
Person using a laptop with an online shop webpage and writing in a notebook, seated at a wooden table in a modern office space with large windows overlooking a body of water.

How to Level Up Your Magento Website? 5 Easy Tips!

As most business owners and developers working with Magento (now also known as Adobe Commerce) know, the platform is not lightweight. Those dedicated to building the best e-commerce websites explore various possibilities and widen their knowledge to ensure they are utilizing Magento’s full potential. Some decide to find a Magento website support company to help them navigate the complexities of the platform. Whatever way you choose, we have prepared a list of ideas that you may utilize to enhance your …

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Two women work together at a desk in a bright office, with one pointing at a computer screen and explaining something to the other, who is listening intently.

Utilizing Composable Commerce to Boost Your eCommerce Business

The bottleneck competition in the eCommerce industry is driving businesses to go for technologies that support speed, innovation, scalability, and flexibility. As a result, people are using composable commerce that lets them take a modular approach. No wonder, 72% of US retailers were already adopting composable commerce by the middle of 2023, and another 21% plan to do so within 2024.   So, are you ready to embrace composable commerce and up your eCommerce experience? Read on… What is Composable Commerce? …

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Person in a suit reviews bar chart on a tablet at a desk; nearby are a yellow mug, planner, pen, and calculator.

ECommerce Web Scraping: How to Refine Product Listings and Boost Sales?

It’s surprising how many business owners overlook the impact of a well-curated product listing. And that’s a shame. Because that’s how your goods make their first acquaintance with prospective buyers. If your listings don’t make the cut, the first impression becomes the last one. This ripple effect can, unfortunately, resonate through to your bottom line. As you decide to optimize product listings to increase sales, it may require some effort. Especially if your catalog has thousands of items. That’s a …

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A woman working on a laptop at a table.

eCommerce Security Best Practices: How to Protect Your Online Store?

The popularity of online shopping is exploding, but the boom brings its share of security threats to your eCommerce business. Were you aware that a cyber attack takes place after every 39 seconds? This article explains the different types of security threats and how they can impact your online shop. Prepare to make your eCommerce site impervious to hackers by learning our best practices of cybersecurity! Potential eCommerce Security Threats For instance, an eCommerce business is exposed to diverse security …

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A couple sitting on a couch with a laptop and a credit card.

6 Best Strategies to Boost Your eCommerce Sales

In the eCommerce world, a multitude of competitors may each seek to win consumer’s attention; thus, surviving in such an industry needs effective sales strategies. As an eCommerce entrepreneur, you need to adopt the most current and effective sales techniques in order to remain competitive and prosper. The eCommerce sales landscape is anticipated to post an increase of 10.4% by the end of 2023. Further, 20.8% of retail purchases are expected to be made online implying that eCommerce platforms have …

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Two women sitting at a table looking at a laptop.

Cross-Border ECommerce Logistics: How To & Best Practices

As the world further evolves, technology evolves with it or even gets ahead of the world’s evolution and growth. They say in the past; technology was a gateway for many opportunities, growth, and change. However, as time passed, technology became the despair and death of life itself. It resulted in several conflicts that are and have been faced by the population, especially regarding the cyber system. Additionally, on one side comes the advantage of technology. Technology has advantages and disadvantages, …

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A person opening a box with a thank you card inside.

How Much Does It Cost to Start a Dropshipping Business?

Let’s address one of the most common questions about dropshipping: How much does it cost to start a dropshipping business? Technically, it is possible to start a dropshipping venture for less than $100. By utilizing free trials, opting for starter plans, and being willing to compromise on product quality, you can establish a dropshipping store with minimal investment – but don’t do this. This article will outline the essential costs that any legitimate dropshipping store will incur when starting out. …

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8 Things You Need to Know Before Starting an eCommerce Business

In today’s modern age of technology, the appeal of commencing an electronic commerce venture has never been more enticing. With the potential to connect with a global audience and the convenience of digital shopping, it’s no surprise that enterprising individuals are gravitating toward this prosperous field. However, establishing a lucrative online enterprise necessitates more than mere ingenuity and a website. It necessitates meticulous preparation, strategic deliberation, and a comprehensive comprehension of the complexities involved. Whether you aspire to be an …

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A person in a white sweater is typing on a laptop that is placed on a round wooden table. The laptop screen shows a web page with text. In the background, there are two beige chairs.

Top 10 Advantages of Hosting for eCommerce

Have you ever heard of eCommerce hosting? ECommerce hosting refers to a type of web hosting that is specifically designed and optimized for hosting online stores and eCommerce websites. More and more people are making use of this type of hosting. This has mainly to do with the advantages it offers. But what are these advantages precisely? In this article, you will discover all the advantages that hosting for eCommerce has to offer. That way, it will be easier to …

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How to Choose the Best eCommerce Marketplace for Your Shopping Needs?

In today’s digital era, online shopping has seamlessly intertwined with our daily lives. With our digital companion, we have the privilege of browsing through an extensive assortment of products from across the globe. However, with a robust assortment of platforms for conducting business transactions, it can be exceptionally challenging to select the perfect one. Hence, in this discussion, we will explore a few distinguishable features as the eCommerce marketplace becomes increasingly competitive. Know Your Needs The paramount and essential step …

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