The Squarest Time Management App You Can Get

Of all the forever mysteries surrounding mundane existence, Time is the ultimate. The continuous progress of the moments in circular loops feels linear, and it is, as long as you are working to make the best of real time. For instance, consider schedule management and attendance hassles at a regular company. The HR manager must capture the daily times square that is, because only by the urgency of deadlines, best productivity results. This task, however, is, easier to say than to achieve. Several crucial parameters should coordinate seamlessly to be able to deliver one project after another without missing a single deadline. The various aspects of professional timing management include employee integrity, HR manager involvement, client communications, deadline orientation, resource allocation, and quality maintenance.

The Squarest Time Management App You Can Get - group-business-people-meeting-company-discussion

Fractal control

Enabling this uniformity allows a manager to raise an unreliable staff member to the standard levels of performance, and in the process, gain a granular understanding of everyone’s skill sets. It also helps the manager to stay at the same level with the staffs from both subjective and administrative perspectives. The color-coded wizard further categories sub-boxes within the time box by a tracked performance meter set realistically according to unique skill sets. It is also a crucial resource for deadline orientation.

As the setting of delivery dates is a tentative protocol, the manager must develop a keen realistic understanding on how long should the project take. Besides developing a clear idea of employee skill set, the manager has to evaluate employee availability (w.r.t other running projects), the level of difficulty, urgent stakes involved, and above everything, the company policies in this matter. All these actions simplify significantly using the analytics report of your time-tracking tool. It is always better to set a realistic deadline after considering everything, instead of committing on unrealistic timing and asking for an extension afterward. Such things tend to erode the trust factor between clients and companies, and are never preferable at all.

The Squarest Time Management App You Can Get - leader-business-plan-team-meeting-company-group-discussion

Prevent dishonesty

Official human resource management is probably the toughest challenges of all time because many people are habitually dishonest. They would always try to sneak in later at the premises by the back door while some buddy already punched his card at the entrance slot. Such kinds of hours-stealing practices are actually quite common even in the biggest corporations.

These practices not only delay productivity by losing crucial morning hours, but also they develop a secret de-motivating ambiance within the office space. The manager or the owner gets to feel much helpless in the absence of clear evidence to facilitate in demotion. Dishonest people are usually very shrewd. The only way to combat this for good is to get the best time-tracking tool you can find. I have personally used one similar scheduling and time management tools developed by Time Clock Wizard, Inc. which is quite good. You can try it for free.

The Squarest Time Management App You Can Get - business-company-people-analysis-work-report

Control the defaulters

Modern time management programs integrate both desktop and smartphone applications to deliver the most comprehensive control system. Other integrated protection features include GPS tracking and automated camera action at the entry and exit ports. When the employee finds it mandatory to provide actual photographs (with a time stamp) while entering and leaving the office, any chances of stealing the hours automatically becomes impossible, as if within a closed space bound more by time than by the walls.

As you may note, the HR department is also within this closed space. And so is everyone in the workplace, whether one is honest or dishonest. A dedicated employee would not find these systems inhibitive much because he/she is already following the ideal rules of punctuality.

The Squarest Time Management App You Can Get - Google My Business Page Location Map

The spy catcher

Systematize the protocol by sending scheduling SMS and reminders directly to employee phones. Use the GPS location info to keep track of employees on the move for official errands. Corporate espionage poses grave concerns, and it can also affect ambitious small businesses. You may not even know when your wealthy competitor has planted a qualified spy within your business house for illegally outsourcing your unique concepts!

GPS tracking feature ensures that the manager is always virtually present with an employee during and after office hours. Simply by ensuring your virtual hawk eyes, you can keep any attempts of espionage at check before they can happen. Moreover, the quality analytics features of your proficient time management tool allow the best insights into staff performance so that you maximize productivity by assigning the right task to the right people within the assigned schedule.

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Published By: Souvik Banerjee

Souvik BanerjeeWeb developer and SEO specialist with 20+ years of experience in open-source web development, digital marketing, and search engine optimization. He is also the moderator of this blog "RS Web Solutions (RSWEBSOLS)".