About Us’ page is actually the stepping stone towards a progressive business. Hence, if you too are keen on designing the perfect ‘About Us’ page for your website, there is a set of ideas ...

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Flat Designs – Features that Makes it Stand Apart from the Rest

Published on: May 28, 2014 | Listed under: Design

flat designsFlat designs is a worth mentioning designing trend, and that has received prominence in the last couple of years. This technique has a long way to go and to pave the way for the designers a number of websites have released a host of kits for improving the user interface, with the help of different icons used for flat designs. This design has a minimalistic look, and bright colors are used, the typography gives a retro look and has a ...

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Top 5 Reasons for Choosing Managed WordPress Hosting

Published on: June 12, 2014 | Listed under: Hosting Server

managed-wordpress-hostingWith all the cheap web hosting companies available, it can be a challenge finding the perfect one for you. Below, you will learn some things that you should seriously take into consideration. First, you need to question the type of software the company’s server supports. Most IT companies these days that are providing hosting provide a wide range of free CMS packages that are quite popular. Joomla and Wordpress are a couple examples. Next, you will need to consider the ...

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The Evolution of Android

Published on: June 16, 2014 | Listed under: Apps & Software

androidAndroid is one of the most popular and widely used operating systems throughout the world. This OS is based on Linux kernel having a UI based on the direct manipulation and is mainly designed for touchscreen gadgets. It is estimated that roughly 71% of the devices throughout the world are based on Android OS. Android has improved a lot since its early days when it struggled to compete with the revolutionary iPhone and Symbian OS. Even the first Android phone, ...

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How to Select the Best Web Hosting Services?

Published on: June 19, 2014 | Listed under: Hosting Server

Best-Web-Hosting-1Several online businesses have to take up one important decision that involves selecting the best and reliable web hosting services. Server security is one main element which you should consider at the time of selecting web hosting services. This security involves securing personal information of owner as well as of users who choose to shop from your website. To ensure that you have selected the best web hosting services for your requirement, you should expect basically 3 main features that ...

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Tools & Tips to Deal with your Stolen Content (Plagiarism)

Published on: June 23, 2014 | Listed under: Internet

Person sitting at a desk with a laptop, holding their head in frustration. The desk also has a camera, notepad, coffee cup, film slate, and green plant.The internet space is ruled by content, and hence the quote “Content is King”. It typically attracts a large number of people, which in turn establishes and popularises brands, increases visibility, engagement, and organic and social leads. That is the power of written words. No wonder then many unscrupulous entities rob high ranking and lucrative content for their own benefits. This form of thievery is also called “Plagiarism” where text-based information, graphics, infographics, and ideas are simply copied and passed ...

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WordPress Blog Headline Tips : Don’t Stuck with Traditional Headlines

Published on: June 24, 2014 | Listed under: WordPress

wordpressWordPress powered blogs have become the topic of discussion among bloggers residing in different corners of the world. With enhanced readership and engagement, WordPress blogs have become the number one choice of writers who are intending to start their own blogging website. Headline, being one of the most crucial aspects of a blog needs to be framed in an intelligent manner. Taking chances with the quality of your WordPress blog’s headline can adversely affect the site’s overall performance. In this ...

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How to Remove Virus from your Joomla Website?

Published on: June 27, 2014 | Listed under: Joomla

joomla-securityWhen you are operating a Joomla website, you want to have people visit the website. If no one visits the website, what is the point of it? Creating and running a website that is successful is not easy. You have to create a website that others want to use and you have to make sure the website is functional. It does not matter if you are trying to create a website for fun or if you are trying to turn ...

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How to Build Effective Audience Engagement on Twitter

Published on: July 8, 2014 | Listed under: Internet

twitterLooking at the present scenario we can rightly say that after Facebook it is Twitter that seems to be playing a major role when it comes to social media marketing. More and more online businesses are now using Twitter for increasing their brand awareness, drawing more traffic and the list goes on. You simply cannot afford to overlook the encompassing presence of Twitter. You have a profile on Twitter, Great! But you should know that merely having a profile on ...

