How to Improve Page Speed to Pass Google’s Core Web Vitals Assessment?

One of the major recent achievements in this area is Google’s introduction of Core Web Vitals — a set of metrics aimed at measuring the quality of user experience on a particular web page. Considering that these metrics immediately impact the search engine position and users’ satisfaction, CVO (core web vitals optimization) has become a concern for web developers and SEO professionals.

It emerges from studies that the response time of a page, where page load time is greater than one second, tends to lose 16% customer satisfaction rating, 11% page views, and 7% conversions. They show how relevant it is to boost your website’s page speed to a level beyond what Google formulated under its Core Web Vitals standards. This guide will look at optimizing web pages to easily pass Core Web Vitals with an A and offer splendid UX.

Understanding the Basics of Core Web Vitals

Google Core Web Vitals - LCP, FID, CLS.

Largest Contentful Paint (LCP)

This metric measures when the largest content element on a page, in terms of height and width, such as an image or text box, first enters the user’s browser viewport. LCP must occur in the first 2 of the proposed plan. This means that the maximum time any part of the page takes should be within 5 seconds to be considered suitable for the users. Enhancing LCP will likely increase users’ satisfaction levels as they are guaranteed fast access to the page’s main part.

First Input Delay (FID)

FID measures how ready a page is, especially regarding how quickly it takes to get into an interactive state and respond to input. A link or button to be clicked is one type of interaction. A fast FID ensures that a visitor is able to fully engage with the page without the bother of waiting for unreasonably long periods. The FID recommended is 100ms or below to achieve the SRT value at or below 150ms for a smooth and responsive user experience.

Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS)

CLS measures the extent to which the content layout of the web page alters or moves as the page is loaded. People may get annoyed with shaky layouts with quick shifts, as they can click or tap on the moving objects by mistake. Thus, the CLS score must be kept at 0. It is recommended to have a number 1 or lower to ensure that there will be minimal to no changes to the layout when navigating visually.

Conversely, improving core web vital certification will help boost user satisfaction, search engine ranking, and, in turn, conversion rate. Focusing on these important parameters will assist you in ensuring perfect micellar regularity and faster loading, automatically advancing your website’s global user experience.

Optimizing Your Website’s Speed

Illustration of a blue rocket ship launching from a laptop screen with an orange and yellow background.

Meeting Google’s Core Web Vitals requirements and providing a smooth user experience depends on optimizing your website’s speed. Here are a few important approaches to think about:

Image and Video Optimization

Media files, like photos and videos, can greatly affect how long it takes for your website to load. Use the right file formats and sizes to compress and optimize these assets, such as JPEG or WebP. To avoid unnecessary image loading, use lazy loading. Consider implementing a Content Delivery Network (CDN) to bring media files closer to your users.

Minify and Optimize Your Code

Code optimization and minification can help you save space by reducing the amount of unnecessary code in your HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files. Prioritize the loading of critical resources by optimizing the critical rendering path to ensure the most important things are loaded first.

Leverage Browser Caching

Set the right cache headers for your static assets like images, CSS, and JavaScript files to take advantage of browser caching. As a result, browsers can save these assets locally and send fewer requests to your server. Implement a cache-busting strategy to ensure that updated resources are loaded correctly.

Impact on Bounce Rate and Conversion Rates

Slow website loading is unbeneficial to your business. Page speed must be as high as possible to save the visitors and decrease the bounce rates, which defines the percentage of visitors who enter the site but view only one page. Research indicates that the bounce rate can rise by 32% if there is a one-second page loading delay. This is where Core Web Vitals optimization can help avoid this problem since your website will load promptly.

Monitoring Core Web Vitals Statistics See Google Pagespeed Insights

A person types on a MacBook laptop displaying an analytics dashboard. Nearby are a notebook, a plant, and a drink container.

Google created PageSpeed to evaluate a website’s basic web vitals performance using lab and field data and give an overall performance score. Furthermore, the core web vitals problems are visible in Google PSI.

  • Field data: Google gathers field data from actual user experiences on websites.
  • Lab data: Throughout the page speed insight test, this lab data is gathered in Google.
  • Lighthouse lab: Just click the Analyse button after entering the website’s URL to examine the performance metric. Here, you may view the desktop and mobile performance scores.

