Should You Have a Team Page on Your Website? Let’s Find Out!

Home pages, contact pages, and product pages get most of the attention in web design and development—and understandably so. These are the main pages where consumers make decisions, whether that’s to venture deeper into the site or convert and buy a product.

However, don’t underestimate the power that a “team” page could have in swaying your incoming visitors or improving your brand reputation. But that is if you use yours correctly.

The Value of a Team Page

Not all businesses will get the same value out of a team page. For example, if you sell only one product exclusively online, it may not be important for your customers to know who’s manufacturing those products. On the other hand, if people are going to be trusting you and your staff with their lives, it’s vital that you explain who those people are.


There are three main benefits to including a team page on your website:

1. Showing your brand personality:

Should You Have a Team Page on Your Website - Point 1First of all, you’ll want to show off the personality of your brand. And, if relevant, the personalities of the individuals who make up that brand. Kickstarter is an excellent example here. They list several staff members, including their favorite Kickstarter categories and how many projects they’ve backed. It speaks volumes about Kickstarter’s commitment to the projects on its own platform.

2. Proving your expertise:

Should You Have a Team Page on Your Website - Point 2Your second goal should be proving that you’re as good as you say you are. You can do this by listing credentials, referencing past experience, or making some other personal appeal to expertise. For example, Rowdy G. Williams Law Firm provides legal counsel to a number of different people, including defendants in criminal cases. People in these situations need to know they’re hiring people knowledgeable in the field. So its contact page highlights the credentials and experience of its main staff.

3. Making the team more approachable:

Should You Have a Team Page on Your Website - Point 3Finally, you’ll want to make your brand and your people seem more approachable. This will naturally inspire more of your visitors to take action. For example, Khan Academy is all about bringing education to more people, which demands that people feel comfortable attaining it. The organization attempts to make itself more approachable by showing some of the faces and personalities of the people responsible for its existence on its team page.

How to Make Your Team Page Better


So how can you make your team page perform better in these three dimensions?

1. Call out the credentials:

Should You Have a Team Page on Your Website - point-01If you’re describing your individual team members, make sure you explain why each one is of value to your customers and to your organization. There’s a reason why trust badges instantly increase your conversion rates. People like to be assured that they’re dealing with someone they can trust. Previous experience, degrees, and current statuses are all good things to include here.

2. Have a clear call to action:

Should You Have a Team Page on Your Website - point-02The ultimate goal is to get your visitors to convert. So don’t miss the opportunity of getting conversions right on the team page. Depending on your layout, you may include a call to action at the bottom of your page, on the side, or a brief contact button below each individual team member’s bio. Experiment with different options to find out which works best.

3. Include both headshots and brief bios:

Should You Have a Team Page on Your Website - point-03People like to see other people, so include headshots of your staff members. You’ll also want to include bios, even if they’re brief, to explain who each person is and what they do for the brand.

4. Speak with your brand voice:

Should You Have a Team Page on Your Website - point-04Last but not least, make sure your team page shows off your unique brand voice, and what makes your company or organization unique. You’re appealing to a specific demographic here, so keep their interests and values in mind.

Final Words

Should You Have a Team Page on Your Website - conclusion-thumbs-up-final-thoughtsRemember, not all businesses need a team page. But if your business’s team makes a big difference to your customers’ overall experiences, we highly recommend including a team page on your site. Doing so, with the right appeals to your target demographics, can significantly increase your conversion rate and start your brand relationships off on better footing immediately.

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Published By: Souvik Banerjee

Souvik Banerjee Web developer and SEO specialist with 20+ years of experience in open-source web development, digital marketing, and search engine optimization. He is also the moderator of this blog "RS Web Solutions (RSWEBSOLS)".

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