3 New Online Marketing Strategies to Try in 2016

It has become important for every entrepreneur to start the new year on the right note and nothing is better than that of starting with the online marketing strategies. The SEO along with social media and online advertising is said to have undergone several tweaks and changes last year. Hence, if the entrepreneur is eager not to be left behind the race, then it is considered to be the right time for trying out something new.

2016’s New Marketing Strategies that can be Tried Out

1. Connecting via LinkedIn Groups:

Connecting via LinkedIn Groups

LinkedIn during last November had announced few long-awaited enhancements to its grouping system. LinkedIn groups had been long plagued with marketers and spammers and presently would be through invitation only. Moreover, the groups could be ‘unlisted’ by having them hidden from the search results. With groups getting streamlined, opportunities can be availed for communicating with the other businesses. But, this chance is not to be taken for selling the product, but to properly network. Developing relations can help to lay foundations to have enhanced sales in near future.

2. Split Test:

Split Test

There is a need to split test each and every online advertising piece that is performed. All ads, at Curve, email subjects as well as landing pages are to be split tested. It is only the split test, which would help the audience to be divided into half, with one-half viewing the ad’s half version while the half would view the other one. The fact is that advertising does need plenty of finesse for getting it right. Various styles may appeal different set of people. Hence, it may be unlikely that the first ad design is found optimal. A minimum of 2 – 3 variations of the ad is to be tested. Images, formatting, copy, etc. are to be experimented with and the campaign is to be allowed to run at least for a week. In case,  it has been found that some ads have not been working as expected like that of the others, then they are to be cut off and budget increased for those ads, which have been noticed to be more  effective.

3. Facebook Customized Audiences:

Facebook Customized Audiences

It is not an easy task always to drive better results through advertising. Trying to have the good target audience to be identified for the product present on Facebook can be tough. Even if the task is done, then how the advertisement is to perform is something that simply cannot be predicted. Rather than having the ad blasted to a wider geographic region, one should try out customizing audiences. The customized audiences can be termed to be a well defined, small user group that can be used as Facebook ad targets. An easy way for building this would be to make use of the email list. In case, people have opted already to have the email newsletter to be read regularly, then they are likely to be found more receptive as to whatever is being sold by the company.

Utilizing Retargeting pixel is considered to be another way by which people can be honed in, especially those who could be for building the audience.


Online Marketing Strategies conclusionKnowing the different online marketing strategies can help the online business to pick up the right pace right from the starting of the year.

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Published By: Souvik Banerjee

Souvik BanerjeeWeb developer and SEO specialist with 20+ years of experience in open-source web development, digital marketing, and search engine optimization. He is also the moderator of this blog "RS Web Solutions (RSWEBSOLS)".