Monthly Article Digest – November 2019 – RS Web Solutions

This is an article containing the monthly article digest of the month “November 2019” at RS Web Solutions (@rswebsols). You can easily find all our published articles of November 2019 in ascending order by date. This is a monthly archive page to help our readers to give an easy-to-find list of monthly articles. Along with the article title, you can also able to read a short excerpt from each article. If you find an interesting article that catches your attention, you can, of course, click on the “continue reading” link to read the entire article. Happy reading!

1) Top 10 Unique Features You Must Include in Your Taxi Booking App

Published on: November 5, 2019 | Listed under: Apps & Software

Taxi-App-Uber-Booking-DevelopmentBe it commuting from home to work or addressing any exigency, the urgency of a taxi can be felt by almost all segments of the society. Post the Uber disruption, the myth associated with a taxi being unaffordable to the middle-class populace busted and demand for online taxi booking services proliferated, along with the competition in the taxi booking services landscape itself. With such a drastic rise in the number of taxi-hailing businesses, it becomes crucial to shift gaze towards ...

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2) Xiaomi Mi Note 10 (CC9 Pro) Feature Review – All You Need to Know

Published on: November 5, 2019 | Listed under: Gadget Reviews

Xiaomi Mi Note 10 - 7Do you often brag about the camera quality of your Smartphone amongst your friends? Then take a deep breath and get ready to unravel one more masterpiece from Xiaomi in the form of Mi Note 10 (CC9 Pro). This device is kind of a secret package as very few people know about its extraordinary features. If you are a regular user of Xiaomi Smartphone then you very much aware of the level of user-experience these devices offer. Here is a ...

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3) Cinepeer C11 3-axis Gimbal Stabilizer Review – Your Smartphone Companion

Published on: November 6, 2019 | Listed under: Product Reviews

Cinepeer C11 3-axis Gimbal Stabilizer - 1Do you love photography? Are you fed up of those blurred photographs captured because of shaking? Then opt for a stabilizer that will not only allow you to do flawless photography but it will also make your photography experience interesting. A recently launched Cinepeer C11 3-axis Gimbal Stabilizer is making a lot of buzz in the market, courtesy to its modern features and high-end functionality. If you want to know what offers then here is a review that covers all ...

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4) The Significance of On-Time Delivery of Orders in eCommerce Business

Published on: November 7, 2019 | Listed under: eCommerce

On-Time Order Delivery in eCommerce BusinessOn-time order delivery is crucial for any business. If you deliver quality services on time, client satisfaction is guaranteed. However, ensuring customer satisfaction in an Ecommerce business can be a challenge. It is a unique challenge because you may not have direct client interaction throughout. You will agree that the delivery of quality products and services is a sensitive aspect of your business. As such, you need to employ the right strategies to meet and surpass your client’s expectations. This ...

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5) 7 Powerful Tech Innovations That Could Change Your Life in 2020

Published on: November 8, 2019 | Listed under: Technology

innovation-idea-inspiration-imagination-creative-invention-successTechnology has made our lives way simpler than we could have possibly imagined and 2019 has been quite a favorable year with its many tech innovations. From Amazon Prime’s one-day delivery system to the rise of personal assistants and AI; technology has become an integral part of our lives. Take the case of Amazon Prime, for instance. The one-day delivery gamble has attained a whopping amount of $1.8B in the US retail segment and the number is expected to rise ...

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6) The Search for Electrically Active Microbes Can Change Biotech Industry

Published on: November 9, 2019 | Listed under: Miscellaneous

microscope-research-lab-science-chemistry-experiment-biotech-analyzingScience and all the related branches to it are evolving with each passing day and we found something new to listen, experience, or see on a regular basis when we wake up in each next day. When it comes to evolutions in the field of the computer and internet, due to being the most loved subject, they become prominent within some seconds of their invention however due to being a little less online-active subjects the researches and findings in the ...

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7) 5 Apps Like Craigslist You Can Use to Buy and Sell Products

Published on: November 12, 2019 | Listed under: Apps & Software

shopping-pay-sell-buy-customer-sale-store-ecommerceOnline marketplaces have hit the eCommerce industry and hard. There was a time when used goods, no matter how well in appearance and condition had to be abandoned or thrown off. But no more. With the onset of something that we call as a multi-vendor e-commerce platform, buyers and sellers can easily connect with each other, negotiate on selling terms and end up making a purchase. Yes, such a marketplace exists and not one or two but many. If you ...

