12 Mistakes You Should Avoid in Mobile App Design

While the majority of the mistakes that developers make when designing applications are very specific, there are some general one that can happen even to the best of them, especially if they spend too much time on a particular project, and if they are not able to look at a bigger picture. It can be anything from having an app that’s solving the wrong problem, or it is missing some of the features, to designing an app that is brilliant but not very user-friendly. In order to help you avoid these mistakes and design great apps, we have come up with a list of the 12 most common app design mistakes.

1. Having to Register before Using the App

Mobile App Design Mistakes - Point 1Before asking the users to register, you need to provide them with an opportunity to test out your app first. Once they have had a chance to experience it and its value, it won’t take much for them to register. They will want it, but you have to let them check it out first.

2. Too Many Elements on One Screen

Mobile App Design Mistakes - Point 2Regardless of how many functionalities your app might have, you can’t lump them all on one screen, because users will easily become overwhelmed by it. Instead, try and divide them up between different screens. As they swipe and scroll through the app, they will come across new bits of information that they need.

3. Using Nonstandard Icons, Buttons, and Actions

Mobile App Design Mistakes - Point 3We get it, your app is totally unique, but it doesn’t have to be original everywhere, especially when it comes to stuff like social media buttons and actions which most users are already accustomed to. Sometimes, you don’t need to reinvent the wheel. Just use the same stuff as everyone else.

Mobile App Design Mistakes - mobile apps android iPhone google iTunes

4. Failing to Consider User Experience

Mobile App Design Mistakes - Point 4This happened when developers attempted to just replicate the same user experience from the website inside the app, which was a huge blunder because mobile users experience their content in a different way. It is important to think of how users will use the app on a different platform.

5. Design Elements Are Too Tiny

Mobile App Design Mistakes - Point 5There are no general guidelines as to how large your buttons should be, but you should at least make sure that the space around them where the user will tap is big enough so that they don’t tap another button by mistake. It’s an infuriating design flaw, so make sure to design the app with large enough buttons.

6. Failing to Provide Actionable Cues

Mobile App Design Mistakes - Point 6Every good app should be able to guide the user through its interface by offering enough visual cues and elements that will let them know what to do next, and that includes the use of appropriate colors, spaces, and fonts.

7. Failing to Be Consistent

Mobile App Design Mistakes - Point 7If you have elements and features that are repeating themselves throughout the app, make sure that they act in exactly the same way as they did the first time the user came across them. Once they learn how it works, they will expect it to work in the same manner every single time.

Mobile App Design Mistakes - mobile-app-android-iphone-ios-windows

8. Lack of Feedback

Mobile App Design Mistakes - Point 8Allowing a response opportunity is necessary, not only because it provides the users with a sense that they are able to control the app and interact with it successfully, but also because it represents a precious source of information for you. You can figure out how the users act and use the app, and in turn, make it better for them.

9. Going Overboard with Your Animations

Mobile App Design Mistakes - Point 9Having some animation is always a welcome thing, but if you overdo it, you will cause your application to become slow and less responsive. Instead, if you really must have them everywhere, try and make them short, fast, and attractive.

10. Beta Testing the App Yourself

Mobile App Design Mistakes - Point 10Instead of doing it yourself, try and have a select group of people checks your app for user experience and usability. It won’t cost you a lot, especially if you manage to find a targeted group of users willing to test it out.

11. Creating a Bad First Impression

Mobile App Design Mistakes - Point 11Users might not like your app if they don’t like your home page, or if they dislike the way it performs. This means you should always design it in such a way that it is able to load quickly, and that it’s easy to understand and use.

Mobile App Design Mistakes - mobile application development

12. Asking the User to Provide the Same Info Twice

Mobile App Design Mistakes - Point 12We can all agree that this is extremely annoying. Fortunately, this sort of thing is easily avoidable, and all it takes is a bit of effort on your part so that the information gets transferred from one part of the app to another.


Mobile App Design Mistakes - conclusionDesign mistakes can happen to even the most experienced app develops, and it’s ok. But, it’s also important to learn from them, and not repeat them, if possible. We invite you to share with us some of the app design mistakes you have come across or made yourselves. Let us know!

This article is written by Rachel Bartee. She is a content writer and a marketing consultant at EduGeeksClub who likes to be aware of new trends in marketing and get involved in writing about things which are currently on her mind. She is content-oriented and knows how to put words into action. She feels passionate about traveling and inspired by her morning yoga. Reach her at Twitter.
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Published By: Souvik Banerjee

Souvik Banerjee Web developer and SEO specialist with 20+ years of experience in open-source web development, digital marketing, and search engine optimization. He is also the moderator of this blog "RS Web Solutions (RSWEBSOLS)".

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