Great Strategies & Tips to Help You Get More Instagram Likes & Followers

Instagram is now one of the most popular and largest social media websites in the globe. With over 700 million users, you can use this platform to drive new clients to your business or meet new people using your personal profile. However, to succeed on this platform, you require engagement, marketing, and some psychology. You have to know what to post and when to post it to attract a following and likes. Here are a few strategies that will help you increase your Instagram likes.

1) Post high-quality photographs

When posting your pictures on Instagram, make sure that you only post high-quality pictures. You do not have to own the most expensive camera for you to produce great pictures. All you have to do is ensure that everything is in position especially the lighting. There are apps that can help you to edit your photographs to enhance their appearance. Good photos are naturally appealing and will result in more likes.


2) Tag locations

If you want your business to be noticed by people in your locality, then you should tag a location. When you tag a location instead of specific places where you are, you will increase the probability of your post being seen by many people. Most people are engaged by information or pictures of places that they are familiar with, and this will increase your chances of getting more organic likes.

3) Use popular hash tags

When it comes to getting more likes for your Instagram page, hash tags are the first thing that you should think of.  You should know your subject matter so that other Instagrammers that are taking pictures of the same item or business will be able to trace you. It is best that you look at the hash tags that other people in the same niche are using and apply them to your posts. There are also websites that can help you find and copy the popular tags on the internet.


4) Be creative

You should avoid limiting yourself with the filters used on Instagram. There are many apps that can help you edit your photos perfectly. You should search for apps that suit your needs and will help your photographs to stand out from the rest. There is some photo-editing software such as Adobe Photoshop Express and Snapseed that will distinguish your pictures from the rest. There are also creative photography apps like PicCollage and Fuzel for creating beautiful collages. Choose a niche and style and stick to it as it will help you build a real following and get noticed.

You may also like: 4 Instagram Marketing Innovations That You Can Implement Easily.

5) Follow other people and brands

You should find people in your niche industry who post great photos regarding topics that relate to your services or products. Make sure that you closely interact with these individuals by following them, liking their posts and commenting. As a result, these people will usually follow you and engage you on your posts. Make a decision to follow a certain number of new accounts every day as this will help build your online following in the long run and may land you more real Instagram likes, which may translate to more business.


6) Be consistent with your posts

Maintaining a consistent flow of content on your profile can help you in getting more real likes on Instagram. When you post continuously, you will be engaging your followers consistently, and you will gain more followers. Continuous posting will help you create an unmatched level of engagement with your followers. Some people may unfollow you if they discover that you have stayed for an extended period of time without posting anything new. In addition, your new posts will have less engagement with your followers, and this will reduce the number of likes that you get. You should ensure that you post a few times every week to have a steady following and more likes.

7) Use an influencer

You should search for an influencer within your specific industry and partner with them.  You should talk to them and let them take photos with your products and post them in their own business profile and yours. This will enable your business to reach out to more people in your target market. In addition, it will also enhance the credibility of your brand and business since your influencer will be your social proof. More people will embrace your product especially the followers of your influencer.


8) Share on other social media platforms

You should link your Instagram account to all other social media platforms that you have accounts with, for example, your business website, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and much more. This will help you share your posts and your account with prospects from other areas in the globe. It will also assist in leveraging your profile views and traffic that you generate from other websites and point them to your Instagram profile. As a result, you will generate more followers and likes too.

Recommended for you: How to Kick-Start Your First Social Media Campaign on the Right Foot.

9) Use Videos

You can increase your followers and likes by using videos on your posts. Videos tend to be more engaging and interactive when compared to other types of media. They tend to get more attention when compared to an Instagram feed that is crowded with thousands of photos. Ensure that your video can still portray the message even without relying much on its audio. Get more engaging content about your products, how to videos or new product launch that is more exciting than just gazing at a simple picture.

Animated Explainer Videos

10) High traffic times

You should always share your photos in times when you are sure that most of your Instagram followers are online. This will increase the chances of them seeing your posts and liking them. If you have a photo that has a high number of engagements, there is a probability that it will be noticeable on the feeds of other followers, and this will end up giving you more likes and engagement.

Final Words

Great Strategies and Tips that will Help you get more Instagram Likes and Followers - conclusion

It is common for businesses to create an Instagram account with the hope of marketing their great services or products to millions of potential users. A few months down the line, they have very few likes on their beautiful posts and no improvement in their business. Most companies will just jump on the social media band wagon without extensive research resulting in failure of their campaigns. With the guidelines mentioned above, companies will improve their posts, increase their engagement and turn prospective clients into a real business.

This article is written by Walter Moore. He has a passion for blogging. You can read his blogs to learn more about receiving free Instagram likes.
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Published By: Souvik Banerjee

Souvik BanerjeeWeb developer and SEO specialist with 20+ years of experience in open-source web development, digital marketing, and search engine optimization. He is also the moderator of this blog "RS Web Solutions (RSWEBSOLS)".