Monthly Article Digest – September 2021 – RS Web Solutions

This is an article containing the monthly article digest of the month “September 2021” at RS Web Solutions (@rswebsols). You can easily find all our published articles of September 2021 in ascending order by date. This is a monthly archive page to help our readers to give an easy-to-find list of monthly articles. Along with the article title, you can also able to read a short excerpt from each article. If you find an interesting article that catches your attention, you can, of course, click on the “continue reading” link to read the entire article. Happy reading!

1) Things You Should Know About Growing a Small Business

Published on: September 2, 2021 | Listed under: Business

office-small-business-woman-work-startup-entrepreneurOpening and growing a small business takes some planning and know-how – here are some tips and advice on what you need to know. Understand your customers It is only possible to develop services and products that are successful when you pay attention to what your prospects and customers need. The easiest way to find out what your customer base really needs is through surveys and research. You should constantly invite or encourage them to offer honest and in some ...

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2) How to Use Gamification to Take Your Marketing to the Next Level?

Published on: September 2, 2021 | Listed under: SEO & Marketing

A multi-monitor gaming setup with led lighting, featuring peripherals and a camera on a tripod in a room with themed wall decor.Businesses are always on the lookout for creative marketing strategies to spread the company’s message and promote brand names. In this sense, gamification has become a popular marketing strategy to reach customers online and via connected mobile applications, like online casinos do with their “deposit 5 play with 50” offers. Several gamification or gaming techniques, like incentives, scoring systems, ranking lists, and competition, attract consumers to create connections, build brand loyalty, and give the customers reasons to keep coming back ...

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3) 5 UX Guidelines for Building Better Ecommerce Sites (Infographic)

Published on: September 2, 2021 | Listed under: eCommerce

ux-guidelines-building-ecommerce-sites-infographicThe concept behind eCommerce stores is not too far from that of physical stores, which is to give customers access to your products. The easier people can find what they’re looking for, the better the experience becomes for them. It’s exactly what you want for your business. You want your online shop to give visitors the best experience possible, so they’ll be encouraged to look around, make a purchase, and come back for more the next time around. Business is ...

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4) Awesome Tech Inventions You Should Know About

Published on: September 2, 2021 | Listed under: Technology

technology-gadget-smartphone-mobile-internetCreative minds are always looking for new ideas to fill the gap between existing products and our expectations. In some cases, the products already exist but we do not know about them. Inventions in tech industries have especially proven valuable by serving the entire world. The latest tech inventions target social life, students, parents, businesses, and children, among other areas. Here are awesome tech inventions that you probably have not heard about. Robot Birds Image source: What you saw ...

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5) How to Ensure You Get a Stable Footage Through Your Action Camera?

Published on: September 6, 2021 | Listed under: Miscellaneous

sports-action-video-camera-snow-ski-gopro-recordIf you are an extreme sports fan with a love for adrenaline and adventure, then chances are that you have a GoPro or quality action camera. The question is, do you know how to use it properly? As the popularity of this type of camera continues to grow, especially in documenting extreme sports adventures, more and more people are seeing the value in owning one while others don’t even know where to start. There’s nothing worse than going on a ...

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6) 5 Ways Good Content Can Speed Up Your Marketing Efforts

Published on: September 6, 2021 | Listed under: SEO & Marketing

content-marketing“Content is king.” This is the first lesson every person who is just starting into the SEO world is taught. And there is so much truth to it. After all, it is the world of content, and we are just living in it. What we see is content, what we share is content. Everything we learn is from content. What we enjoy is content, what we dislike is content. So, content is everywhere, whether we want it or not. It’s ...

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7) SEO: Facts, Myths, and Benefits

Published on: September 8, 2021 | Listed under: SEO & Marketing

Google-Search-Console-SEO-Marketing-Data-Analytics-StatsToday businesses take their business online in order to create an online presence for expanding their audience and overall growth. But in recent times that’s not enough, even posting regularly without a solution or proper strategy is not enough for getting outstanding traffic and amazing brand awareness. Here comes SEO for your rescue, that is Search Engine Optimization. Let’s find out the facts, myths, and benefits that come with SEO. Unfortunately, many businesses are not aware of this. So, let’s ...

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8) Voice Commerce Technology: The Future of eCommerce Business

Published on: September 9, 2021 | Listed under: eCommerce

Voice CommerceSearch engine technology is constantly evolving and the glorious gem of the Crown is voice search technology. Most people now prefer to use voice technology to search anything online instead of the good old text search. It is indeed making the life of a human a lot easier. Not only search engines, but many industries are taking advantage of this technology and one of them is e-commerce. It not only offers a better user experience to the visitors but also ...

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9) PCB Design and Layout Services by Integra Sources – A Complete Review

Published on: September 11, 2021 | Listed under: Service Reviews

integra-sources-pcb-design-layout-servicesPrinted Circuit Boards (PCBs) are a crucial part of any electrical or electronic system. Designing a PCB layout, in a way that delivers the high-speed electrical signals plays a big role in the final output. A PCB not only has to be designed properly with schematics, but it also has to be optimized with algorithms and connectivity and analyzed for limitations. A fully optimized PCB design offers mechanical support to electrical components and makes the device actually work and function ...

