Magento 2 Migration: All you need to know (Infographic)

Around 9% of the world’s eCommerce websites are powered by Magento, so we can estimate the importance of this platform nowadays. But as we all know Magento 1 will be ended by June 2020. So, if you are one of those 100 thousand users of Magento 1 then you must check Magento 2 because, in the end, you will have to think about migration to Magento 2. To start from the basics, there are three editions of Magento 2:

1. Magento 2 Open Source

The official name of the open-source Magento 2 is Community Edition. It is more favorable for small organizations or for the ones that we just starting out.

2. Magento 2 Enterprise Edition

It is a premium version and more favorable for medium-sized organizations. It contains all the features of the Open Source version and with some additional features like great marketing tools and marketing options etc. It’s costly than the average SaaS platform in the industry, costs around $22,000 for a year.

3. Enterprise Cloud Edition

With this edition, there’s no need for self-hosting plus with the same functionality of Enterprise edition. But the prices of this edition are really costlier than any other SaaS platform right now. According to a study by BuiltWith, around 9% of Magento 2 users are using Magento 2 Enterprise edition and one of the main reasons for this is of course pricing.

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Now let’s see what’s new in Magento 2

Magento 2 comes with all the great features of Magento 1 like flexibility and enhanced user interface experience. As we know mobile responsiveness is one of the main pointed drawbacks of Magento 1 which will be handled in this new edition of Magento with performance optimization functionalities.

Magento 2 Migration - graph-rank-stats-analysis-chart

1. Improved Performance

Point 1According to our research, Magento 2 runs on average 20% faster when compared to Magento and we all know faster user experience means greater sales.

2. Better admin interface

Point 2Magento 2 comes with all new admin interface which is really handy to use and destruction free. If you have used Magento 1 then you must have heard that it’ admin interface is one of the major drawbacks because initially, it’s really hard to understand for a non-technical user. So Magento 2 made it easy for users to use the dashboard like adding products are now easy and can find the tools more frequently.

3. Responsiveness/Mobile Friendly

Point 3People also have faced issues like their stores or websites are not working fine on mobile devices like phones, tablets, etc. Research shows that more than 60% of sales are made through mobile phones. So, it’s really a great disadvantage if you ignore the responsiveness of the website. Magento 2 based sites are amazingly mobile friendly and this can boost your sales, moreover, this can improve your search engine rankings or sure.

4. Improved Checkout process

Point 4The checkout process is the final process which is directly dependent on the sales whether the sale will be made on not. What I mean here is that if your checkout page is not working correctly, like if you are only proving limited payment options, or shipping options, etc. then it will affect your sales. So Magento 1 had a loophole in the checkout process which can be improved and this is what Magento 2 did exactly. Magento 2 has optimized the checkout page very well like, now the check out process is of two phases/steps which were used to be of 6 steps in Magento 1.

5. Easy to upgrade

Point 5Not even Magento, any platform you are using you wish to update your version as soon as it’s live. No one wants to use an outdated version while others or competitors are using the new. Magento 1 was not that easy to upgrade. This increases the security issues for your brand because with every upgrade the security and other features enhance. Magento 2 makes it easy to upgrade smoothly.

6. Email Marketing Automation

Point 6Dotmailer email marketing automation is one of the latest and most liked features of Magento 2. Now creating campaigns is really easy to do in a few minutes. Through SMS, push, emails you can create automated campaigns and can also manage your emails. I know it’s a new feature so it’ll be a bit difficult to use. But Magento 2 provides 24×5 customer care solutions. So, in case you are facing any issues, you can connect to one of the experts. He/she will surely help you out as soon as possible.

Magento 2 – The Best Platform for eCommerce Development (Infographic)

Magento 2 Migration: All you need to know (Infographic)

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Are you highly dedicated to your brand or your work? Then you must think about the migration from Magento 1 to Magento 2. This is not only because of performance and scalability, but it’s also the security that matters the most. So it’s worth for migration from Magento 1 to Magento 2 now. Make your online store more secure with this update. Moreover, the checkout process improvement will definitely boost your website’s user experience. Also, the mobile-friendly website will help your site rank well on search engines and never miss a mobile user. There are many big brands already running their online stores in Magento 2. You can always take inspiration from them and make your own masterpiece.

This infographic is submitted by Seema Sharma. She is an experienced Technical Writer and Content Marketer at Ranosys Technologies, a Magento development company headquartered in Singapore. With a deep passion for Digital Transformation, eCommerce, and Mobile App Development technologies, she loves writing blogs on these technologies. She is an ardent reader and when not at work, you can find her reading inspirational books.

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Published By: Souvik Banerjee

Souvik BanerjeeWeb developer and SEO specialist with 20+ years of experience in open-source web development, digital marketing, and search engine optimization. He is also the moderator of this blog "RS Web Solutions (RSWEBSOLS)".