Google Analytics – Track your Business & Website Traffic

Google Analytics is the tool which offers the insight about the visitors’ activity on your website. It is a tool which is available free of cost and is suitable for both small and big businesses. This tool lets you know, how many visitors have viewed your site. It helps you to measure the overall traffic to your website and hence will help you to take necessary steps for improving your online marketing strategies.

This tool can also be used in real time and most of the companies use this to track the record of visitors. This tool can provide you the accurate figures or results regarding the number of site visitors, time spent on your site by each of them bounce rate of your website etc. This all information lets you know about your site effectiveness in engaging the visitors. Higher the bounce rate, less effective will be your website and this shows that visitors are not satisfied with your website’s information.

Here are some of the characteristics of Google Analytics which can help you to track your business:

It is totally free :: Google Analytics

Google-Analytics-01Google Analytics is totally a free tool which is available online and require no subscriptions. You can use it at no cost for tracking your business statistics. You just need a g-mail account to use Google Analytics tool and there are no charges for creating the g-mail account also.

Tells about the keywords :: Google Analytics

Google-Analytics-02Google Analytics tool tells you about those keywords for which you are being found in search engines. This will tell you about that which keywords are performing well, on the basis of which you can further modify your search engine optimization techniques for your website, so as to boost up the traffic to your website.

Tells about the traffic sources :: Google Analytics

Google-Analytics-03This tool tells you that from where you have driven the traffic to your site, whether it is through the link on other website, from direct link or search engines, paid advertisement etc. This will let you know, which method has proved to be more appropriate and successful to drive traffic.

Bounce rates :: Google Analytics

Google-Analytics-04Google Analytics tool tells you about the bounce rate. Bounce rate is the time for which the visitor has stayed on your page or site. Higher the bounce rate, less effective will be your site. The user will skip from that page within few seconds, if he doesn’t find it useful. The bounce rate depends on the quality of the content or other information present on your site. For instance, if any of the web pages is having higher bounce rate, then you have to make some changes on that particular page and make it user friendly. This will encourage the user to spend more time on your site.

Tells about the visitors :: Google Analytics

Google-Analytics-05This tool provides you the proper breakdown regarding the visitors like which areas and countries are observing your site more frequently. This will help you to determine if any keyword targeting campaign or any other localized marketing campaign has been successful or not. It will also help you to customize your content and advertise in those areas that are generating more traffic to your website.

Flow of traffic :: Google Analytics

Google-Analytics-06Google Analytics tool is a tool which displays the information about the traffic flow in the form of visual charts. This chart shows that how many visitors visited your site, on which page they landed, how many skipped back at that point of time (bounce rate) while navigating the website.

For instance :: Google Analytics

Google-Analytics-07If 100 users visited your site from home page, then using this tool you can come to know that, how many of them( say 20) left the site at that point, 50 navigated to the products and services page, 30 visited to about us page. You can again see that out of 50 who reached on your products page, how many of them left and how many of them have purchased or get converted into customers.

Historical data or information :: Google Analytics

Google-Analytics-08This tool can display how traffic has changed over a period of time. This would help you know which of the marketing campaigns have resulted more appropriate and successful and will help you decide about the future strategies for advertising.


There are lot of tools available which will provide you the information as the Google Analytics but Google Analytics is a most commonly used tool and is available free of cost. Click here to visit the official website of Google Analytics.

This article is created by Emma Alice, working as a Content Writer in SEO Rank Smart. She shared her Experience and ideas by her writing skill.
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Published By: Souvik Banerjee

Souvik Banerjee Web developer and SEO specialist with 20+ years of experience in open-source web development, digital marketing, and search engine optimization. He is also the moderator of this blog "RS Web Solutions (RSWEBSOLS)".

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