“If a picture is worth a thousand words, a video is worth much more!”
Video content is undeniably a fantastic tool that not just compliments your overall SEO strategy but also generates a return on investment. Its presence could really make or break the optimization efforts and drastically improves your organic page ranking. Wish to boost your SEO rankings to drive more audience? If yes, then try out adding the video content and let your website outperform the competitors in no time.
Study shows that websites with video content are 53 times more likely to rank on the first page of the Google’s Search Results. The video makes up around 64% of all internet traffic and it is forecast to grow by 80% in the near future.
Still, skeptical about using video marketing strategy? Continue scrolling down the page and make yourself aware of the benefits of adding the video content to your website. Let’s get started!
A quick guide to the advantages of inserting the video content

There is no denying the fact that video content marketing and SEO go hand in hand. In the last few years, this strategy has gained immense popularity and the reason for such rapid growth is its effectiveness.
Let’s check out how adding video content to the website can improve your SEO and drives more audience to your website.
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1. Video is a traffic-generator

Online business is all about traffic. The more is the number of visitors, the higher is the brand’s popularity. According to Cisco, as much as 81% of the traffic coming from video consumption in 2021.
Moreover, traffic is the leading factor observed by Google to rank your website. It always checks the amount of traffic you have and then decides whether your website should be on the top or bottom of the search engine results.
The more video content you create, the more quality traffic you can draw which will, in turn, boost your SEO efforts in the long run.
2. Video says much more than a picture or text

The effectiveness of the video content is much more than the volume. It is believed that a video of one minute is equivalent to around 1.8 million words of text in the message communicated to the audience. Therefore, the video content is way more effective than just adding a picture or any other media.
No matter how much information you have crammed into the content, readers will only remember the visuals. Moreover, it also boosts the reputation of your business among clients and plays a major role in converting a normal visitor into a regular customer.
3. The video keeps the readers on your site for a longer time

Yet another benefit of adding the video content to your website is that it keeps the readers occupied for a longer time and thus, instantly enhances your site ranking. Keep in mind the fact that Google pays close attention to how long visitors stay on your website while ranking.
If your site draws a good amount of traffic but people don’t stay for long, then it will greatly impact your overall rank in the search engine. However, video content has the ability to keep visitors engaged for a longer time period. It also improves the bounce rate which, in turn, helps Google or other search engines to bring your article to the top of their rankings.
4. It is the easiest way to amplify SEO rankings

Long gone are those days when videography used to a challenging task as now is the time when a layman can generate a high-quality video, thanks to the DSLRs and other high-end devices. It is easier to produce videos and get them online without having a degree in videography.
Marketing videos don’t have to be movies with actors and other specializations. Make use of the simple format and add animations and photomontages to create flow without movement. Browse YouTube to find out multiple ways to generate short video content and get the job done right in less than no time.
All and all, video provides a meaningful gain to your SEO return on investment that one absolutely wants to take advantage of.
5. Video content wins backlinks

Whether you are new to SEO or a regular pro, you must have heard about backlinks. These are extremely important to increase your SEO ranking and are considered as one of the most critical parts when it comes to website positioning.
Searching engines like Google always take the promotion of someone else’s content into account while ranking your website. Therefore, to achieve your goals in terms of visits, conversions, and sales, it is important to integrate quality content with backlinks.
Studies believe that over 90% of the people share the video they watch online and thus it allows you to get more relevant backlinks. This strategy not just improves your optimization effort but also enhances the probability of drawing more traffic to your website.
6. It improvises the depth of your SEO content

The next major advantage of using videos on your website is that it increases the depth of your content. It contextualizes the information by offering useful visuals to the audience.
Content is the only thing that makes you stand out, therefore, proving its credibility is absolutely important. Video surely leaves a long-lasting impression on the viewers’ minds and gives you an edge over the competitors within no time.
Tips & tricks for using video to strengthen overall SEO efforts

Since you are aware of the benefits of adding video content to your website, it’s now time to figure out how to use this strategy to uplift your SEO efforts.
“Let’s be honest, even the best video is of no use if it doesn’t appear on the search results.” – a short and note-worthy comment to focus on. Fedor Skyba, the CEO of air.io, nicely pointed us out in the right direction with the comment in his recent interview.
Therefore, we have got you the rundown of the tips and tricks for using video to get your website on the top. Take a look!!
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1. Adding keyword labels is mandatory

Look, your all efforts of generating and adding video on your website will go in vain if it doesn’t have keyword labels. Just as you would label your picture and graphics, it is mandatory to add keywords for text SEO in the field to describe your video.
It not just enhances the relevance of your video in the search results but also boosts the page rank as desired.
2. Never forget about the video sitemap

Yet another important thing that one should take into account while inserting video on the website is the video sitemap. While it might replicate some of the keyword labels you have already used, it is still a different process. Video sitemap is basically an extension of the general sitemap of the website.
3. Get your video optimized for the load times

Page performance holds significance and is a critical factor that search engine takes into consideration while ranking the page. Users generally turn away from the slow websites; it is believed that if your site’s load time is more than 3 seconds, they will abandon the same.
Therefore, it would be recommended to optimize your video for the load times so that it can play faster. Make use of an embedded video thumbnail properly in order to improve the bounce rate.

4. Keep your video short and crisp

In this busy world, nobody has enough time to invest in watching long and boring videos. Recently, a study released by Microsoft indicates that people usually have short attention spans i.e., just 8 seconds. Therefore, you need to communicate your message in a video not more than this time span.
Thinking about how to manage everything in just 8 seconds? Well, in that case, cut out the script as the video itself says everything. There is no need to add dialogues or specialized actors into the same. Just communicate your message and you are good to go.
5. Must host your video on YouTube

Owned by Google, YouTube is the second-largest search engine in terms of search queries. Think about the long run; instead of just adding your video to the website, let it host on YouTube for the universal search results.
Unarguably, the exposure on YouTube instantly draws more traffic to your website. On top of this, it also eliminates the risk of bogging down your site with slow load times.
6. Be sure about the quality of your video content

Adding video to your website is not enough to improve your SEO; you will have to make sure that the content offers the appropriate information to the audience. Your video must be able to empower the visitors and let them help in taking the decision.
Keep in mind that only quality content can turn a lead to a conversion. Also, don’t forget to use CTA during the video in order to provoke an instant response.
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The Final Thoughts

So, here is all about the video marketing strategy. Hope it helps!! Wait no more and get started with the video content to boost your SEO rankings like never before.