
Give a Boost to your Business with Mobile Payment Services

Give a Boost to your Business with Mobile Payment Services

Mobile Payment Services refer to a payment service conducted under financial regulation and performed from or via a smartphone. Here, instead of paying with cash, cheque or credit/debit cards, you can pay for a vast range of services, digital and hard goods through a mobile phone. The idea of having non-coin-based currency systems is not so modern as we have found the traces of a similar concept in the history too. However, the perfect touch of technology has made it …

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ECommerce Platforms Guiding the Trail for B2B Marketing

ECommerce Platforms Guiding the Trail for B2B Marketing

Ever since the loudening of the dot-com era, developing the B2B eCommerce stayed on the priority charts of the manufacturers, suppliers, and wholesalers. And frankly, who would like to go to a brick and mortar store, if a tech-gadget connected with the mighty internet can offer an entry to the eCommerce ‘high street’ showcasing the millions of products from thousands of brands, ready for the swift delivery as and when you place the order! However, in view of the research …

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4 Ways to Create Backup Funds for your eCommerce Business

Every business needs capital to get off the ground, but they also need a consistent influx of money to stay afloat, to grow, and even just to have on hand in case of slow times or some type of emergency. For the small business owner, these funds often come from their own pocket, checkbook or savings account. Such funds can also come in the form of personal loans, credit cards, or family loans. But when the money starts to wear …

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3 Simple Steps to Build a Checkout Flow That Works, Really Well

3 Simple Steps to Build a Checkout Flow That Works, Really Well

Here’s a reality check in case you are unaware about the present market situation, recent studies shows that on an average at least 68.55% of potential customers abandon their shopping cart, IBM recorded the figure to be at 68.95%, whereas Listrak claimed it to be at an ominous figure at 75%. As an eCommerce entrepreneur, these figures are enough to give you those sore goose bumps, enough to take away your sweet slumber. As a diligent entrepreneur, the first thing …

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How to Bring and Hold Customers to Increase Online Sale

How to Bring and Hold Customers to Increase Online Sale

There are two parts to increasing online sales. One is the part where you attract customers to your website. The other part relates to keeping them there so that a sale can be made. Not so long ago, things used to be simple, people came to your website looked at the products and if they were impressed, the sale was successful. Fast forward a couple of years and the overall process has changed a lot. Due to the increase in …

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eCommerce Conversion

Increase Your eCommerce Conversion Like a Pro!

4th Quarter of the year is very important especially if you are in the eCommerce business. This is the time of the year when customers are ready to buy a different kind of stuff and there are more chances of huge sales and big profits. This is the time when businesses are willing to invest a serious amount of money on things that will allow their holiday campaigns to get flourish and help them convert more potential people into paying …

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Conversion Rate Optimization - CRO

Common Misperceptions about Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO)

The days are gone when optimization was a good to have stuff because it is transformed into a necessity now. There is always room for improvement. Conversion rate optimization is the thing that brings you victory in this competitive world.  As it says, ‘Optimization is generally detrimental to present success, but it is the best way to design future success in competition with others who are equally interested in both long-term as well as short-term results. But there are certain …

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12 Tips and Strategies to Get More Sales

12 Tips and Strategies to Get More Sales

There’s always room for improvement and testing is the only way to discover what works and what doesn’t in the world of sales.What matters is your approach towards your target audience. The small tricks and tips of sales might seem simple but these simple strategies make a huge difference. 1. Listen to Your Customers To find out how and whom to sell something is the very basic of making a sale! Learn the language before trying to preach it. At times we …

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Best Shopify Themes for Interior & Furniture eCommerce Store

15+ Best Shopify Themes for Interior & Furniture eCommerce Store

Are you building a website using Shopify for your Interior or Furniture eCommerce Store? Are you searching for a great interior or furniture related theme for Shopify? If your answer is ‘YES’, you are in the right place. Here we are listing some beautiful and most elegant home decor and furnishing related Shopify Themes that surely fulfill your needs. Let’s see them below: Feel free to use the comment form below to share your thoughts, idea, review and/or experience to our community. We …

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5 Things Every Ecommerce Business Should Invest In

5 Things Every eCommerce Business Should Invest In

With so much choice in front of today’s online shoppers, the experience they have when they visit your eCommerce website plays a large part in their purchasing decisions. Get it wrong and you can kiss goodbye to a lot of good business. It’s for this reason that savvy eCommerce website owners are always ready to invest a little money in the elements that can make or break the user-experience. Here are four such elements which are more than worthy of …

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