4 Useful Tools You Can Use to Make a jQuery Website SEO-Friendly

For most of the time the Internet has existed, SEO practices have largely revolved around search engines indexing plain text version of the website content and not content that has been dynamically generated using programming platforms like JavaScript or its hugely popular library, jQuery. According to Forbes.com, search engine crawler bots are not up to the mark when it comes to understanding JavaScript, and consequently, website content indexing may not be performed completely, and the rankings pulled down.

Even though Google claims to have improved capabilities that allow it to crawl and index the content rendered through JavaScript and the jQuery library, there is still a lack of confidence among web developers regarding the indexing of dynamically generated content, which may still not be covered. To overcome this problem, web developers can utilize one of these very handy programs that make certain that the website jQuery contents are properly indexed by the search engines and made SEO-friendly. A look at some of the top programs:


Prerender-logoThe Prerender is open-source software, which means that there is no restriction on the use of its code. The program works in conjunction with Google crawlers in such a manner that when a page is sought to be accessed but no cache is available, the program renders the page immediately on the request being made and caches it thereafter. Due to this process, the cache is invariably complete enabling the pages to be returned very quickly; the response times of the Prerender tool are typically around 5ms.

The method used by Google and other search engines is certified to be correct as the tool follows the Google specifications that were written for AJAX. To ensure proper caching of the web page when it is being accessed by a search engine crawler, it is necessary to use Prerender’s API. The webpages can be accessed by the API of the program whenever any change has taken place, ensuring that the page cache is always current and the wait time for the page recall is minimal.

Recommended for you: JavaScript Trends: How it Redefines Excellent User Experience.


brombone-logoThe program is designed to automatically download all the webpages and render them in an actual browser. This ensures that the JavaScript runs correctly, the relevant AJAX calls are made, and the DOM is executed. When all these are done successfully, the program saves the corresponding HTML. Whenever a search engine bot tries to scan a website, the prerendered page needs to be only proxied using the tool. This is the only step where the code needs to be changed; typically, the change will be very small, and the user will be instructed by BromBone what to do exactly.

Anyone feeling intimidated by the process can relax as it only involves a simple cut and pastes job. After this is done, the program transmits the HTML to the search engine bot. In real terms, Google sees a webpage that is identical to the one seen by users on their browsers. Because BromBone has by now run the JavaScript and made the AJAX calls, Google is in a position to properly index the page.

Angular JS

Angular-JS-logoAt the time when webpages are being indexed by Google, it is only reading the templates and not the data as most people assume. Due to this, developers need to write the necessary code for the server that is tasked with the job of sending a version of the site to Google that does not contain JavaScript or jQuery. Often, it means that the entire thing has to be replicated, while with some of the functionalities removed, the code can still be reused; however, that is still a time-consuming process.

The Angular JS software can be used to render the page snapshot and delivered to Google; however, due to the consumption of more RAM, there is a tendency for it to overload the servers and crashing them. The pace of rendering becomes very slow and results in the page rankings being driven down. With Angular JS, all the HTML snapshots are prerendered without the developer needing to make any changes to the code. When Google begins to check the website, the individual pages simply have to be fetched for the crawl to take place so that the site is properly indexed and shown in the search results.


SEO4Ajax-logoSEO4Ajax is another very effective program that will make JavaScript pages conducive to Google bot crawling and indexing for better search engine visibility and raking. By a simple process of copying and pasting a text portion, you can integrate the program onto the server of your choice. The program is extremely versatile and can be used with various web application frameworks like Ruby on Rails, Nginx, Apache or others. When the website is added to the program’s dashboard, it will visit the webpages and compose the HTML snapshots for each page with a full rendering of all dynamic content.

The regular updating of the snapshots is ensured by the program so that when a Googlebot scans a webpage, it will automatically discover a snapshot of the prerendered version of the same webpage, which means that in effect the wholly rendered jQuery content is always made available for indexing and SEO optimization. Using the program is very easy; all that is required is adding the webpage to the program dashboard and pasting the integration text into the configuration of your server. The program runs continuously in the background ensures that the pages load very fast, making it easy for boosting the page rankings.

jQuery is a cross-good application that chips away at any program


Since this library has HTML executed into it, it can run on any program, tablet or cell phone; we can consider it a brilliant gadget with shrewd highlights. This apparatus additionally bolsters the utilization of Visual Studio, which coordinates the jQuery library to actuate a component that empowers quick openness to language structure and jQuery techniques without leaving a code to inquire about.

The versatile jQuery topic has additionally been added to windows to empower all the advantages that accompany the library to be profited for the Windows telephone stage.

With all these tremendous progressions, Microsoft has not been forgotten about. The application has a few jQuery components. It advance the utilization of this engineer apparatus in Metro-style UI applications and furthermore in portable improvement.

The jQuery library is SEO friendly.


As mentioned in WebKnowHow tutorial, when talking about SEO friendly, it is simply the aspect of featuring several good characteristics on a website to enable it to attract more traffic. As much as you want your website to have some sense of style and look appealing in the eyes of your clients; you cannot afford to trade that for SEO. You get to decide the way you want to code your site. But how you do, it has a significant impact on its appearance on pages such as Bing and Google among other search engines.

This brings you to a summary of the important characteristics of an SEO friendly website:

  • Presence of unique descriptions and titles which are unique.
  • Permanent descriptive links that are separated by dashes.
  • Webpages that load fast to enhance user interactions.
  • Unique and useful content that is rarely found anywhere else on the web.
The pages on this website have a meaningful structure; it has exceptional elements such as header, breadcrumb menu, a footer, and author information among other content.

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Web developers have fallen in love with JavaScript and the jQuery library. Because it empowers them to create websites with added functionalities and a smart appearance for enhanced user experience. The technological challenge presented by the inability of Google and other search engines to crawl dynamically created content of JavaScript is overcome very efficiently by all the tools described above. This is mostly by rendering static page version of the dynamic content. This enables the search engines to crawl and index it efficiently. By using any one of the programs, web developers can make jQuery websites as SEO-friendly as conventional HTML websites.

This article is written by Vergis Eva from Dental SEO. She is a freelance content writer and blogger who has written articles for several renowned blogs and websites about various uses of social media to engineer more business traffic on business websites.

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Published By: Souvik Banerjee

Souvik BanerjeeWeb developer and SEO specialist with 20+ years of experience in open-source web development, digital marketing, and search engine optimization. He is also the moderator of this blog "RS Web Solutions (RSWEBSOLS)".