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8) Key Factors to Add to Your Website Design to Generate More Leads

Published on: November 13, 2019 | Listed under: Design

sale-shop-payment-ecommerce-marketing-website-design-lead-generationNowadays, businesses must promote their products and services online so they can reach customers. Most consumers rely heavily on the Internet, especially Google, to find solutions for their everyday needs. That’s why, as an entrepreneur, you must optimize your website so you can get the attention of your target audience. A poorly-designed site can put off potential customers. It can lead them to abandon your business for another that looks more credible and reliable. To ensure your website aids in ...

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9) 11 Tips to Protect Your Business Social Media Account from Hackers

Published on: November 15, 2019 | Listed under: Internet

hacker-internet-technology-freelancer-online-software-safety-security-privacyHaving your social media account hacked can have drastic consequences for a business. Being hacked sends the message that your customer’s information is not safe. It can be a nightmare for your reputation as well, especially if the hacker gains access to client emails or other personal information. The best offense when it comes to hackers is a good defense. Following these tips will help you protect your business social media account from hackers. 1. Keep Everything Updated Hackers are ...

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10) Best Programming Language for iOS App Development

Published on: November 15, 2019 | Listed under: Programming

whatsapp-ios-iphone-screen-apps-smartphoneThe process of building an iOS application can be hectic. Whether through outsource or not, there are various decisions you must make for the development to be swift and seamless. One of these decisions is the programming language to code the iOS app in as there are countless available options like python, C++, Swift, Objective-C and many others doing great even in the outsourcing world. In this article, we will explain the best programming language for developing an iOS app. ...

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11) How to Rate the Design of Your Website if You are a Non-Designer?

Published on: November 15, 2019 | Listed under: Design

responsive-design-website-mobile-friendly-seo-developmentIn this article, we will try to rate website design as a non-designer. We will consider the design, as a result of the design – the appearance and functionality of the site. The ideal website should be simple, convenient, understandable, beautiful and most importantly – selling (and not necessarily selling only products, the site can “sell” ideas). 1. Does the site design make the right impression on visitors? If you want to buy cheap things, then you will go to ...

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12) 10 Noteworthy Reasons to Use 8b Website Builder in 2020

Published on: November 15, 2019 | Listed under: Design, Apps, Games & Software

8b Website BuilderNowadays, finding a free website builder that provides value to users is quite complicated. Free website builders are usually not worth using. While the premium website builder that you might want to use demands a lot of money. But there is a free website builder that knows the pain of web designer. And that free website builder is 8b. 8b Website Builder contains all the latest web design trends that help the user to design want they want. In this ...

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13) Facebook JavaScript Engine (Hermes) Boosts React Native on Android

Published on: November 18, 2019 | Listed under: Apps & Software, Programming

web-design-facebook-page-business-social-computer-internetFacebook has created an amazing JavaScript engine named Hermes to enhance the React Native applications operation on Android gadgets. The Facebook for Android devices engine is good for quick startup, leveraging closely-packed bytecode and ahead of time optimizing. Introducing the new JavaScript Facebook for Android devices tool can enhance startup time, lower the usage of RAM and lead to lesser application size. At the moment, the tool is an opt-in feature in React Native. The majority of Facebook react Native ...

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14) VoIP Vulnerability & Security Risks: All You Need to Know

Published on: November 18, 2019 | Listed under: Internet, Technology

Illustration of five white humanoid figures wearing orange headsets and using laptops, depicting a call center or customer service environment.Ever since VoIP emerged on the communication scene, it has led to various concerns. The first major worry was whether it would be able to deliver a clear voice quality? Could it guarantee a stable connection that won’t just drop in the middle of a conversation? VoIP has come a long way, and users can expect to have top-notch call quality and reliable service with the VoIP options available nowadays. Technology has advanced to such an extent that a popular ...

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15) Magento 2 Migration: All you need to know (Infographic)

Published on: November 19, 2019 | Listed under: Magento

Magento-2Around 9% of the world’s eCommerce websites are powered by Magento, so we can estimate the importance of this platform nowadays. But as we all know Magento 1 will be ended by June 2020. So, if you are one of those 100 thousand users of Magento 1 then you must check Magento 2 because, in the end, you will have to think about migration to Magento 2. To start from the basics, there are three editions of Magento 2: 1. Magento 2 ...

