SEO & Marketing


Using Social Media for Boosting Your SEO Efforts

In the current online marketing scenario, SEO and Social Media are two faces of the same coin where one can’t exist successfully without the other. Online marketers practice them to meet same ends; increase online visibility, improve brand reputation and improve business deliverable. Both are organic and inbound strategies, that are intended to attract maximum visitors to your website naturally. Most successful businesses use social media and search engine optimization in conjunction with each other and those which have their …

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How to Stop Facebook From Treating Your Blog’s URL as Spam

Facebook is the most popular social networking site. It is used by many, from across different parts of the world. Due to the popularity and the user engagement that this site offers, it is also very popular with bloggers and webmasters. Reasons why Facebook is a blessing for bloggers and webmasters You know, Facebook is a leading source of referral traffic for many blogs! Thus, many bloggers treat this site as source of valuable traffic! Especially for new blogs, referral …

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7 Essential SEO Tips for Your eCommerce Site

If your business is planning on selling any products or services via the World Wide Web, ranking higher than your competitors on Google is an absolute necessity for potential customers to find you. The truth is there is no point of crafting a fancy website with amazing products at the best prices if your site cannot be found on the page of search results on Google. After all, studies have shown that websites ranked number one receive an average click-through …

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7 Traditional SEO Methods You Need To Drop Now

It will not be wrong to say that Google is the Holy Grail of internet today. The omnipresence of Google in every sphere of the virtual world is changing the definition of SEO. It is due to this reason almost every business develops its website keeping a detailed aspect of Google algorithm in mind. Though continuous modification is an attribute of the internet world, there are websites still following some traditional Search Engine Optimization methods. To catch such websites, Google …

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Remarketing with Google Analytics – Tips & Tricks

Remarketing campaigns are essential for most (if not all) advertisers. Your goal is those users who already know you, and you aim to help them become your future customers by providing a better web experience on your website. If you are now convinced how beneficial Remarketing can be we will take a deeper look at how to create your campaigns. We are going to use Google Analytics to create lists and organize the data that it is available to use, …

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How to succeed with Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

You have probably struggled with this for a while and it continues to confuse a lot of people around the internet. You have to be able to get to know how to do SEO well so that your website is going to be able to be ranked high on Google. However, there are so many SEO steps that most people simply give up on the system and try to do other things. However, it is easier than that. You can …

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10 Essential SEO Friendly Features Need to Have in Your CMS

Most people use Google, Yahoo, Bing and the like to search for all sorts of products all over the world. Thus the majority of traffic on your website comes from organic searches on search engines. This is the reason SEO has to be among the top considerations for you when selecting a content management system (CMS). Here are some features that will help you pick a CMS that’s ready for search engine optimization: 1. Ability to Customize Your Page Titles …

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website engagament

7 Ways to Create the Most Shared & Engaging Website

Websites that are optimized for social media sharing typically attract more traffic and sparks more engagement with customers. Is it just a matter of adding social sharing buttons to pages? Actually, it covers everything from encouraging more sharing on your pages to seeking more feedback from users. Presentation Besides the content the design of your website is what communicates with the user. It depicts the entire personality of the brand. It is all delivered through the very basic mediums like …

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How to Increase Social Media and Organic Visitors

Traffic on the website is considered as one of the best and appropriate ways to know the performance of your website on the web. We can measure or scale the success of the website via the amount of visitors coming on your website receiving in a day, a week and a month. This is also considered as one of the best ways to decide, which marketing strategy is more effective and is giving the best results to your website. It …

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A Google Update Killed Me – Can I Make a Comeback?

It’s the worst-case scenario that millions live in fear of every single day. You open up your analytics account, check out the traffic from last couple of days and notice a drop of 50%, 75% or even up to 90% – literally overnight. And once you establish that this wasn’t a server problem, you come to the terrifying realisation that Google has worked its magic with another update and sent your site spinning into oblivion. So of course, this is …

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