Best 5 Automation Tools for Google PPC Ads You May Try

Automation is the key to success. Whether you are in the manufacturing industry or in the sales industry, the rule does not change. The rule is that the more you are able to automate your system, the more you can guarantee success. Online marketing is not exempted from this rule. There are so many aspects of selling your products, your keywords, or your ads that need automation. This is also known as the rule of leverage.

The System of Leverage

Imagine the scenario: you are targeting the keyword ‘legit costumes for kids’ because you found out that it is a big hit during the period of Halloween, Christmas, and whatever holiday you can imagine. So, you did everything right. You were able to target your keywords. You were able to make an authoritative website. And you have good content. However, you do not get as much traffic as say another internet marketer who uses the same process but who uses a more automated system.


The situation above is a sad reality that many Internet entrepreneurs have to face. If you are not able to leverage your system in such a way that you are doing more than the competition, you will not get as much response as you expect. This fact is the reality even if you are the first one in the niche.

How do you leverage your system? How do you join the likes of many entrepreneurs before you? The answer is through a system of automation.

Automation does not just refer to digital marketing or the use of an application. There is no ‘one size fits all’ kind of trick when it comes to automation. You need to work, strategize, adjust, and make sure that you have all that you need to have at the right time. Your presence of mind coupled with the right system is what should guarantee your success.

What are some automated systems? Today, the most commonly used system is the pay-per-click or the PPC system. Online entrepreneurs, experienced and otherwise, have tried this system. It is much more than what meets the eye. It is much more than what you read online. As a system, it is sought after and would positively affect any business.

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What Is The Pay-Per-Click System All About?


The Pay-Per-Click (PPC) System is an old marketing technique used by many entrepreneurs online. However, more and more experts are leading towards automation than micromanagement of the system.

By definition, PPC automation uses the best technology available in order to optimize the marketing efforts of online entrepreneurs. Basically, it helps out businesses to create campaigns that are fundamentally bigger with just a small team or with no team at all.

With the use of PPC automation, managers are able to optimize their time and focus more on strategic efforts that allow the workflow to be more focused and directed towards one goal.

Why Should You Optimize for PPC Automation?


The answer to the question of why PPC automation is necessary today is rooted in three main things – bids, management, and data.

When it comes to your company’s bidding system, automation allows the managers to manage their bids properly with more focus on profitability. When you bid for ads, you cannot just go with what your heart tells you, you need to follow the data. With the help of a PPC automation, you can see your bids properly. You will know easily which ones are making money. You will also be able to get rid of the ones that are no longer making money.

When it comes to management, large accounts are optimized based on the proper insights. If you are dreaming big, you need to imagine having large accounts. You cannot manage large accounts without a system that would give you proper data insight. This part is where PPC automation comes in.

When it comes to data, data is more optimized and ads become more targeted and easy to manage. Management of strategy is one of the secrets of online success. You need to manage your time properly. You cannot do so if you need to look at lumped data all day. With the help of PPC automation, you are able to optimize your data allocation and just look at the ones that need your attention.

The 5 Best Tools for PPC Automation

If you are ready to take PPC automation seriously, the 5 best tools are the following:

1. Google Ads Scripts


The first one and the most obvious answer of all is the Google Ads Scripts. The Google Ads Script uses the most sophisticated system in PPC automation that saves the user time and money.

With the Google Ads Scripts, data science is used for the benefit of the end-user. The user-friendly interface is easy to focus on and it takes away all of the pressure from a strategic point of view. Through the use of the system, it is easy to identify issues that one can easily miss. The campaign is also more optimized based on opportunities identified by the system.

If you want a more targeted data-driven PPC campaign, Google Ads Scripts is the most sophisticated tool you can use for automation.

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2. Word Stream PPC Advisor


Another option is the Word Stream PPC Advisor. This paid PPC automation tool can cause you a leg and a half but it works. For small business owners who are trying to do it on their own, this is probably the best tool to use.

While the Google Ads Scripts uses a sophisticated data system, the Word Stream PPC Advisor uses software that integrates with the major ad platforms available. The system is simple to use and can get pretty basic once the user gets the hang of it.

For the annual subscription of $2,928, the user gets access to major ad platforms and may improve their campaigns in just twenty minutes.

The system comes with a big number of features but the best ones help adjust your campaign budget, remove negative keywords, and identify the more positive keywords you can use. Landing pages are more optimized with the system.

3. SEMrush PPC Toolkit


Any PPC automation software list will not be complete without the presence of the SEMRush PPC Toolkit. This management software helps the user in three major steps of ads campaign: campaign planning, competitive research, and keyword research.

Through their integration with Google Ads and Bing Ads, the SEMRush system allows for a more organic view of your competition. The end-user is also given access to the Keyword Magic Tool which replaces weak and negative keywords with stronger keywords that get the ball rolling in your advertising needs. The end-user can get a look at the competitors with the Charts Tool.

All information that you obtain with just one account can also be exported and shared with your team. This PPC automation tool is the best one for small teams looking to make it bigger in a couple of months.

4. Kenshoo


The system that offers big variety and will give your business a free demonstration is Kenshoo. Integrated with big systems such as Yahoo, Google, Apple Ads, and Bing, Kenshoo is the best PPC automation tool for those who want bid management in a variety of views.

Data integration is easy with the platform. Multiple dashboard views will allow the user to have a bird’s eye view of the revenue, spending, ROI, and head-to-head conversion of ads.

Using algorithms that track ad performance and shows a forecast accurately, Kenshoo’s enterprise-level system is perfect for startup companies that want to get some ad leverage.

5. Reporting Ninja


Last, but definitely not the least, there is Reporting Ninja. Reporting Ninja is the best PPC automation tool for agencies who want to give their clients access to their analytics. It is best for agencies reporting directly to clients, who are the retail users of the tool.

The system is integrated into big ad platforms. It gives your clients a view of what you are currently doing for them. You only show the data you want to show on a need-to-know basis.

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Start With PPC Automation Today


There are so many PPC automation tools today that could make your life easier. With a lot of entrepreneurs joining the online market, you need to set yourself apart. You do not just have to work on what you currently have as you also need to prepare yourself with bigger competition.

In a competitive online world, automation is no longer just an expense you can write off. It is a necessity to achieve lasting business success. Entrepreneurs online should know how to handle a PPC automation system. If you are not yet well-versed with the system requirements, keep in mind that you can always study the system harder and make the best out of your time. PPC automation system providers are also always open to help you out. All you need to do is to find one that can help you get more out of your ads.

This article is written by Saurabh Pandey. Saurabh is the CEO and founder of Brandveda, your digital marketing institute. He started his entrepreneurial journey instead of working in the corporate sector. His niche lies in lead gen., PPC, social media marketing, and is inclined towards all things digital.

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Published By: Souvik Banerjee

Souvik BanerjeeWeb developer and SEO specialist with 20+ years of experience in open-source web development, digital marketing, and search engine optimization. He is also the moderator of this blog "RS Web Solutions (RSWEBSOLS)".