SEO & Marketing

Plan Marketing Meeting Discussion Group Team

Content at the Heart of Print

Content is what drives the print industry and organizational success as a whole. Content marketing has taken over traditional advertising methods and has undoubtedly taken the lead. What makes content have such a powerful impact? The answer is simple. Subtly incorporating accurately phrased content which identifies the problem statement and addresses it, does the job. Also, it can be leveraged to the general public through social media. Budgeting done at the beginning of a fiscal year ensures that they allocate …

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Key Mobile Marketing Trends that will Rule 2016

Key Mobile Marketing Trends that will Rule 2016

A recent survey revealed that users spend an average of 2 hours per day on their mobile which is 33 percent of their entire internet time. We have observed a constant growth in this over the last a few years as it was only 20 percent in 2012 and now have crossed 35 percent. There is no surprise that among young users aged 16-24 the mobile usage is much higher, nearly 4 hours a day. Looking at these stats, it …

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6 Actionable Online Advertising Strategies to Drive Shoppers to your Store

6 Actionable Online Advertising Strategies to Drive Shoppers to your Store

Driving sales to the online store is never a difficult one by performing some tactics that boost up the sales. If you are not well versed with the basic knowledge regarding the integration of your website and business strategies, then it will highly difficult to stand up in this competitive world. Apart from this, it is not only enough to bring visitors to your landing page; it is must to turn that traffic into customers. There are ample of ways …

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Content Marketing Tactics Graph Strategy

Content Marketing on Steroids Without Getting Your Hands Dirty With Creating More Content!

When I see my friends starting their new business and trying their best at social media marketing I always see the following pattern: they ALWAYS start with posting only their own content which is too often of very promotional nature to the 70 followers they acquired among their friends with “beg likes”. Why on earth would you bore your fans with the same selling offer with another ugly stock photo over and over again? I understand it’s daunting to come …

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online marketing

3 New Online Marketing Strategies to Try in 2016

It has become important for every entrepreneur to start the new year on the right note and nothing is better than that of starting with the online marketing strategies. The SEO along with social media and online advertising is said to have undergone several tweaks and changes last year. Hence, if the entrepreneur is eager not to be left behind the race, then it is considered to be the right time for trying out something new. 2016’s New Marketing Strategies …

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Niche Highlight Focus Stand Out

Creating a Successful Niche Website – Best Practice

There is an interesting statistic out there, namely today there are over 7 billion people in the world, which is about 9% of all the people that ever lived. With this knowledge in mind, it is in no way surprising to imagine how all business niches are oversaturated. Pessimistic approach to this thought would be to think that there is no way for newcomers to succeed in this kind of hostile environment. However, where some see little or no opportunity, …

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SEO - search engine optimization

20 Resources that will Make you Better at SEO

Anyone can learn SEO and the best part is that if you try, you can learn mostly on your own. How? Well, it can be a technical and tough job, which is the reason a few organizations have their own particular in-house SEO professionals. Luckily, that truly is not important in the event that you have a basic knowledge of SEO, comply with the results of Google and finally if you have a quality site. In this post, I’ll give you assets …

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Content Marketing: What to expect in 2016? (Infographic)

Content Marketing: What to expect in 2016? (Infographic)

Content will continue to dominate 2016 like a King, even though the associated phrase of “King is King” is sort-of an old adage now. Of course, traditional content consumption patterns have also changed and 2016 is going to follow this trajectory as well. Technological shifts are going to bring the innovative practice to the content marketing trends in 2016. If you’ve wondered how it’d be to have algorithms writing content, then we might see something on that front. Even Virtual …

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4 Ways to Boost Social Media Engagement for your Brand

4 Ways to Boost Social Media Engagement for your Brand

While you fret and crib over your brand’s social media pages being as stale as last month’s bread, there are professionals kicking it hard and in every way possible to make social media engagement happen. Still, the question stands unanswered, how? Obviously, getting more users to interact with your brand on online platforms is the most desirable thing you’ve been making all those efforts for. Be it managing the public pages or posting timely content on these, there has to …

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SEO Tips Techniques

Top 5 SEO Techniques to Boost Traffic Towards the Website

Every online businessman or marketer has only one goal in mind; getting more customers. And the only way that can be done is by increasing the amount of traffic your website gets. It’s all about understanding what your desired audience requires and needs. If you can manage to do that, you will automatically increase the traffic on your site. Right now, as of this very moment, there are thousands of people looking for your website but are unable to find …

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