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Top 10 Amazing WordPress Themes to Advertise Mobile Apps

Published on: July 8, 2014 | Listed under: WordPress

wordpress-theme-to-advertise-mobile-appsSo, you’ve built a great mobile app! That’s great; you’re ready to use it on mobile platforms like iPhone, Android or Windows. However, to promote the app you’ll need to submit it in the app stores like iTunes, Google play store, etc. But, in order to make your mobile application get noticed in the sea of applications available in the marketplace, it becomes needful to market it outside the app market. A viable alternative is to establish a website merely ...

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7 Best Tools for Web Designers and Developers

Published on: July 9, 2014 | Listed under: Design

Best-Tools-Web-Designers-DevelopersWeb designers are well aware of their job’s difficulty, so they know that taking advantage of the newest tools and services are the key to success. However, most web designers are completely devoted to their job, so they rarely have time to search & find different tools and applications that can help them be better at what they do. Thankfully, they can rely on people like us to bring them the latest news from the world of web designing – ...

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HTML and CSS for Web Designers – Essential Guidelines

Published on: July 15, 2014 | Listed under: Design

html-and-cssDue to the rising demand of website, HTML and CSS have become essentials for creating a most fascinating and feature-rich website. So, it is important for the designers to be aware about it. May or may not be beginners sentient about all the features of HTML and CSS, while building an effective website. Let’s take a look at the some fundamentals that have been outlined across the globe. We are going to reflect a light over some key elements of ...

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Is HTML5 a Good Choice for Web Apps in Today’s Mobile Age?

Published on: July 18, 2014 | Listed under: Design

html5 1While web-based mobile apps are coded in HTML5 (or using CSS/JavaScript), and can be accessed via any phone or tablet devices. In contrast, native apps are built for a single mobile OS – be it Android, iOS etc. According to reports from BI (Business Insider), a contradiction has been observed: while some consumers prefer native apps, a lot of developers love to write single application that works well on all mobile devices. The earlier versions of HTML didn’t proved much ...

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Web Design Trends to Watch Out for in 2014

Published on: July 21, 2014 | Listed under: Design

web-design-trends-2014The scope of web designing is ever expanding in proportion to the rapid online space spreading out. And to get the spotlight in this era of fast paced development, keeping up to date with the trends is essential. Like the internet, website design techniques continually grow to augment the user experience. 2014 is shaping up to be a year of many changes in the web design industry and the changes that you SHOULD adopt to stand out from the crowd. ...

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5 Most Common Responsive Design Mistakes

Published on: July 24, 2014 | Listed under: Design

Responsive Design MistakesThe most common ways we access websites have radically changed over the last few years – Mobify reports (1) that today, as many as eight screen sizes account for 77% of web usage. Be it laptops, netbooks, smartphones, tablets, web-enabled TV or desktop monitors, websites should look good and provide easy navigation for its users – and that’s where responsive web design comes in. Like with every other new solution, there are still a lot of mistakes being made around ...

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7 Important eCommerce Software Tools for Web Store Owners

Published on: July 30, 2014 | Listed under: eCommerce

eCommerce-Software-ToolsSo you have decided to have an online store but don’t know what are the essential requirements or tools to get started! Sometimes it could be painstaking to nail down performance-oriented software. Don’t get confused by many options that the eCommerce software tools offer you. If you are one of those who are pondering over some useful software to be used for your eCommerce platform then look no further. We will be listing down some of the most vital and cost-effective ...

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10 Essential SEO Friendly Features Need to Have in Your CMS

Published on: July 31, 2014 | Listed under: SEO & Marketing

cmsMost people use Google, Yahoo, Bing and the like to search for all sorts of products all over the world. Thus the majority of traffic on your website comes from organic searches on search engines. This is the reason SEO has to be among the top considerations for you when selecting a content management system (CMS). Here are some features that will help you pick a CMS that’s ready for search engine optimization: 1. Ability to Customize Your Page Titles ...

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Magento – Can it be Geared for B2B Commerce?

Published on: August 6, 2014 | Listed under: Magento

magento b2b commerceOne can’t overstate the fact that Magento eCommerce has brought transformational changes in the way B2C businesses operated. The companies with the B2C model have been able to reach a much larger band of audience owing to the web platform that makes it easier for them to broadcast their services and products to a whole new array of consumers. Now, Magento needs to spread its wings. While everything looks great for the B2C model, Magento needs to branch out to ...

