Monthly Article Digest – December 2022 – RS Web Solutions

This is an article containing the monthly article digest for the month of “December 2022” at RS Web Solutions (@rswebsols). You can easily find all our published articles for December 2022 in ascending order by date. This is a monthly archive page to help our readers to give an easy-to-find list of monthly articles. Along with the article title, you can also read a short excerpt from each article. If you find an interesting article that catches your attention, you can, of course, click on the “continue reading” link to read the entire article. Happy reading!

1) Review of Number Tracker Pro: Find Who is Calling You Using This Tool

Published on: December 1, 2022 | Listed under: Product Reviews

number-tracker-proQuite often, it may become necessary for you to find out other details about a person from just their phone number. You may want to know about their details such as personal identity, names, addresses, or email addresses. If you are searching for such a thing, then you will find all your answers on Number Tracker Pro. This is a great online tool that will help you find out information about a particular person. Features The features of Number Tracker Pro ...

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2) 6 B2B Lead Generation Strategies Approved by Experts

Published on: December 5, 2022 | Listed under: SEO & Marketing

Two individuals shaking hands in an office setting, one wearing a blue shirt and the other in a white shirt, indicating a professional greeting or agreement.Just like how humans need oxygen to live, businesses – whether offline or online – need quality leads to keep them going. If your marketing efforts are not attracting leads, it can contribute to your business’s downward spiral. If this is the case, you may want to change something in your marketing tactics and strategies. B2B Lead generation is not only limited to acquiring potential audiences and customers for your business. It is also involved in a brand’s effort in ...

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3) 5 Business Leadership Styles Best for Your Business – Which One is Practiced in Your Firm?

Published on: December 6, 2022 | Listed under: Business

Administration-Boss-Business-Coworkers-Leadership-Manager-TeamIt is safe to conclude that without competent leadership, a business cannot realize its full potential. Leaders are in charge of ensuring the efficient and effective operation of every part of the company. They have to define goals and objectives, motivate staff, reach choices, and get through difficult situations. In essence, the foundation of any flourishing company is its leaders. Businesses can use a variety of different leadership philosophies. Which one is best for your business will depend on a ...

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4) 6 Ways to Get the Most Out of Push Notifications

Published on: December 10, 2022 | Listed under: SEO & Marketing, Apps & Software

smartphone-mobile-app-push-notification-promotion-permissionDo you want to boost the number of visitors to your website? Do you want to encourage visitors throughout their shopping journey to conversion? When it comes to marketing, what works – and, more crucially, what doesn’t – changes all the time. There’s a lot of discussion about attracting new customers, but retaining existing ones is just as crucial. One-time users don’t contribute much to the website’s growth since they don’t decide to commit. Businesses that achieve impressive results in ...

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5) 5 Content Optimization Tools for Improving Your Blog Posts

Published on: December 10, 2022 | Listed under: SEO & Marketing, Apps, Games & Software

A woman using a laptop on a wooden table.After writing a blog post and before publishing it, there are a number of different steps that writers have to take in order to optimize it. Making it readable, removing plagiarism from it, and adding the right number of graphics, etc., are some of the common measures that bloggers take as a part of their post-writing and pre-publishing routine. Nowadays, the era has advanced to help with the marketing field. The equal is going for content material marketing, which usually is ...

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6) 12 Tips for Creating a Corporate Video that Amazes Customers

Published on: December 12, 2022 | Listed under: Business, SEO & Marketing

A woman holding a video camera in front of a group of people.Videos are quickly becoming the most used medium to attract customers. This popularity has given rise to varying types of videos —explainers, testimonials, infographics, and many more. Out of all these, one video type has recently become more popular. This video type is — corporate videos. Typically, animated corporate videos were used for onboarding and explaining a brand’s values to employees and partners. But recently, brands have started using corporate videos to create brand awareness and engage customers. This blog ...

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7) Successful Tricks to Perfect Your Virtual Conference Presentation

Published on: December 14, 2022 | Listed under: Business, Internet, Technology

online-meeting-class-virtual-conference-presentationVirtual conferences are a fantastic way to connect with peers, colleagues, and clients from around the world. And even though most virtual conference takes place over video conferencing systems like Google Hangouts or Zoom, they’re still just as important as any other type of presentation. After all, you want to make sure that your audience is engaged and entertained (and judging by the number of people who attend virtual conferences), it’s clear that these events can be effective at facilitating ...

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8) A Comprehensive Guide to Identifying Customer Needs

Published on: December 14, 2022 | Listed under: Business, eCommerce, SEO & Marketing

A person walking down a hallway with shopping bags.Customers are the lifeblood of a business. Keeping them happy and satisfied is the number one business priority. While business tactics keep evolving with time, customer experience consistently serves as the pillar of strong businesses. Think of the world’s most successful brands and you’ll notice a common thread: They know the pulse of their customer, meet their needs, and earn their loyalty in return. In short, identifying customer needs and aligning your business approach to them is the secret to ...

