How to Use Twitter, Facebook & Instagram in Your Online Advertising Campaign?

Social media marketing is considered as the most effective tool for businesses to reach their targeted customers. If you are not using social media platforms in your online advertising campaign then you are missing out on a significant amount of business. Running an advertising campaign on social media channels such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter will help you to drive leads and generate sales. Here we have listed some useful tactics that will help you to get the best out of your advertising campaign on social media channels.

Use of Twitter in your online advertising campaign

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To run an advertising campaign on Twitter, you have an option to select any alternative out of website cards and tweets. If you are using Tweets then you can apply an image and use a character limit of 140 to convey your message to customers. The Website cards offer you 116 characters limit, website link, an image, and CTA button. Twitter ads help you to promote business through following different methods:

  • Followers: You can promote the Twitter account of your business and pay on the basis of a number of followers gained.
  • App Installs: This method involves promoting tweets through App Cards. You need to pay per click basis and encourage customers to install the app.
  • Website clicks: You can promote your Tweets using Website cards to persuade customers to visit and check out pages of your website. The advertising campaign also charges on per click basis.
  • Tweet Engagements: This strategy involves promoting your Tweets and encouraging customers to participate in the conversation. To run this campaign, you will be charged for initial engagement.
  • Awareness: This method lets you reach out to your tweets to a large audience and you only need to pay for the number of impressions.
You have two different alternatives to run your ad campaign on Twitter. The first method involves promoting Tweets automatically. The other strategy involves setting up your own campaign considering your key objectives.

Twitter Promote uses your first ten tweets (daily) after checking those through quality filters. It also works on gaining new followers to your account. You need to pay around $99 per month for Twitter Promote. This cost will help you to gain around thirty new followers by increasing your reach to 30,000 new users.

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Use of Facebook in your online advertising campaign


Facebook ads are used to fulfill different kinds of marketing goals of businesses. They can be used to create brand awareness amongst customers by increasing reach. Facebook ads also help you to increase user engagement, boost website traffic, generate leads, promote app installs or invite customers to get in touch with you for chatting. It is one of the most effective social media channels that will help you to boost online conversions to a significant extent. Here is a list of different kinds of ads that you can run on Facebook:

  • Photo Ads: You can create posts by adding an image along with the title and 125 characters description text. It is a simplistic way to demonstrate your product or service to your targeted customers.
  • Video Ads: Facebook video ads are available in short and crisp mobile videos as well as extended videos of up to 4 hours. They are extremely effective when done along with a TV advertising campaign. Though short videos are more influential when it comes to conversion rate, long videos are also handy to convey your message convincingly to customers.
  • Carousel Ads: It lets you add a maximum of 10 videos or images along with the links in one ad. Using Carousel Ads, you can demonstrate features of a specific product or include multiple services in a single ad campaign.
  • Stories Ads: It is an ideal way of promoting your business events or occasions. In this special ad format, videos are displayed for 15 seconds and images are shown for 6 seconds. It is one of the most affordable forms of Facebook ads when compared with other advertising methods.
  • Facebook Dark posts: These are unpublished pages which are not considered as your conventional organic posts. Facebook dark post allows you to promote your business to your customers without annoying or distracting them from man content. It lets you run ads in highly sophisticated ads that feature strategic content in a limited budget.
  • Slideshow Ads: It is the most creative form of Facebook ad that produces a video from static images. If you don’t want to run a video ad and wish to push your imagination to a whole different level then opt for slideshow ads.
  • Collection Ads: These are ideal for companies that are working in the travel or retail industry. It helps you to display your product or service directly in a Facebook feed.
  • Messenger Ads: These are the most traditional form of ads displayed on your messenger app. These are extremely effective to get in touch with your custom audience or inactive customers.
  • Instant Experience Ads: These are mainly used to gather information from customers using a form. You can add a video of 120 seconds or sequence 20 images in the Ad along 30 characters text with CTA.
  • Lead Generation Ads: You can run this Ad only on smartphones using a specific form. These are highly suitable for signing up newsletters, quote submission, and free trial requests.

Use of Instagram in your online advertising campaign


Instagram is one of the most popular amongst Gen Z and millennials. If you are avoiding social media platforms such as Instagram to promote your business then you are definitely missing out a lot. Here is a list of different Ad formats available on Instagram that are worth checking:

  • Image Feed Ads: It is one of the most common Ad formats you will come across on Instagram. These are some images that are displayed when users are scrolling through account feed. The best thing about these images is that they don’t look like an Ad.
  • Photo & Video Feed Ads: It will appear very similar to your conventional Instagram post but displayed at the top right corners with sponsored tags.
  • Video Story Ads: It is a creative form of Instagram ads that allows you to promote business by creating a story. It is highly effective to boost traffic, app installs, lead generation, conversions and reach.
  • Canvas Story Ads: These are the most innovative forms of Ads that let you develop a 360-degree VR experience. These Ads can be customized according to your requirement and they only support Smartphone devices.
  • Carousel Feed Ads: It is another interesting form of Instagram Ads that displays a series of relevant images instead of one monotonous picture. This kind of Ad is highly suitable for travel agents, food businesses, furniture manufacturers and car dealers.

The cost of Twitter, Facebook, Instagram & other social media advertising

Advertising is a Must

People come on Instagram to get amazed and entertained. So, make sure every Ad campaign you run on Instagram is humanized to increase user engagement. Analyze your Ad goals properly and try to make your Ad relevant from the contextual point of view. Be more creative and keep using hashtags. Posts with longer hashtags get a better response when compared with other ones. Use ad-schedule feature on Instagram to run your Ads during optimal hours. Running a contest on social media platforms such as Instagram is an effective way to make customers aware of your brand.

Ads on different social media channels are sold through an auction format. You can bid for a specific target result or set a particular budget every day. You need to pay according to your campaign objective and there is no defined budget to pay. Usually, you will need to pay in the form of CPC, Cost per conversion, CPM and Cost per video view. There are several other factors that influence the amount which you need to pay to run an Ad on Social media platform. These factors mainly include:

  • Your targeted country or region.
  • The campaign goal.
  • Placement of Ad within your selected social channel.
  • Ad quality.
  • Your targeted audience.
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Evaluating the success of your online advertising campaign


While running an advertising campaign on social channels, it can be Twitter, Facebook, Instagram or any other channel, you need to track the success of your marketing campaign on an occasional basis. This will help you to amend your existing strategies and introduce new techniques considering the need of the situation. You can synchronize the analytics tool on each of the social media platforms to identify which medium is doing better. Measure your results on a constant basis and take sensible actions on them.

The Bottom Line


Most of the reputed social media channels (like Facebook, Instagram & Twitter) offer diverse kinds of advertising options but it doesn’t mean you should opt for every strategy. When choosing a social network for business promotion make sure you select a channel that will influence your customers naturally. If you are targeting a young audience then Instagram can create a greater impact as compared to other platforms. So, make sure you do some prior analysis and exhaustive research before choosing a specific social media channel to run an advertising campaign.

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Published By: Souvik Banerjee

Souvik BanerjeeWeb developer and SEO specialist with 20+ years of experience in open-source web development, digital marketing, and search engine optimization. He is also the moderator of this blog "RS Web Solutions (RSWEBSOLS)".