How to Build Effective Audience Engagement on Twitter

Looking at the present scenario we can rightly say that after Facebook it is Twitter that seems to be playing a major role when it comes to social media marketing. More and more online businesses are now using Twitter for increasing their brand awareness, drawing more traffic and the list goes on. You simply cannot afford to overlook the encompassing presence of Twitter.

You have a profile on Twitter, Great! But you should know that merely having a profile on this social media channel will do no good, until you use it in some practical ways. Let the users be impressed by your tweets rather than seeing you as some spammer.

Social media habits for starting conversations

twitter 01Seemingly boring encyclopaedias can be made interesting by adding some images, in the very same manner by incorporating images in your Twitter profile can actually lure your target audience. So go ahead and add those spell bounding pictures that can capture the users. Believe it or not, but yes users certainly stop at those posts that have some useful pictures attached. It accentuates your social authority and gives more weight to your social profiles, leading to better engagement and relationship building.

Sharing habits matter a lot on Twitter

twitter 02Feel free to share your content not just once but a lot more times than that. Since you last posted a content there are chances that some other users might have started following you after that, so why not share your previous pieces with them. Many of you might be misled to an interpretation that simply pick up the old content and repost it. No, this is something we would probably never suggest you to do, instead don’t completely copy it but you can always rewrite and make some smart tweaks in it. If you have heard of ‘repurposing content’ then this is exactly what we meant.

Additionally, sharing your content more than once allows you to reach out to your audience living in different time zones. Some of your audience might be residing in India and others may be living in US, and we all are well aware of the time difference between these two countries. So if you do not want your posts to be missed by any of your followers irrespective of where they are living make sure you practice the habit of posting the content more than once, hence hitting different time zones.

Share relevant things that your audience connects with

twitter 03Before you post anything, ensure it is suitable for your target audience or not. For more traffic and more followers you need to tailor your posts according to the likes and dislikes of your potential consumers. Stick to the pattern that your consumers are fond of this surely will be helpful in the long run. Relevant information starts engagement whereas wayward links that have no relevance to your audience can sometimes become annoying and concedes negative social ratings.

Schedule your posts for the right time

twitter 04You might be carrying a rough idea as to when be the users most active on Twitter, so share the updates somewhere around that time it. This will ensure that your posts do not go unseen by the users. If any of your followers have come forward and liked your tweets, be courteous enough by retweeting to them or marking them as favorites. This will also help in increasing your audience.

Why Twitter and social media works for marketing?

twitter 05Most of the influencers are active on social networking sites, such as Twitter, Google+, Facebook and LinkedIn, which is why they make an ideal information exchange gateways for blogger outreach and content promotion. Hence, I advise all bloggers and internet marketing professionals to get socially active and a step closer to their influential audience. Influencer blogger outreach can start via different ways, and it is important that you pick the way that has high conversion possibility and good relationships. Twitter is one such conduit and is my favorite medium to contact key subject matter experts, information pundits and gain from their valuable insights and knowledge.

Practice these habits as religion and witness the positive impact your actions have on your business.

This article is written by Shara Roy. She is internet marketing strategist, working at Crocuss. She loves to share her ideas on new technologies related to internet marketing and web development.
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Published By: Souvik Banerjee

Souvik BanerjeeWeb developer and SEO specialist with 20+ years of experience in open-source web development, digital marketing, and search engine optimization. He is also the moderator of this blog "RS Web Solutions (RSWEBSOLS)".