The Yii PHP Framework – A Comprehensive Review

Due to the advent of latest technology internet plays a significant role. Everything has become web-based. You need an optimum platform to develop a web application in order to survive in the competitive market. A better framework leads to an excellent application. Are you looking for a high-performance PHP framework? Here is the great solution for your search. Yii is a high-performance PHP framework with loads of outstanding features. Nowadays each and every transaction was done in an online mode. It has given a better comforts level to complete your day-to-day activities.

What is Yii Framework?

It is one of the best platforms of PHP. You will be able to create a customized web2.0 application with the help of this high-performance PHP framework. It is enough if you carry out three simple steps to develop a web application with the help of this Yii PHP framework. To create a web application first develop a supporting database followed by the generation of PHP code by Yii and finally customize those generated codes to satisfy your needs. It enhances the development of web application. This framework structures the website by providing generic components for customization according to the requirement.

Yii PHP Framework

Advantages of Yii Framework

This framework has remarkable salient features like MVC, DAO/Active Record, I18N/L10N, caching, authentication and role-based access control, scaffolding, testing, etc. It is really fast, secure and highly reliable.  Yii framework generates customizable codes with MVC pattern. You can make your website to look more professional with the help of this feature. It is a time-effective framework. It is enough if you spare a little time to develop the web application. Moreover, it has come up with the security features like input validation, output filtering, SQL injection, and Cross-site scripting prevention, etc. It is an efficient tool with effective results.

Recommended reading: 12 Best PHP Frameworks to Build Amazing Website in 2016.

Disadvantages of Yii framework

You should be cautious while making use of the code generated by this Yii framework because it may get bloated due to mishandling. This framework is not suitable for beginners. The new developers find this coding system to be relatively complicated when compared to other frameworks in the market. There will be a lot of dependency on static methods. Despite of these cons, Yii framework is an incredibly powerful tool to develop a web application within a short period of time.

Yii framework usage statistics

This framework seems to have a greater movement around the globe. Most of the developers have been migrated to this framework since 2011. According to the BuiltWith statistics, more than 97 countries adopt this technology in the development of Web2.0 application. This framework has become a strong competitor in the competitive market due to its striking features.

Website using Yii framework

Just have a look at the websites which are developed with the help of this Yii PHP framework.  They are:

  • => This site has excellent features, and it is highly reliable. The Yii framework has been utilized in an optimum way for better results. It is well-structured and wisely maintainable.
  • => Here the generic components were designed in a professional manner with the help of highly skilled developers. These components are reusable and upgradeable based on the requirement. It is developed with high market standards, and it can be easily customized according to the needs.
  • => It is an informative website with structured content. It has professional features with better upgrading strategy. The framework enhances the development and customization of a web2.0 application in an effective manner. The developer has rightly focused on the features of Yii framework while designing this website.
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Make the best use of the impressive features of Yii framework for optimum outcomes. With the help of Yii PHP framework, you will be able to maintain and upgrade your website whenever required without much difficulty. Design a professional website by making use of the salient features of Yii framework. This framework is widely used due to its reliability, faster response, less time consuming during the initial development, professional outlook, etc. Choose the right framework to enlighten your activities for consistent growth.  Inject the better strategy into your website for long-lasting benefits.

Know More about Yii Framework

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Published By: Souvik Banerjee

Souvik Banerjee Web developer and SEO specialist with 20+ years of experience in open-source web development, digital marketing, and search engine optimization. He is also the moderator of this blog "RS Web Solutions (RSWEBSOLS)".

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