Key Factors to Add to Your Website Design to Generate More Leads

Nowadays, businesses must promote their products and services online so they can reach customers. Most consumers rely heavily on the Internet, especially Google, to find solutions for their everyday needs.

That’s why, as an entrepreneur, you must optimize your website so you can get the attention of your target audience. A poorly-designed site can put off potential customers. It can lead them to abandon your business for another that looks more credible and reliable.

To ensure your website aids in boosting your sales, here are the key factors you should add to your design to generate more leads:

1. Responsive Design


Before, customers had to turn on their computers, click on their browsers, and type in their queries to find restaurants and retail stores. Today, the process is more convenient and accessible with the advent of smartphones.

This poses a problem for web developers, though, because mobile phones come in a variety of screen sizes. It’s painstaking to customize websites to be viewable for each dimension and specification.

Fortunately, the responsive design approach ensures that each web page resizes itself automatically according to the user’s screen size. With this, your website can be viewed clearly and accurately no matter what device your customer is viewing it from.

This method is valuable for any industry, whether you’re making a site for your e-commerce store or planning for a healthcare website design. The mobile-friendly website design allows you to generate more leads because it puts user experience first. Creating a comfortable web environment for your customers can lead them to trust you more. They will listen to what you have to say.

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2. Dedicated Landing Pages

landing page design video

A landing page is an independent part of your website that’s created for a specific digital marketing campaign. It’s called as such because it’s where a web visitor lands after clicking on your ads, whether on social media or with search engines.

With organic search results, search engines choose what portion of your website is relevant to users’ queries; it directs them to those particular pages. However, when you pay for visibility on Google or Bing, you have full control on what page to promote.

This is where landing pages come in. You get more leads when you send potential customers, who’ve already expressed interest in your product or service, to a dedicated web page that provides them with more information on your merchandise. It’s where you can market to them directly and persuade them to try out your brand.

Some tips for an effective, lead-generating landing page:

Align Ad Copy with Your Audience:

Website Design Generate Leads - Point 1The most crucial factor in this process is to align the content of each page with the needs of your target audience. If they searched for “the best anti-dandruff shampoos,” your landing page must show how your product can help them eliminate this problem and entice them into buying one.

Provide Concise Information:

Website Design Generate Leads - Point 2Because you only get one page to persuade customers into buying your products and services, you should be as concise as possible with the data that you provide your visitors without sacrificing accuracy and transparency.

Minimize Number of Links:

Website Design Generate Leads - Point 3If you can, you should only put one hyperlink on your landing page. This link is ideally for confirming the information that they shared with you, which typically includes their name and email address.

Use Design Elements to Emphasize Your Message:

Website Design Generate Leads - Point 4As mentioned above, your space is limited for landing pages. You need to take advantage of design elements, like font sizes and types, to direct visitors’ eyes to your call-to-action or CTA.

3. Personalized Call-to-Actions

online marketing roi - call to action

Call-to-actions or CTAs are used to inform visitors on what they should do after reading your pitch. It can be as simple as telling them to click on the link that directs them to your product page. The best CTAs are those that are simple and convenient for users.

These are the ones that you should highlight on your landing pages and other parts of your website. It should be personalized as well because you want to make potential customers feel that the message is for them alone and that they should grab the opportunity that you’re presenting.

These are the three things that can elevate your CTA for more conversions:

No Obligations:

Website Design Generate Leads - Point 1People don’t want to be pressured into buying a product or service. You can take advantage of the foot-in-the-door phenomenon by baiting customers with a free trial or sample and allowing them to decide between continuing their subscription and buying the regular-sized product.


Website Design Generate Leads - Point 2Put forward an enticing freebie like a free app, software, and samples to make them want to sign up for your newsletter or updates. Check out what competing businesses are offering and up the ante if you can.


Website Design Generate Leads - Point 3You must be clear on the value that you’re presenting to potential customers to make sure that they understand that this offer is once-in-a-lifetime. Use phrases like “subscribe now” or “you don’t want to miss this” to expedite the registration process.

4. Concise Forms


Design your website in a way that ensures visitors browsing through different pages have quick access to a form that can generate leads. The form can be as straightforward as asking for their name and email address in exchange for a freebie.

Be careful of asking for too much information as consumers may become wary and abandon your site altogether. Stick to asking for the personal details that you need to establish a client-seller relationship with them.

The most common annoyances for customers in filling out forms include:

Unclear Required Fields:

Website Design Generate Leads - Point 1Your web visitors may get frustrated when they can’t submit their form because they missed a required field. Avoid this issue by tagging necessary fields with a noticeable symbol, like an asterisk.

Vague Error Messages:

Website Design Generate Leads - Point 2It’s also infuriating when you make mistakes in the form, but you can’t figure out where it is because the prompt only says that you must fill up all the fields without providing more details. Create your forms to inform users where they made an oversight.

Getting Lost in the Fields:

Website Design Generate Leads - Point 3Another thing that exasperates most customers is having to provide lots of personal information and losing track of the field that they ought to fill up next. Prevent this problem from stressing out your web visitors by visually styling your input fields with a distinctive border or color.

5. Compelling Content

Content Marketing Tactics Graph Strategy

Unlike landing pages, which are created for specific marketing campaigns, the content of your website plays a significant role in convincing potential customers who stumbled upon your brand on social media or search engines organically. They may have read a blog post that resolved their need; thus, leading them to want to learn more about your merchandise and test them out.

Content is also evergreen; it implies that it can keep attracting leads for your business even after a year or more. It’s more cost-effective than having to keep on paying for ads. So, it’s worth investing in the best copywriters to produce excellent articles about your products and services.

Aside from writing blog posts about your business and industry, you should also strive to retain the attention of your visitors by incorporating media that supplements your blog posts. Images, infographics, and videos can help you keep customers on your website longer.

One significant trend in content marketing even takes advantage of the latest augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) technology to draw in web traffic.

6. Customer Feedback or Testimonials


It is obvious that your potential clients can find reviews on your business online without difficulty. Still, you can take the load off their hands by posting testimonials of your customers directly on your website. You can build your credibility and reliability with this process. You also make sure to position your brand favorably.

It doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t post negative feedback, though, because it’s impossible to please everybody. However, you have control in sifting through the responses and ensuring that the pros outweigh the cons.

Most customers who’ve had an adverse experience with a particular business will rant about it to their closest friends. Or, worse, they post it on social media and influence the buying decisions of even more people. This can lead to significant damage to a brand’s reputation and may take years to remedy.

Of course, the solution for this is to provide excellent customer service to everyone who purchases your products or services. Once you’re sure that you’ve done your job right, you can then ask for reviews from your previous or current clients.

It can be challenging to get feedback from satisfied customers. You should open more avenues and make it more convenient for customers to post how happy they are with your brand.

Plus, you can create incentives, such as a free item or a discount, to entice them into writing a review for your business. Timing is also crucial. Make sure to ask for feedback during positive moments like when they re-order a product or after they tag your store on social media.

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Your website plays a significant role in attracting and acquiring leads. That’s why you must optimize the design of your website design to generate leads. To attract potential customers, you must have compelling content, including customer testimonials, to build your brand’s credibility.

On the other hand, dedicated pages with personalized CTAs and concise forms are valuable in soliciting the necessary information from your web visitors. Responsive web design is also a key technical factor that ensures the favorable viewing of your site on any device.

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Published By: Souvik Banerjee

Souvik BanerjeeWeb developer and SEO specialist with 20+ years of experience in open-source web development, digital marketing, and search engine optimization. He is also the moderator of this blog "RS Web Solutions (RSWEBSOLS)".