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10) Trending Responsive Web Design Frameworks in 2021

Published on: September 13, 2021 | Listed under: Design

responsive-mobile-friendly-web-design-frameworksAs more people surf the internet from their mobile devices, a static website design that only looks good on a computer is no longer sufficient for businesses. When it comes to designing a website, you also need to take into consideration tablets, 2-in-1 laptops, and different smartphone models with varying sizes of screen. You can’t just slap your articles into a single column and let them go. Responsive design enables your website to look great on all types of devices, ...

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11) Learn How to Create Your Own OTD (On-Time Delivery System)

Published on: September 14, 2021 | Listed under: Business

motion-blur-on-time-delivery-vehicle-transport-motorcycle-scooterThe primary measure of efficiency in supply chain processes within your company is OTD (on-time delivery system). It’s a measure of your ability to encounter customer demands in the matter of the delivery date requested (RDD). Failure to fulfill your customers’ needs can have negative consequences. Every company must commit itself and deliver on time to fulfill client requirements. The 2020 MHI Annual Industry Report reveals that 4 of the 6 top challenges facing companies relate to customer expectations for ...

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12) Managed WooCommerce Hosting by Nexcess – A Great Place to Live your Store!

Published on: September 14, 2021 | Listed under: Hosting Server

Managed-WooCommerce-Hosting-by-NexcessWooCommerce is rapidly growing and one of the most customizable eCommerce platforms to build your online business. It is a great eCommerce plugin for WordPress that comes with various great tools and allows you to easily build and manage your store without much hassle. However, it’s not a complete solution. Things become critical when the traffic to your site increases. You may suffer from downtime, bandwidth outage, performance loss, or order loss. This also adds to the loss of reputation ...

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13) Business Reputation Management – A Definitive Guide

Published on: September 15, 2021 | Listed under: Business

Work-Business-Startup-Collaboration-Cooperation-Meeting-Office-Team-ReputationAccording to studies in June 2021, there are over two billion daily active users on Facebook alone. Not counting the other handful of popular social media platforms, billions of people are constantly in touch with each other exchanging ideas. This is what this century is all about – the exchange of ideas. More often than not, these ideas explore businesses and brands, such as which company is the best for ordering online groceries and which brand is the best for ...

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14) Top 10 Best Portable Bluetooth Speakers

Published on: September 16, 2021 | Listed under: Top 10

bose-portable-bluetooth-speaker-soundlinkWhether you’re hosting a bachelorette party or just want to play your favorite music at the office, portable speakers can help you blast sound with minimal effort. There is no shortage of portable Bluetooth speakers on the market, but not all are created equal. To find a speaker that fits your needs, first, decide what features are most important to you. Some examples of features include battery life, size, and durability. If you’re looking for a way to feel like ...

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15) How to Use LinkedIn to Generate More Leads for your Business?

Published on: September 17, 2021 | Listed under: SEO & Marketing, Business

The linkedin logo is displayed on a tablet.LinkedIn will become the best tool to generate leads for your business when it is used accordingly. Lead generation is an essential piece of business. If you need to have to pay clients, you need to assemble a solid stream of leads. Yet, creating leaders isn’t just about as simple as one might suspect. Indeed, it requires a lot of artfulness and a ton of time. Reports say that 65% of organizations say producing traffic and leads is their top ...

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16) Tech Solutions for a Better Remote Work Experience

Published on: September 25, 2021 | Listed under: Technology

covid-19-work-home-quarantine-remote-coronavirus-laptop-deskRemote work looks like it is here to stay indefinitely. Companies across all industries tend to have mixed feelings about this, with some preferring a return to pre-pandemic office life as soon as possible, while others are more open to permanent remote working arrangements. Employees are typically the stakeholders most eager to continue working remotely, thanks to the considerable freedom and flexibility it offers. Remote work, however, is not without its downsides, both for employers and employees, and having a ...

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17) Google is Working on its own Blockchain Technology

Published on: September 27, 2021 | Listed under: Technology

Blockchain-Market-Crypto-TechnologyGoogle is known not just for being the number 1 search behemoth in the world. They also like to discover the newest technological heights where no human being has ever set foot. Just think of their self-driving car project Waymo or Loon, an initiative to send tennis-court size balloons into the stratosphere to provide an Internet connection. No wonder that they have long been exploring the opportunities that blockchains might bring. Turns out, Google has its fingers in many blockchain ...

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18) Healthy Opens for Wealthy Email Campaigns (Infographic)

Published on: September 28, 2021 | Listed under: SEO & Marketing

healthy-opens-wealthy-email-campaign-infographicThere are many reasons why certain emails get ignored or deleted before being read. One is that they look too spammy and people don’t want to click on them because they think they’re just getting more spam. There are some easy ways to increase your email open rates and get more people to read your emails. It becomes important because the way you present your message can affect its response rate. What is an Open Rate? An email’s open rate ...

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19) Website Maintenance Checklist to Avoid Technical Glitches

Published on: September 29, 2021 | Listed under: Design

website-design-development-maintenanceA website is a collection of web pages that are accessible on the Internet. A website can also be called an online site, which you might use to refer to the same thing. Web sites can include HTML text with images and other media files, or they may consist only of text files – it depends on what the website is for. Why website maintenance is important? Website maintenance is an essential part of website running. When you do not ...

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Published By: Souvik Banerjee

Souvik BanerjeeWeb developer and SEO specialist with 20+ years of experience in open-source web development, digital marketing, and search engine optimization. He is also the moderator of this blog "RS Web Solutions (RSWEBSOLS)".