While producing amazing content should be the foundation of your content marketing strategy, it’s not always realistic to keep coming up with it frequently, while never letting the quality suffer. Also, it’s not a very cost-effective approach, because no matter how much money you put it into it, it’s still a bottomless pit. The solution would be to recycle and curate brilliant content created by others. You save money, avoid plagiarism, and provide yourself with just enough time to come up with a new idea for your original content. We’ve asked many content experts to help us out. And the result is a list of 7 fantastic content curation tools you can rely on at any time.
1. Flockler
Flocker will enable you to collect and publish information in one location. In addition to that, it will help you gather useful information about your audience. Use it to attract people that are interested in your niche, which might also like your product. It’s a strategy that is used even by corporate giants such as Nestle. You can use Flocker to provide your audience with an entirely new brand experience. You can even create your own rules, which the app will use for automatic content publishing. Finally, you can measure all of the results with the help Google Analytics and Flockler’s suite of tools to gain new insights.
2. ContentGems
One of the things that ContentGems does so well is finding content that has potential to be great, but which could use your touch to polish it further. Even though its intuitive interface may lead you to think otherwise, ContentGems is designed for hardcore content marketing professionals, which is mirrored in its efficiency. The app allows you to track over 200,000 different content sources, with numerous filtering options enabling you to pinpoint the exact content your audience would like. Sharing the content of others or your own is equally easy. And thanks to the app’s strong ties to social media platforms, it will reach the right people every time.
3. ContentStudio.io
With this app, you will have the ability to create your own news feed, or curate content all over the web for your users, much like MSN.com does. You will be able to collect content from blogs, social media, other news websites, as well as content streams. The app itself is user-friendly and will help you collect the most relevant content with a click of a button. If you in the market for a solution that will help you simplify your content marketing strategy and make it more affordable, check out Content Studio.
4. Storify
Storify is easily one of the most well-known tools here, and it’s easy to see why. First of all, it’s effective, and enabled people to creates Storify stories that have went viral, have been read by millions, and have made a ton of money in the process. You can choose to provide your audience with a single story, or an entire series of posts. Finding the content is convenient, and you can rely on Storify bookmarklets and/or Chrome extension to do so. On top of everything, all the curated content will look great, thanks to the built-in story editor.
5. ThingLink
Contrary to its beginnings as a simple tool with which you can share links, ThingLink is now a powerful platform which allows you to create layers upon layers of curated content, which blend together seamlessly. That includes links, images, text, video content, podcasts, infographics, and just about anything else you can think of. It does have a bit of a learning curve. Especially when compared to some of the other tools on this list. But all of the effort you put into it will pay off. Create truly interactive content and reach your audience across multiple platforms, while tracking their engagement.
6. Bundlr
With Bundlr, you will be able to create “bundles” of content, which are in essence bits and scraps of information you can pick up on social media, blogs, and websites, but which make something amazing when put together. You can collect images, videos, text, tweets, and documents, and share them using any device, including your computer, tablet, or smartphone. This goes for both Android and Apple devices. Bundlr is not only ideal for creating brilliant presentations for your audience, but also for keeping in touch with all the latest development, trends, and content in your industry.
7. Curated.co
Unlike all the other tools on this list, Curated.co doesn’t come with any bells, whistles, or fancy features. It is designed to help you curate the best content out there. And most of the time, that is all you will need. It does, however, come with tools which can help you out with the design of your content. You may also choose to do it yourself. And the price depends on how many people you have reached, which is pretty great if you are just starting out and you don’t have money to burn.
Even though content curation can help you streamline your content marketing efforts, it’s still not exactly a walk in the park. But, if you are armed with the tools for the jobs, you will be able to provide better content and better user experience to your audience, all the while growing your business. What more could you ask for?
This article is written by Brenda Savoie. She is a content marketing magician currently associated with Essayontime. A grammar tutor master and desperate dreamer, writing her first romantic novel and seeking contentment through mindfulness. Find her on Twitter and Facebook..