Why You Should Consider to Upgrade Your New iPhone

It seems like you just bought your iPhone 7 yesterday. But it has already been usurped by iPhones 8 and X. Don’t worry. Your iPhone 7 is still great. There are so few external differences, your iPhone 7 cases should fit iPhone 8 just fine. You may not find the few differences in iPhone 8 compelling.

If you want something new that also looks, feels, and performs differently than what you have, iPhone X (pronounced 10) is for you. And with a completely new phone comes completely new accessories. Because iPhone X has a new set of gestures, shape, and resolution, you are probably going to need new or updated software to go with it.

iPhone 8 has changed very little. Even so, a couple of those changes will still have you browsing the accessory wall at the Apple Store. So, if you just purchased a new iPhone 8 or X, here’s what you want to grab next:

Inductive Chargers

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If you have ever owned a good electric toothbrush, you already know about the joys of inductive charging. Some high-end razors use the same charging mechanism. It is often called wireless charging. But that is a misnomer as there are still wires involved. There is just no wire between the device and the charger.

Apple has included inductive charging on both new iPhone handsets. That is the reason for the change to the glass back. While inductive charging is not the fastest way to charge a smartphone, it is the most convenient.

It is important to note that not all inductive chargers are the same. Some offer faster charging. You have to read the label carefully. This feature is usually found in the more expensive models which can run into the $60 range.

Also, some chargers have a smaller charging zone on which to land the smartphone properly. Get it a little off, and it doesn’t charge. Upright chargers tend to solve this problem. Apple does not include one of these in the box. So be sure to pick one up before you leave the store.

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A New Case

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I know, iPhone 7 cases fit iPhone 8 just fine. But fit is not the only consideration. The aluminum chassis was pretty durable. But both iPhone 8 and X are glass sandwiches. Glass still breaks. And Apple charges an arm and a leg to fix it out of warranty, especially the back.

So if you have one of those super thin decorative cases, you are going to want to upgrade to more durable iPhone cases & screen protectors. Let’s put this into the perspective as mentioned by the April Feller, the Owner, and Chairman of the board of BodyGuardz,

“On iPhone X, the front screen costs $279 to repair. Other damage including the back glass costs $549 to repair. The iPhone 8 and 8 Plus are a little less expensive. But your wallet will still cry when it gets the bill.” 

A good case protects more than the outer glass. You have high-tech cameras on the back and front. The haptic engine can also be damaged. And inductive charging coils are just under that back glass. More tech inside means there is more to break. If you were not taking cases seriously before, now is the time to start doing so.

Updated Apps

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If you have an iPhone X, you have already noticed that some of your favorite apps don’t take advantage of the ears that are carved out by the notch. If those apps are not updated by now, dump them like yesterday’s coffee grounds and get apps that are perfect for iPhone X.

You can always go back to your old favorites when the developer gets around to updating them. But you don’t have to be held hostage by tardy developers. There are enough developers updating apps for new devices so that you can always find something just as good, if not better than what you were previously using. Your $1,000 smartphone deserves apps that don’t make it look like a bad version of last year’s handset.

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Final Words

Why You Should Consider to Upgrade Your New iPhone - apple-iphone-mobile-smartphone-technology

This year, buying a new iPhone is a pretty big deal. It means you also need to buy a new case, a new way to charge it, and new apps to get the most out of the design. Act now. The next major update is just a few months away.

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Published By: Souvik Banerjee

Souvik BanerjeeWeb developer and SEO specialist with 20+ years of experience in open-source web development, digital marketing, and search engine optimization. He is also the moderator of this blog "RS Web Solutions (RSWEBSOLS)".