SEO & Marketing

SEO Tips Techniques

7 Tips to Supercharge Your Business through Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

If you’re wondering why your business doesn’t meet your marketing expectations despite all your effort to make it appealing through a well-designed website or your word of mouth strategy, then maybe it is not seen by your target audience. Have you ever felt like this in your business? If that is the case, it is now time to make sure it becomes visible as the days of build it and they will come are over. By using a marketing strategy …

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Google Local SEO

Google Local Snack Pack Everything You Need to Know

Ever since search engines exist, our internet world has been growing and flourishing. They have evolved to reconcile the need of the browsers and consumers. With the introduction of local search results, search engines have been able to catch the eyes of local business. These local packs generate direct leads. That is why they have become one of the treasured marketing goals for local businesses – big or small. The local pack listings are populated depending on searcher’s IP. Unlike …

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online marketing

Online Marketing Trends that are Evergreen

If there is one word that best describes how to frame online content in order to take advantage of search engine optimization, it is ‘relevance’. Search engines like Google put a high premium on content that is relevant and fresh. So do website visitors. Relevant content gives website visitors a reason to come back; it establishes the company or organization operating the site as an authority; it tells website visitors that the company cares about them as much as they …

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Content Marketing Tactics Graph Strategy

Content Strategies: Customer Engagement is Earned, Not Given

Regardless of the business you’re in, you’re likely to hear the word ‘strategy’ several times a day; what would your business be without several carefully planned, and expertly executed strategies, after all? One of the most useful approaches you’re ever likely to create, though, is a content marketing strategy – that is, a plan centered around your company’s narrative voice and the way it communicates with potential customers. A business without an audience will flounder quite quickly, and so it’s …

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Mobile Marketing eCommerce

Integrating eCommerce with your Other Marketing Channels

The digital age has transformed marketing and vastly increased the number of channels available to reach end users via ads and other bespoke content. However, it is important that you don’t adopt a binary way of thinking when it comes to marketing; digital and eCommerce is booming but it must be supplemented by more traditional methods such as print, TV, radio and billboards for best results. Getting these online and offline mediums to work together seamlessly is key to driving …

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Social Media Marketing Promotion

Best Digital Marketing Channel for your Business

Digital marketing has emerged as a new tool for business promotion and growth. As the technology evolves, the traditional way of marketing has become obsolete. The use of computer system and mobile devices has drastically increased in the last decade, forcing businesses to promote and sell their products on the internet.  Still, traditional print and media advertising is somehow effective but if you look statistically, digital marketing can save up to 62% of promotion cost.  What adds to the popularity …

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Email Marketing Techniques Strategies

5 Email Marketing Techniques that Really Work!

We all know that email marketing can be super lucrative. Here are 5 email marketing strategies that actually work in the real world. 1) Aim for maximum exposure: You need people to send emails to. So go all out to create a high-quality subscriber list. How to achieve this on a limited budget? Simple, start by posting extremely high-quality content on your website, make viral videos, be furiously active on forums, take part in contests, write guest posts, collaborate with …

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Everything You Need to Know About Career in Digital Marketing (Infographic)

Everything You Need to Know About Career in Digital Marketing (Infographic)

We live in an increasingly digital world. Information consumption has shifted from the page to the ‘screen’. Most of us consume our news, communicate with our social circle and even conduct our businesses online. Businesses are constantly pushing their apps, offering discounts to their mobile users and creating content for their digital platforms. In several countries, mobile traffic has overtaken desktop traffic. As a digital marketer, you stand at the center of this massive information distribution network. Digital marketing is …

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Paid Content Advertising

How to Make your Content Reach a Larger Audience Using Paid Content

Paid Content Distribution: You’ve probably heard the phrase and have even implemented paid ads on various platforms. However, you’re lost as to all the tools you could be using. Even more, you want more engagement from your readership and more ROI. In this article are a few tools and tips and tricks to help get you going and to expand your readership. Growing Opportunities: The meteoric rise of the social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and the likes in …

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Social Media Marketing

How Social Media is Making the Investment World More Accessible for Beginners

Social media has been an important part of life for the best part of a decade, and gradually, we have become more sophisticated in what we expect it to do. Initially social media allowed us to stay in touch with people we knew and connect with them better, and then make new connections with people we may not otherwise have met, and allowed us to broadcast what we knew and thought about events in real time. It has now become …

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