 Essential Web Elements

Let us first discuss the need to optimize core web performance before proceeding to the optimization method. Optimizing these metrics will ensure a smooth user experience and impact your Google rankings

Increasing the Typical Time Spent on Page

Every visitor expects a website to work properly. The less time it takes to load, the fewer people will bounce, which raises the average time spent on the page. 

Improving the Conversion Rate

  • The conversion rate shows what proportion of visitors take the intended action to become potential leads. This action entails downloading any PDF, making an online purchase, scheduling an online appointment, etc.
  • The conversion rate is linearly proportional to the bounce rate. As such, improving the performance of core web vitals can lower the bounce rate and sharply raise the conversion rate.
  • Google bases rankings mostly on core web vitals. Optimization of these performance indicators can greatly improve your organic traffic and Google rankings.  

What Common Problems Exist with Core Web Vitals?

Google Core Web Vitals logo featuring the Google "G" logo above the text "Core Web Vitals" on a plain grey background.

Let’s examine the reasons behind the WordPress core web vitals issues to figure out how to optimize these metrics by resolving them.

Common LCP Problems

LCP just determines the first page loading time. Unoptimized images, shared WordPress hosting, needless big CSS and JS files, and other factors are the most frequent causes of slow initial loading times.

Inclusion of Unoptimized Images

Though they increase file size, which can impact page speed and bandwidth, high-resolution photos can make your website look better. As such, rendering the most important parts of the webpage takes longer.

WordPress Hosting Shared

When you use shared WordPress hosting, the server response time could increase. Many website owners use cheap shared hosting to save money, but lengthening the LCP time can negatively impact website performance. 

Ignoring to Optimize Files

Many programmers use line breaks, white spaces, comments, and descriptive variable names to make code easier to read. However, browsers do not need to parse to display the website.

These extraneous characters make the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files larger and take longer to load.

Implementing Preloading and Prefetching Techniques

A black and white image of a loading sign.

One crucial technique for enhancing web page performance is preloading or prefetching the linked resources. Preloading focuses on necessary items to be loaded first, but prefetching focuses on resources that may be required to be loaded later for navigation. These techniques help optimize Core Web Vitals, guaranteeing that crucial assets are loaded effectively.

Leveraging Browser Caching and Reducing Server Response Times

Browser caching stores the file locally in the browser so that later use does not have to go to the server again. This means that in addition to optimizing the size of web resources, it makes pages load faster and gets a good score in the Core Web Vitals browser check. Optimizing caching policies and fine-tuning the server’s performance is crucial to optimizing page speed.

Using HTTP/2 for Faster Resource Loading

HTTP/2 enhances the efficiency of the web by(the ability for several requests to be made over a single connection). This helps decrease the latency of the page and resource loading time which, in turn, improves the LCP and page speed. Implementing HTTP/2 is another important recommendation crucial to CWV optimization because it increases the effectiveness of the connection between a server and a browser.

Minimizing the Use of Heavy Web Fonts

A large web font can slow down the page-loading process. Thus, when selecting fonts, limit the number of defined font weights and styles and use modern font formats such as WOFF2. Additionally, preloading key fonts and using font-display: arth here clearly shows that GPU-memory swap can help speed up the object’s rendering speed. Reducing the weight of web fonts is necessary to achieve low results for the indicators analyzed in the study and improve core web vitals.


How to Improve Page Speed to Pass Core Web Vitals: Conclusion.

One cannot stress how important Core Web Vitals are to determining how well your website performs and ranks in search engines. There is a greater need than ever to modify and improve your website by these important indicators. Increasing a website’s responsiveness, visual stability, and loading speed requires optimizing its Core Web Vitals. Conversion rates can be raised, and user experience can be enhanced.

Author: upGrowth
This article is written by upGrowth, a leading Core Web Vitals organization. Their team at upGrowth is dedicated to helping you achieve top SEO rankings by optimizing your website’s Core Web Vitals. With their web design and development expertise, they can help you implement the best practices discussed here and continuously monitor and improve your site’s performance.
Don’t let slow page speeds hold back your online success. Contact them today to learn how they can transform your website and achieve high SEO rankings with Core Web Vitals optimization. Let’s work together towards a faster, user-friendly internet!
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Published By: Souvik Banerjee

Souvik Banerjee Web developer and SEO specialist with 20+ years of experience in open-source web development, digital marketing, and search engine optimization. He is also the moderator of this blog "RS Web Solutions (RSWEBSOLS)".

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