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9) How Artificial Intelligence is Changing Software Development?

Published on: December 14, 2022 | Listed under: Technology, Apps & Software

software-developer-programmer-engineer-technology-coder-work-desk-officeThe application of artificial intelligence (AI) in software development projects is becoming increasingly popular due to the benefits it can bring. AI can help speed up the software development process, improve code quality, and reduce the risks associated with developing software. In this blog post, we’ll explore how AI is being used in software development projects and some of the benefits that it can bring. What is artificial intelligence? How it can be used in software development projects? Artificial intelligence ...

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10) How to Use Instagram to Grow Your Business?

Published on: December 16, 2022 | Listed under: SEO & Marketing, Business

instagram-logo-icon-darkToday, social media has become an integral part of the modern world. People not only use it to socialize but also to find businesses and other opportunities. For that reason, to grow rapidly, most business owners promote their products or services on various social media channels like Instagram. Instagram is one of the most popular social media platforms, with more than two billion monthly active users. Therefore, it’s the best opportunity to get your brand in front of a huge ...

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11) 20 Best Ways to Do Market Research and Analysis of A Business

Published on: December 16, 2022 | Listed under: Business

business-chart-growth-research-technology-graph-market-analysisIf you are a business owner, you would definitely know what market research is. Not just that, you would even surely know the importance of good market research and analysis. To put it in short, market research and analysis is the key component for the success of any business. If you are not conducting proper market research, you will be left behind. The reason is the market changes every day. This is why it is very important to indulge in ...

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12) RFID Protection: How RFID Technology Can Protect Your Money While Traveling?

Published on: December 20, 2022 | Listed under: Technology

RFID-technology-radio-frequency-identification-payment-touch-wirelessTechnological advancements in today’s world have made it possible and very easy to complete many actions and activities. More so, technological advancements in the wrong hands also make it somewhat difficult and uncomfortable to perform some actions, especially regarding our privacy and finances.  RFID was invented to make transactions easier, faster, and more secure, even though it is no longer as secure as it used to be. You can’t always tell the approach hackers, and skimmers will discover and utilize ...

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13) Top 10 Best Smart Watches

Published on: December 22, 2022 | Listed under: Top 10, Product Reviews

smart-watches-smartwatch-gadgets-wearable-deviceAre you searching for Smart Watches? Looking to purchase a new one for you? Or planning to gift your loved one? If your answer is yes, then you are in the right place. Here in this article, we are listing the Top 10 Best Selling Smart Watches. Review the list. Hopefully, you will find the best match to buy your desired one. This list is updated daily, so you will always get the current updated rank & market report. Each listing displays ...

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14) An Introduction to Application Software

Published on: December 23, 2022 | Listed under: Apps & Software

application-software-programming-code-engineer-workDon’t know what application software is? Lost in its uses and types? Look no further! In this article, you’ll get the low-down of all there is to know about this handy type of software – perfect for creating a presentation at work, finding that special someone, or locating your favorite restaurant. What do you mean by application software? Whether you’re an avid computer user or a novice, the software is necessary for computers to be useful. The software acts as ...

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15) Shopify vs Shopware: Which One is Best for Your Online Store?

Published on: December 29, 2022 | Listed under: eCommerce

Shopify-vs-ShopwareWhen people decide to make their business online, the daunting challenge for them can be choosing the right eCommerce store because there are plenty of options available there. Among all, Shopify and Shopware are the most popular ones. The interesting thing is that they both will seem just perfect for your needs when you will have a basic overview of them but they actually are not. Today, let us tell you the difference between Shopify and Shopware and which one ...

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16) 5 Easy Steps to Create Long-form Content

Published on: December 30, 2022 | Listed under: SEO & Marketing

laptop-work-desk-content-office-writing-typingThe purpose of writing any long-form content is not just to get the reader acquainted with a topic but also to delve into deeper details and extract useful information in some conclusive form about the subject at hand. Consider someone searching for information online and coming across a catchy yet informative title related to their query. As soon as they open the blog, they find only a brief introduction to the topic or just listicles! How would you feel if ...

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Disclosure: Some of our articles may contain affiliate links; this means each time you make a purchase, we get a small commission. However, the input we produce is reliable; we always handpick and review all information before publishing it on our website. We can ensure you will always get genuine as well as valuable knowledge and resources.
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Published By: Souvik Banerjee

Souvik BanerjeeWeb developer and SEO specialist with 20+ years of experience in open-source web development, digital marketing, and search engine optimization. He is also the moderator of this blog "RS Web Solutions (RSWEBSOLS)".