Top 5 Reasons for Choosing Managed WordPress Hosting

With all the cheap web hosting companies available, it can be a challenge finding the perfect one for you. Below, you will learn some things that you should seriously take into consideration.

First, you need to question the type of software the company’s server supports. Most IT companies these days that are providing hosting provide a wide range of free CMS packages that are quite popular. Joomla and WordPress are a couple examples.

Next, you will need to consider the ease of website management you will get. Some servers can be a challenge to manage since they require a large amount of technical know-how. The good news is many modern and up-to-date providers make it simple for even the most novices IT professionals to manage and monitor their website.

Furthermore, there are even more technical things you need to consider. For instance, the amount of storage you will need. More space is needed for some websites than others. If you upload a bunch of images, for instance, you will likely need more web space. However, you might only have a site with a few pages, or a smaller blog where you really only offer content without images.

Another thing to consider is the amount of bandwidth you will get from the cheap web hosting company. If you select a package that is fairly cheap, you might only be provided with a limited number of visitors to your website at one time. This is okay for those people who do not require a great deal of people coming to their site all at once or for those who do not use their website to do business.

But, if you own a blog that is popular or an eCommerce website and you require a lot of traffic, you will want to purchase a package that provides unlimited bandwidth.

At last look for cheap web hosting companies that provide comprehensive support. Website owners just starting out typically select cheaper solutions since they are not in need of the more comprehensive, expensive package. Even so, it is essential that you make certain the hosting provider you go with will be able to cater to your needs in the support department.

WordPress is the most popular content management system, not only because of its simplicity but also because of a large number of plugins available.

WordPress managed hosting is a popular choice for a lot of webmasters and for a variety of reasons. It offers an ever-growing community and robust features, making it users first choice.

1) Site Speed:

The first thing that many WordPress users notice is the speed in which blogs and websites load. The conversion rates of new visitors are increased due to fast site loading times, and statistics show that websites that have a slow loading speed actually lose out on customers who might have made a purchase through their website had it been faster loading. Managed WordPress hosting loads website faster since it has fewer sites to load.

2) Automatic Updates:

Client installations are automatically updated through the WordPress platform when there are newer versions of the software. This means updating the WordPress core, plugins and themes are not done by the customers but done automatically through the platform.

3) Outstanding Security:

Managed WordPress hosting offers security since professionals who have skills and experience in managing and creating firewalls on the platform maintain it. It offers a strong service that helps to prevent websites from getting malware attacks, enabling the site to continually operate and be accessible to users always.

4) Comprehensive Technical Support:

Customers receive only the best 24/7 technical support through Managed WordPress hosting providers ensuring all issues are tackled and resolved faster. Since the Managed WordPress hosting is the main focus of the technical team, it is easier to reap the rewards of the wealth of knowledge of running a good web solution.

5) Good Uptime & Backup:

There is a 99.9% uptime guarantee with Managed WordPress hosting with no unscheduled downtimes. It is a flexible solution in scaling which enables customers to take advantage of unlimited storage space even during peak times when storage resources are low. In addition, if problems happen with your website, there is even a backup service offered with Managed WordPress hosting to restore your system and get it back into working order. With superior data recovery and high redundancy policies, this is the best solution in the industry.

This article is written by Rob Holland. He is a contributor for HostAfford, a site where you can get useful web hosting reviews, tips, articles and much more.
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Published By: Souvik Banerjee

Souvik BanerjeeWeb developer and SEO specialist with 20+ years of experience in open-source web development, digital marketing, and search engine optimization. He is also the moderator of this blog "RS Web Solutions (RSWEBSOLS)".