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16) Why Do We Love Leica Cameras? Let’s Find Out the Pros & Cons!

Published on: November 20, 2019 | Listed under: Gadget Reviews

aperture-camera-Leica-R7-lens-photography-rangefinderDoes your camera matter when it comes to taking great pictures? Well, perhaps it doesn’t, but…. It does matter and that’s why we are going to show you why we love Leica cameras. Leica cameras and lenses are the most expensive in the world but people love them. They are great for outdoor, interior, landscape, travel, and nature photography. But do you need a $7,000 camera that requires you to buy a $4,000 lens to capture amazing pictures? Perhaps no! Read on to ...

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17) SEO Tactics: The Best Ways to Double Your Search Traffic in 2020

Published on: November 21, 2019 | Listed under: SEO & Marketing

seo-internet-search-traffic-engine-web“This article highlights 14 SEO tactics that will help you double your search traffic in the upcoming future.” In today’s time where digital marketing is becoming a huge trend, every other businessman wants his website to be on the top searches of Google. Definitely, you also want the same. But, how? Well, for that you need to have good search traffic, then only you can make your website visible among the people worldwide. So, are you ready to double your search ...

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18) Why Anyone Should Invest in Mobile App? Let’s Find Out!

Published on: November 22, 2019 | Listed under: Apps & Software

mobile-app-marketing-monetization-investmentThese days businesses are backed up by technology in more than one way. The number of people utilizing their mobile phones far more than their laptop or computer. So, the supply of a variety of apps is increasing day by day! There are various mobile apps accessible in the Apple and Google Play store for various functions. Like social media apps for conversations, fitness apps for health, mobile e-commerce apps for shopping and many more. Due to the supremacy of ...

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19) VPN vs Proxy: What are the Differences? Which One is Better?

Published on: November 25, 2019 | Listed under: Internet

VPN vs Proxy ServerWe could go without Proxy, just as we could also go without a VPN – and no apocalypse would start. However, every detail about us risks being exposed. Without them, all of our details would be left at the mercy of hackers – some of them just itching to hack into some very juicy details. If you have important information on your computer, then you already know how crucial it is to keep it all safe. When it comes to ...

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20) Lenovo X1 LDS Lidar Robot Vacuum Cleaner Review

Published on: November 27, 2019 | Listed under: Product Reviews

Lenovo X1 LDS Lidar Robot Vacuum Cleaner - 1Every individual wants to keep his house clean without taking so much effort. There can’t be a right product than the Robot vacuum cleaner to get this job done. However, picking an ideal Robot vacuum cleaner is a challenging task. There are so many models to choose from and the more you research on the topic, the more you get confused. If you are looking for a feature-packed product that comes with a fair tag price then can be the ...

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21) How AI is Changing the Rules of The Games for Digital Marketing Experts?

Published on: November 27, 2019 | Listed under: SEO & Marketing, Technology

tech-digital-intelligence-ai-robotics-brain-ideaAnybody who saw digital marketing as an alternative tool is out of denial. Some understood its prevalence timely and adapted like an intelligent species and others realized it after considerable losses of marketing equity. Whichever way, digital marketing is featured in your plan; it is today the most important and evolving thing on your branding agenda. The Marketing Mutants No marketing that is full-grown professionally in pushing sales can think of having an elusive attitude towards the newly developed digital ...

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22) Continuous Processes Serve as The Foundation of DevOps

Published on: November 28, 2019 | Listed under: Apps & Software

Electrically Active MicrobesDevOps is one of the newest technological trends shaping software development. Companies of all sizes are turning towards new DevOps solutions to streamline delivery, standardize customer experiences and improve cost-effectiveness. One of the primary benefits of DevOps processes is its continuous nature. Wait, is DevOps rapidly gaining popularity? The term DevOps became a household word in the developer community after a 2012 report by Alanna Brown. And, according to, a leading provider of DevOps integration tools, “Over the past seven years, DevOps adoption has accelerated ...

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Published By: Souvik Banerjee

Souvik BanerjeeWeb developer and SEO specialist with 20+ years of experience in open-source web development, digital marketing, and search engine optimization. He is also the moderator of this blog "RS Web Solutions (RSWEBSOLS)".