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How to succeed with Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Published on: August 19, 2014 | Listed under: SEO & Marketing

SEO-Search-Engine-OptimizationYou have probably struggled with this for a while and it continues to confuse a lot of people around the internet. You have to be able to get to know how to do SEO well so that your website is going to be able to be ranked high on Google. However, there are so many SEO steps that most people simply give up on the system and try to do other things. However, it is easier than that. You can ...

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How to Choose the Right VoIP Service Provider

Published on: August 22, 2014 | Listed under: Internet

VOIP-Voice-Over-Internet-ProtocolVoice over Internet Protocol is what VOIP stands for. But what it doesn’t say is that it is the future of the telecom industry in the business arena. The traditional use of analogous telephones whose wires and lines would unnecessarily crawl all over your work space can now be replaced by a VOIP phone system that works via audio signals received over high speed internet services and then converts them into digital data for the receiver to understand. VOIP got ...

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30 Must Have WordPress Plugins to Use on 2014-15

Published on: August 28, 2014 | Listed under: WordPress

Best Wordpress PluginsThe last decade saw WordPress conquering the position of the top CMS (Content Management System) platform and becoming nothing short of the most popular blogging system – right now, the platform is used by almost 20% of the top industry websites. Thanks to its ease of use, WordPress has served many as the best solution for setting up their websites and managing their content. WordPress is flexible as well, and extendable – there’s a wealth of WordPress plugins out there ...

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4 Designing Tips to Feed off Mobile User Behaviors

Published on: September 1, 2014 | Listed under: Design

4-designing-tips-to-feed-off-mobile-user-behaviorsIn the digital age, mobility is indispensable; the mobile devices offer access to almost everything including our business and social lives on demand. Smart devices continue to revolutionize the day-to-day activities and the way people accomplish them. It has become a central part of everyday life for the majority of people. There are myriads of applications that cater the needs of several domains including education, entertainment, media, businesses, etc. Hence, by observing the significance of mobile apps and there rising ...

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SSL: The Backbone of Doing Business over the Internet

Published on: September 2, 2014 | Listed under: eCommerce

ssl-secure-sockets-layerTo know whether SSL is a backbone of an online business over the internet, let’s understand what exactly is SSL? SSL stands for Secure Sockets Layer. It optimizes your website for security and trust. It establishes an encrypted link between a server & a client and offers secure transaction to customers during online shopping. To use the SSL protocol, a web server requires the use of an SSL certificate. Today, eCommerce is the most demanding businesses in the market & ...

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Remarketing with Google Analytics – Tips & Tricks

Published on: September 4, 2014 | Listed under: SEO & Marketing

Google-AnalyticsRemarketing campaigns are essential for most (if not all) advertisers. Your goal is those users who already know you, and you aim to help them become your future customers by providing a better web experience on your website. If you are now convinced how beneficial Remarketing can be we will take a deeper look at how to create your campaigns. We are going to use Google Analytics to create lists and organize the data that it is available to use, ...

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Planning an eCommerce Platform? Think Database First

Published on: September 9, 2014 | Listed under: eCommerce, Programming

ecommerce-database-dbaThe power of eCommerce today cannot be gainsaid. This is the future of business and as an entrepreneur you need to tap into this rich market. E-marketer has already projected that eCommerce sales will hit $1.5 trillion by end of 2014, an increase of 20.1% from 2013. Leveraging on eCommerce Database However, your eCommerce page is only as successful as the database you use. The days when using HTML, JavaScript and CSS was enough for your website are long gone. ...

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Online Marketplace – Comparison of eCommerce Platforms

Published on: September 11, 2014 | Listed under: eCommerce

online-marketplaceOnline Marketplace is a business place where business is done through internet. All business processes like sell and buy are performed through online marketplaces. The products on online marketplaces can be from multiple vendors, may be stores, brands or persons in the same marketplace platform. All the marketing strategy for attracting customers and money transaction processes are handled by marketplace owner while manufacturing and product shipping is dealt by third party vendor. This way, the manufacturer is able to sell ...

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B.Blog – Brand New HTML Web Template Released by Theem’on

Published on: September 25, 2014 | Listed under: Product Reviews

B.BLOG-HTML-Web-TemplateGone are those days, when it was required to have technical proficiency for building a variety of websites. In the current cut-throat digital world, nothing is impossible for anyone. Special news for all, who want to build different types of websites in accordance with the complex needs, but they are unable due to lack of technical knowledge. theem’on has released a new HTML website template called B.Blog, which keeps ample of powerful features to make the entire task of building ...

