Step to Implement Any iOS App as an iMessage Application

In 2016, iOS 10 was introduced, and perhaps the most important news was associated with this iconic chat, which was notable at that point, even among non-Apple clients. In iOS 10, applications picked up the capacity to send and get messages as Apple launched a message framework for designers. Today in this IOS Mockup, we’ll discuss iMessage application development.

As Apple expressed, this framework could be utilized to manufacture an application or to integrate this informing application into a current undertaking. This would let clients associate with outsider applications without leaving iMessage. Fundamentally, Apple gave developers two alternatives: either run their applications in iMessage totally or integrate its usefulness into their current iOS applications. Sending installments that iMessage gives got one of the most intriguing employment of iMessage-based applications.

In this article, in any case, we’ll talk about setting up FaceTime and iMessage in a current mobile application. This will permit your clients to utilize FaceTime and iMessage on devices without leaving your application.

What is iMessage, and how will you be able to add in your mobile solution?


The service has gotten very advanced since iOS 10. For instance, connect reviews presently permit clients to watch YouTube videos directly from iMessage, for example, without expecting to open a program. Stickers and a drawing console are two other new capacities that have shown up in this informing service.

This service likewise works with Siri so clients can message somebody or check for any approaching messages without contacting their iPhone or iPad. In 2017, iOS 11 brought new installment capacities; it is currently conceivable to send direct installments through Apple Pay. The last cool thing about the most recent variant of iMessages separated from its restored structure and new impacts is synchronization with iCloud, so messages are consistently modern across devices.

Also, iMessage has consistently been a lot quicker and more helpful than SMS or MMS. As should be obvious, it offers numerous highlights, so letting your clients get to them without leaving your application can be an extraordinary thought. Well known applications with an iMessage application reconciliation.

Recommended for you: Differences Between iOS and Android App Development.

Capacities are accessible inside an iMessage application:


  • gamification.
  • mobile installments.
  • eatery proposals.
  • reservation affirmation.

Here’re some well-known applications that utilization iMessage reconciliation:

mobile apps android iPhone google iTunes

  • Evernote: Clients would now be able to arrange an individual just as expert activities inside an application and offer a note with contacts without leaving iMessages.
  • OpenTable: Clients can book their tables using iMessage, and vote on eateries in a gathering chat.
  • Howl: Clients can share as of late saw areas promptly in iMessage with companions in chat.
  • ESPN: Clients can impart scores to companions and use iOS 10 rich information to watch the game features straightforwardly from iMessage.
  • Square Cash: Clients can send cash to a companion’s bank straightforwardly from iMessage.

iMessage usage


Presently we’ll disclose in detail how to integrate iMessage into your current application. iMessage is a different objective, so the initial step is to add it to your task. Going to File -> New -> Target will open the necessary window. In the wake of choosing iMessage Extension and clicking Next, you’ll see another organizer for this objective, containing a default see controller and storyboard. We’ll return to these later.

As iMessage is a different objective, it requires a separate application identifier and provisioning profiles. Sign in to your engineer account and produce another App ID for the pack identifier of another objective. When your App ID is prepared, go to the Provisioning Profiles segment and create, download, and introduce Development and Production provisioning profiles for your new App ID.

When your provisioning profiles are set up, you can begin coding. Your new objective will have its own .xcassets file with an application symbol placeholder that permits you to set the iMessage application symbol a similar way you would for some other application. You can set the application symbol so you can find your application in an objective’s rundown all the more without any problem. Select the messages to focus on the objectives rundown and run it.

The application will currently open on the device\simulator, and you’ll see your application in the rundown. If your application isn’t there, click the more catch to open the application list screen; at that point, click Edit and empower your application. Since you haven’t transformed anything yet, your application will show the default Hello World screen.

Our objective envelope contains Messages View Controller.swift and Main Interface.storyboard. We should include Table View and set it up to show some data from our application, such as a plan’s list. Be that as it may, how would we pursue this rundown from our principle application? Application Groups will help. We should return to the Developer Portal again and select Identifiers -> App Groups and make another gathering.

Twofold watch that App Groups are empowered for both your Application and iMessage augmentation application identifiers. Presently inside your task, go to settings. For the two targets, select Capabilities, empower App Groups and check the case for the application bunch you made. Since you’ve included your application gathering, you can move information between the first and the iMessage expansion utilizing NS User Defaults.

