7 Smart Strategies to Promote Startups Through Twitter

Twitter is the biggest platform to connect a large number of audiences. Start-ups and all other companies can make optimum use of Twitter and reach a maximum number of people. Using it as a weapon for marketing purposes would be the smartest way to boost your business.

Embrace Twitter for external marketing as it would be pocket-friendly. Unlike other marketing techniques, it is way more reasonable because extra expenses are not involved over here.

Below, there are a few strategies that you must take into account while promoting start-ups through Twitter.

1. Creative Tweets

Sharing thoughts or ideas through tweets involves great efforts for the lead generation, but it attracts customers. In order to be even more successful, make sure to post creative tweets. Employing a unique writing formula is necessary.


This will grab customers’ attention and will lead to brand visibility. Innovation is always admirable. Represent your brand smartly by tweeting uniquely and get admired by your audience.

2. Precision is the key

Crisp and precise information is always eye-catchy. Engage a large number of customers through objective posts. As tweets have a limit of 140 characters, make an optimum use of it.

You can even attract the audience through numbers or statistics combined with the perfect words. Focus on the major topic related to your brand and tweet on the same subject in order to catch the viewers’ attention. Don’t forget to write in a precise manner.

3. Schedule your tweets

Try to prepare a schedule of the content that is going to be tweeted. Adopt the habit of scheduling your tweets, and thus, end up in posting regularly. This strategy is essential because active Twitter accounts keep gaining a larger audience.


Therefore, start-up companies would be able to engage viewers’ attention completely. So tweet frequently to get noticed and keep your Twitter account active and lively by updating it regularly.

4. Maintain Consistency

In the developing stage, it is crucial to add a personal touch to your company. Start-ups begin their business from scratch. So it becomes essential for them to maintain consistency in creating content for tweets.

By doing so, the target audience will grow to trust the company. As a direct consequence, this will your brand’s value increase. In this way, you can get recognized on the market and promote the business efficiently.

The effort will worth your ultimate outcome. Represent your brand image at its best and maintain consistency to kick start your business.


5. Use Effective Hashtags

Creative tweets attract more viewers. Make sure to use hashtags smartly. The ‘#’ symbol is mainly used to pop out the words and tag particular people. This trend was mostly started by Twitter to search for specific people or terms.

They are the tweets’ soul. They make the whole content attractive and eye-catchy. So, it is important to present your product by using useful hashtags in order to reach a large number of customers.

Be creative, as these are used to search for particular terms. So employ popular terms in tagging and get recognized among your clients. In this way, you can develop your brand image and run your business efficiently.


6. Get Engaged

Retweet when necessary. When you reply cleverly to the tweets involving your brand, then you attract a lot of people to the firm. Try to engage frequently. This will make a good impression on the customers by generating continuous engagement.

Never resist to retweet because it would be helpful to leave your mark in the customers’ heart. Get recognized as a responsible company among your audience.

7. Image and Video attracts more

Visualizing a particular idea or concept generates more customer engagement. Use pictures and videos in your tweet. This is the most adorable and brilliant way to enhance your presence among the rivals.

Infographics image or video would be great to represent your thoughts, in order to shift the customers’ attention towards your brand. It is the best way to attract your targeted audience and to inform them efficiently.

5 Guidelines to Attaching the Perfect Picture to Your Content

Final Words

In this 21st Century, the world is very competitive. To strive in this competition, it is necessary to make your brand visible. Marketing is no more expensive with this social media platform. Adopt the digital marketing technique to promote your business and use Twitter as a substantially free resource.

Get along with Twitter and boost your start-ups through the above smart strategies, and make the smartest move in commencing your business. Don’t forget to use Twitter analytics in order to know the results of your strategies.

Promote Startups Twitter

This will help you improve performance while tweeting. Play smart and clever, and surf for your new trends to walk along with the general trends. In this way, you will successfully create a brand image that will lead to an increased number of followers.

This article is written by Maulik Patel. He is a Creative Entrepreneur and managing director at HireSEOAgency, top SEO company of India. He has more than 7 years of experience in small business growth strategies, content marketing, and technical SEO.
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Souvik Banerjee

Web developer and SEO specialist with 20+ years of experience in open-source web development, digital marketing, and search engine optimization. He is also the moderator of this blog "RS Web Solutions (RSWEBSOLS)".

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