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10 Most Useful Web Design Tools for Beginners

Published on: October 5, 2014 | Listed under: Design

10-web-design-tools-for-beginnersSkills mean a lot, but they don’t mean a thing, if there are no tools to support them. It is essential for a web designer to find software that suits him best at a certain point of his development. These are the top 10 web design tools that every beginner finds useful: COLOR WIZARD :: Web Design Tools #01 Life is not black and white and as a web designer you know it pretty damn well. It is essential for ...

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How Businesses Are Flourishing With VoIP?

Published on: October 9, 2014 | Listed under: Internet

VOIP-Voice-Over-Internet-ProtocolVoIP is an integrated set of IP-based features which enables users to make calls and send messages throughout the world. VoIP is different from the traditional telephony as the former works by breaking the voice into small discrete data packets and transmission of these data packets over the network of an ITSP (or Internet Telephony Service Provider), and the latter works on the dedicated circuit protocols of the PSTN (or Public Switched Telephone Network). One of the most important benefits ...

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Cross-Browser Compatibility & It’s Importance

Published on: October 22, 2014 | Listed under: Design

Logos of five web browsers: Safari, Chrome, Firefox, Opera, and Internet Explorer, arranged in a row.The job of a web developer today is a very complex task. Between the requirements set by marketers and tests performed by UX designers, every web developer should at some point consider the cross-browser compatibility of his or her website. This is a major challenge faced by all those, who want to provide the best online experience possible – ensuring that a website performs excellently in all browsers is a part of that effort. It’s safe to say that consumers ...

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7 Traditional SEO Methods You Need To Drop Now

Published on: October 29, 2014 | Listed under: SEO & Marketing

SEO-Search-Engine-OptimizationIt will not be wrong to say that Google is the Holy Grail of internet today. The omnipresence of Google in every sphere of the virtual world is changing the definition of SEO. It is due to this reason almost every business develops its website keeping a detailed aspect of Google algorithm in mind. Though continuous modification is an attribute of the internet world, there are websites still following some traditional Search Engine Optimization methods. To catch such websites, Google ...

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The Internet Marketing Phase Along With the Effective Marketing Ideas

Published on: November 6, 2014 | Listed under: Internet

internet-marketing-phase-1Marketing is the process of planning executing the pricing, promotion, and distributions of goods, ideas, and services to create exchanges that satisfy individual and organizational goals. Effective marketing combined with consistent promotion are the keys to the success On-line.’ Ink the marketing phase, people are made aware of the Web presence and are attracted to access it. Marketing is the entire process from product conception to delivery. Most people use the words ‘marketing’ and ‘advertising’ interchangeably. But in reality, advertising ...

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10 Tips To Create An Effective Online Survey / Marketing Tool

Published on: November 13, 2014 | Listed under: Internet

online-surveyHave you ever wished that you knew exactly what your customers were thinking? A crystal ball would be nice, but not terribly efficient or reliable. Fortunately, a low cost method of gathering input from customers is now available via online survey software. Used correctly, an online survey can help you understand your customers, monitor trends, and get some honest feedback about your products. Many small businesses still cling to the idea that gathering customer feedback means handing out comment cards ...

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Harvesting Top 10 Amazing Autumn Free WordPress Templates

Published on: November 13, 2014 | Listed under: WordPress

cmsCheck out the newest collection of free WordPress themes perfect in terms of aesthetics and functionality. Any time I start some new project, the first thing I google is something free like free PSDs or free icons, free vectors or whatever else. Actually freebies are a great thing for every designer or developer in terms of self-promotion. Releasing some freebie they can present their skills to future clients or just get some social buzz entering a round-up similar to this ...

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How to Stop Facebook From Treating Your Blog’s URL as Spam

Published on: November 14, 2014 | Listed under: Internet, SEO & Marketing

facebook-spammingFacebook is the most popular social networking site. It is used by many, from across different parts of the world. Due to the popularity and the user engagement that this site offers, it is also very popular with bloggers and webmasters. Reasons why Facebook is a blessing for bloggers and webmasters You know, Facebook is a leading source of referral traffic for many blogs! Thus, many bloggers treat this site as source of valuable traffic! Especially for new blogs, referral ...

