12 Tips for Creating a Corporate Video that Amazes Customers

Videos are quickly becoming the most used medium to attract customers. This popularity has given rise to varying types of videos —explainers, testimonials, infographics, and many more. Out of all these, one video type has recently become more popular. This video type is — corporate videos.

Typically, animated corporate videos were used for onboarding and explaining a brand’s values to employees and partners. But recently, brands have started using corporate videos to create brand awareness and engage customers.

This blog aims to assist brands in creating corporate videos that captivate customers. But first, let’s understand what corporate videos are in detail.

What are corporate videos?


Corporate videos convey a brand’s story in an entertaining and compelling way. These videos are produced for both internal and external video communications. But corporate videos are usually created for a specific audience, not for the general public. The target audience of a corporate video depends on its type.

Some types of corporate videos include –

  • Training and onboarding videos.
  • Promotional videos.
  • Brand awareness videos.
  • FAQ videos.
  • Educational videos.

Here are examples of animated corporate videos, check them out.

12 tips to create an amazing corporate video

Animated Explainer Videos

Now that you know what corporate videos are, let us move toward how you can produce eye-catching corporate videos.

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1. Create what the customer wants

Despite common belief, a corporate video isn’t about your brand; it’s about your customers. Corporate videos that simply demonstrate your skills have little value to the customers.

“What’s in it for me?” is the first question a customer asks when coming in contact with your video. Therefore, consider carefully what matters to your customers. What issues do they have, and what solutions do you as a business offer?

Convert your brand’s strengths into tangible advantages for your customers. For example, having a good work culture is a strength for you. But does creating a video about the company’s work culture provide any value to your customers? No. But, the same customer is highly likely to be interested in watching how-to or product demo videos.

So, before planning your video, conduct thorough research to understand what your target audience wants to watch.

2. Be clear about the purpose of the video

Once you know what a customer wants, narrowing down your video’s topic is more accessible. But there’s one step left that is highly crucial in producing the right video —defining the purpose.

A video’s purpose is the goal you aim to achieve after its distribution. It can be any of the following –

  • Providing information or training to customers.
  • Driving traffic to the brand.
  • Driving conversions for the brand.
  • Attracting or retaining customers.
  • Promoting a product or increasing brand awareness.

The planning of your videos depends on your purpose. The topic, script, visuals, and everything must flow from the general aim you have already identified.

Make sure every significant component of your corporate video helps you reach your goal as you plan it. For instance, if the purpose of the video is to promote a product, stay within that goal and talk about topics that are better suited for another video.

3. Create something unique but relevant

There are millions of videos available on the internet. Many of them are corporate videos. Meaning there is a lot of content, ideas, and examples available. There’s no need to create a whole new idea wheel from scratch for your brand. Instead, you can utilize the content already available to your benefit.

Here is how you can do that —

  • Go through the numerous examples to choose what appeals to you.
  • Check out videos that went viral in your niche.
  • Shortlist your favorites so you can draw inspiration from them later.
  • Check out recent trends and create ideas around them.
  • Shortlist videos with innovative and unique scripts.

This can help you identify new corporate video ideas or topics you haven’t tried before. Furthermore, it enables you to recognize videos with innovative visualizing and storytelling styles.

4. Make storytelling the essence of your video

A video that monotonously talks about your brand, product, or service isn’t going to attract viewers. Customers want to see content that is engaging and stimulates their minds.

And what can be more engaging than storytelling? A good story shapes perception and adds weight to your video’s core message.

Asking these questions can help you craft a great story for your video-

  • What motivates you to create the product?
  • Why does your brand matter?
  • What does your product do?
  • Why do the customers need your product?

5. Add a hook at the start of the video

As a video marketer, you probably already know that the first 10 seconds of your video are extremely crucial. Approximately 20% of viewers stop the video within 10 seconds of watching if the content doesn’t interest them.

Therefore, capturing the customer’s attention in the first 10 seconds is crucial for its success.