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In the primary application, spare your plans list:

let plans = ["Recipe 1", "Formula 2", "Formula 3", "Formula 4", "Formula 5", "Formula 6", "Formula 7"];
let defaults = UserDefaults.init(suiteName: "group.mydomain.messages")
defaults?.set(recipes, forKey: "myRecipes")

In the iMessage augmentation, read the spared information:

let defaults = UserDefaults.init(suiteName: "group.mydomain.messages")
whenever let savedRecipes = defaults?.array(forKey: "myRecipes") as? [String] { = savedRecipes

Utilizing the above code and a couple of UITableViewDataSource callbacks, we’ll get the rundown of our principal application’s plans to show in the iMessage augmentation.

Presently you can at long last begin sending a few messages from the iMessage augmentation. The following is some example code and the subsequent UI:

func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, didSelectRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) {
_ = [tableView.deselectRow(at: indexPath, energized: true)]
/Collapse plans see if it's extended
on the off chance that (self.presentationStyle == .extended) {
/Layout for message
let design = MSMessageTemplateLayout()
layout.image = UIImage.init(named: "salad.jpeg")
layout.caption = "\([indexPath.row]) - What a superb serving of mixed greens!"
/The message itself
let message = MSMessage()
message.layout = design
/Send a message to a dynamic discussion
self.activeConversation?.insert(message, completionHandler: { (mistake) in
on the off chance that (mistake == nil) {
print("Message sent")
} else {

That is it! Presently you realize how to execute iMessage in your application. At last, we should move to something else that can make correspondence inside your application all the more fascinating: FaceTime mix.

Testing for iMessage Apps


The launch of iMessage Apps welcomes iOS engineers to assemble an expansion of their applications that permits clients to cooperate with them from inside iMessage. This is a significant success for groups who effectively construct these extensions and lift client experience, and commitment, however, is a dubious undertaking in any case.

This is what it takes to get application beginning right:


Please make certain to test the first application inside iMessage and outside of it. This will guarantee that the notifications, the client commitment, and UIs are, for the most part working appropriately, whether or not it’s gotten through the native application or iMessage.

You should lead these tests on all iOS 10 pertinent gadgets, and in various sizes. Remember that iOS 10 isn’t accessible for iPad 2, iPad Mini, iPhone 4S, and underneath. This will make a test branch in your test tree, so plan in a like manner, and ensure that your iMessage tests are activated uniquely on iOS 10 gadgets.

Since iMessage requires network transporter availability, test across network conditions (counting no network availability). You can undoubtedly play out these tests utilizing cloud-based testing stages that mimic network conditions for clients over the globe.

Moreover, your test automation structure needs total gadget control—both application context and gadget context—so it can connect with the gadget, just as the iMessage application during approaching calls, text messages, and framework pop-ups.

iOS engineers aren’t the just one’s confronting these testing obstacles. The launch of Android 7.x and 7.1 Nougat acquainted two comparative highlights planned with broad client experience and increment application communications.

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Testing for App Shortcuts and Split Screen


App Shortcuts empowers Android clients to interface with explicit app capabilities outside of the local app (like Apple’s Force Touch). Split Screen usefulness empowers two apps to show side to side. Once more, these capabilities are extraordinary for client commitment. However, they can mess up your testing plan.

The presentation of App Shortcuts calls for the very same testing protocol as above: Test the app inside and outside of the new app capacity, test across different gadgets and network conditions, and guarantee that your test computerization structure has total gadget control. With respect to Split Screen usefulness, since app window size can be designated distinctively across gadgets, different screen sizes need to be tried. Doing so will guarantee that your mobile app client experience (UX) won’t be disturbed when a pop-up message or instant message comes through.

This article is written by Hermit Chawla. Hermit is an MD at AIS Technolabs which is Web design and Development Company, helping global businesses to grow by iPhone app prototyping Services. I would love to share thoughts on Social Media Marketing Services and Game Design Development etc. Follow him: Facebook | Twitter | LinkedIn.

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Souvik BanerjeeWeb developer and SEO specialist with 20+ years of experience in open-source web development, digital marketing, and search engine optimization. He is also the moderator of this blog "RS Web Solutions (RSWEBSOLS)".