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WP Super Cache & It’s Optimal Settings

Published on: November 19, 2014 | Listed under: WordPress

Wordpress-WP-Super-CacheYou check out lists of ‘must have’ WordPress plugins across various blogs, you’ll find one thing in common. Each list would have a caching plugin in it. They are unavoidable. WordPress users have a variety of caching plugins to choose from. One of the most popular one is WP Super Cache. Other prominent ones are W3 Total Cache, Hyper Cache etc. Most of these caching plugins are free ones. Before going any further, let us learn some basic facts about ...

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Mobile Application : Platforms for Development or Developers

Published on: November 21, 2014 | Listed under: Apps & Software, Product Reviews

Mobile-Application-Platforms-for-Development-or-DevelopersInterestingly I came across a post on a few blogs that were talking about IDEs that could handle mobile application development. I suppose calling them IDEs is a bit incorrect. A lot of them increasingly work across drag and drop functionality and this adds a certain utility for agile development. Alright, this is where we define a few technical terms associated. IDE stands for Integrated Development Environments and they let developers work across environments which are not command line interfaces. ...

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Best Web Designing Trends to Watch Out In 2015

Published on: November 24, 2014 | Listed under: Design

Web Designing Trends 2015We are in end of 2014; web designing trends are changing day by day each and every year. We have to prepare ourselves for the following year. Some of the spectacular trends that emerged in 2014 are: code free designing platforms, Parallax effects, single page layouts and many more. The range of devices are continues to growing, and designers must adopt their design strategy to meet these dynamic changes that occurring in website designing industry. Here the list of some ...

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5 Top WordPress Plugins to Get You a Mobile Compatible Website

Published on: December 2, 2014 | Listed under: WordPress

Best Wordpress PluginsSmartphones and mobile devices have become an integral part of our life. A large percentage of people now use their mobile phones or tablet devices for the browsing purpose. With more and more people making use of cell phones to go online or access information, it is extremely crucial for you to have a WordPress powered website which also caters to the growing needs of the mobile users. Otherwise, you’ll end up missing huge opportunities for generating leads. In this ...

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WordPress Hosting by “A2 Hosting” – Up To 6X Faster!

Published on: December 4, 2014 | Listed under: Hosting Server, WordPress

WordPress-Hosting-by-A2-Hosting-Preconfigured-WordPress-Improve-Speed-SecurityBuilding an eye-catching website is not always affordable. But thankfully, we have some great options to cut down the cost. One of the best and easiest options is WordPress. WordPress is a free web development software solution you can use to build a high quality and stunning looking website. Importance of Choosing the Right Host: Building a website may be your priority, but an important decision you have to make is choosing the proper Web Hosting service. Speed and security ...

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7 Incredibly Useful Resources for Magento Developers

Published on: December 11, 2014 | Listed under: Magento

Magento - eCommerceOwing to its impressive popularity, Magento is riding a wave of online marketing expansion by helping retailers around the world quickly plan, build and optimize their online channel with minimal efforts. The platform is making strides at the thriving community of developers who are actively learning the know-how of this PHP based platform and are embracing it for its openness, flexibility, and extensibility. Irrespective of whether you want to master Magento, want to make a career, or simply want to ...

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Design an Impressive Website for Your New Business

Published on: December 16, 2014 | Listed under: Design

Design-an-Impressive-Website-for-Your-New-BusinessIn today’s competitive world, it can be a challenging task to maintain your businesses. Technology is increasing at a fast pace and it is important to remain in sync with it to attract your potential customers therefore new or small businesses are required to have a website to target their online audience. Diverting traffic to your business website is a slow process that requires patience to gain success. When it comes to website designing process, there are certain factors that ...

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9 Most Useful WordPress Plugins for Beginners

Published on: December 19, 2014 | Listed under: WordPress

9-Most-Useful-WordPress-Plugins-for-BeginnersWhen I purchased my domain name to access, I had one wish was to have access to thousands of plug-ins that would make my blog super functional, I do not regret this choice, however, it is clear that in terms of SEO, you have to be reasonable about the number of plugins you use. The more you put, the more your site will be slower. So we will see some of the essential WordPress plugins and then, you can ...

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Article Published By

Souvik Banerjee

Web developer and SEO specialist with 20+ years of experience in open-source web development, digital marketing, and search engine optimization. He is also the moderator of this blog "RS Web Solutions (RSWEBSOLS)".

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