Make your introduction entertaining and inspiring so that the audience is captivated from the start. You can also begin unraveling the mystery of your video right away. Or you could start your video with a captivating question. It encourages viewers to keep watching until the end.

6. Appeal to the customers’ emotions

Almost all customer decisions, including whether or not to make a purchase, are influenced by emotions. Therefore, any successful video creation must incorporate the idea of emotional appeal from the start.

Reaching out to customers emotionally ensures effective communication with your target audience. It performs wonders!

It’s better to avoid too much use of business jargon, statistics, and facts unless you are producing an infographic video. Instead, use visual and audio cues to evoke emotions inside the viewers.

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7. Keep the script short but engaging

When crafting a script for a video, less really is more. You might feel driven to saturate your audience with data when making an educational video. In such scenarios, ask yourself — is there a way to concisely describe all of this material in 2-3 minutes?

Keep your video’s essential ideas in mind and avoid extraneous stuff. Repetition that is unnecessary unless done tastefully is also not advised.

Here are some pointers to help you write an accurate script:

  • Make sure that your script relates to the goal of your video.
  • Avoid repetitions unless you’re trying to create a dramatic impression.
  • Avoid using complicated or unnecessary words.
  • Avoid business jargon and speak plainly.

8. Use an intricate combination of both audio and visual

Video is essentially a combination of two elements: audio and visual. If done properly, it combines the intriguing nature of the spoken word with the allure of visual storytelling.

Professional video production can present complex information, such as training for new employee recruits, in a humorous and entertaining manner.

To record your audio, use a high-quality professional microphone. You may need to hire a professional production company for this. Additionally, use a high-quality camera to capture your subjects. Color schemes (preferably your brand colors), video animation, and background imagery can also be used to enhance visuals.


9. Be consistent

It’s typical for brands to have a fixed brand voice and message. This brand voice can be seen in every marketing campaign and makes the brand recognizable.

Your videos should also maintain the same brand voice as other marketing mediums. This helps customers to recognize your corporate video. Consistency in brand messaging also helps build trust and credibility with customers.

10. Build up a strong conclusion

We’ve seen how important it is to hook an audience at the beginning of the video. But the conclusion is just as important as the beginning. The video won’t make much impact without a strong conclusion to support the core message of the video.

So, ensure your conclusion brings the audience full circle by offering them complete information about the topic. It is also critical that your conclusion include a call to action. The CTA encourages viewers to take action after watching the video.

11. Brand your video

While it’s important to be consistent with brand messaging, it is also essential to differentiate your video from others. This can be done by including your brand’s identity in the video. You can incorporate your brand identity in the corporate video by using brand colors, a logo, and other distinctive elements, such as a tagline.

These elements ensure that your corporate video can be recognized as yours by the audience.

12. Create a distribution strategy

The distribution channel can make or break your marketing strategy. without identifying the right distribution channel, you cannot reach your target audience.

You can create a distribution strategy by researching which platforms are used most by the target customers. Sharing the video on social media platforms can help you reach a large audience. Furthermore, you should always distribute your corporate video to YouTube and Vimeo.

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The importance of corporate videos cannot be stressed enough. A high-quality video can help your brand attract and retain a significant number of customers. But making a fantastic corporate video requires lots of planning and effort.

These tips were compiled to help you produce videos that are engaging, professional, and valuable to the audience.

Author-Image-Komal-KokateThis article is written by Komal Kokate. Komal is the Co-Founder and CEO of MotionGility, an Explainer Video Company. With a keen eye for creativity, she is an expert in video marketing. While delivering high results to clients, she loves exploring the market and the latest marketing trends in the B2B industry. Connect with her on Facebook and LinkedIn.
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Published By: Souvik Banerjee

Souvik Banerjee Web developer and SEO specialist with 20+ years of experience in open-source web development, digital marketing, and search engine optimization. He is also the moderator of this blog "RS Web Solutions (RSWEBSOLS)".

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