Liquid Web VPS Hosting Review – A Fully Managed VPS that You can Trust

Over the past decade, website hosting services have undergone a tremendous change. Now, website owners and developers prefer VPS hosting over normal hosting. The change in preference is mainly due to the immense benefits of VPS hosting. For a business to succeed online, it is important that the website performs efficiently at the highest level possible. This makes the role of a web server really important as a slow server can simply turn off and drive away your customers. Instead of losing revenue to slow performing websites, website owners are now investing in VPS hosting. This hosting gives website owners greater control, increased performance of the website, option to scale, and better customer service.

There are a ton of VPS hosting providers available in the market. But remember, not all VPS hosting providers will give you the optimum service and value of money. You need a reliable, professional, and trustworthy hosting service that helps you meet your business objectives. The Liquid Web VPS Hosting is a fully managed VPS that you can surely rely on.

About Liquid Web

liquid-web-logoLiquid Web is considered among the leaders in managed hosting solutions. They have expertise in providing fully managed hosting for mission-critical apps, stores, and sites. Thus they not only provide servers for hosting but are also responsible for keeping the servers running, secure, and updated. They have SSAE-16 compliant global data centers (wiki) with more than 25000 servers. They are serving over 30,000 customers with hosting solutions offering Tier 1 Premium bandwidth. Their privately owned and operated core data centers provide maximum redundancy and minimum latency.

Apart from the latest technological infrastructure, they also have a team of dedicated experts who monitor the networks 24X7. Their team consists of technicians, engineers, network administrators, and more. Liquid Web provides the widest and best choice of hosting products for their customers to ensure that their business has the right technology to fuel their business.

No matter whether your hosting need is big or small, dedicated or managed, Liquid Web has everything you need to power the potential of your business.

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About Liquid Web VPS Hosting

About Liquid Web VPS Hosting

Liquid Web recommends VPS hosting as a shared ground between shared and dedicated hosting. It gives clients more freedom with the applications they can run and a better price to performance ratio. Being an isolated system, clients can decide how they want to configure the hosting and also choose applications accordingly. Few of the benefits of a fully managed VPS hosting with Liquid Web include –

  • Guaranteed performance and loyalty with an NPS score of 67.
  • Provides control of a dedicated server while keeping monthly costs down.
  • The isolated server gives a higher degree of security and freedom and improved performance.
  • Deploying the server takes a few minutes compared to days taken by a dedicated server.
  • One of the most pocket-friendly and budget pricing plans compared to other VPS hosting providers.
  • Taking system backups is quite fast and easy.
  • 24/7/365 assistance for monitoring servers, optimizing performance, and mitigating risks.

Features of Liquid Web VPS Hosting

Features of Liquid Web VPS Hosting

Compared to other leading VPS hosting providers, Liquid Web offers extra features and at a lower rate. The highlight of this hosting is that its Uptime Service Level Agreement (SLAs) is 100%.  The starting monthly rental is $89 per month while full management charges are $10 per month. So total VPS cost is around $99 per month.

Control Panels for VPS Hosting

number-rank-rating-point-order-1Liquid Web offers different control panels depending on the number of accounts that can be included. The panels are called Plesk Web Pro, cPanel Admin, and InterWorx.  Plesk Web Pro includes up to 30 domains, cPanel Admin allows the addition of 5 accounts while InterWorx allows the addition of unlimited accounts. Few other features like WHMCS compatibility, licensed per account, licensed per server, hotfixes, and others also vary with each control panel. InterWorx Unlimited is a very powerful, scalable, and smart control panel. It comes with a straightforward per-server pricing model. The tools and features of InterWorx provide awesome functionality for managing domains, servers, email, and other hosting features.

Fast GB bandwidth network

number-rank-rating-point-order-2Liquid Web VPS hosting offers free data transfers for all inbound bandwidth. It also offers 5TB bandwidth on a fast speed network. When a hosting offers higher bandwidth, it allows users to download and upload content and larger amounts of data at increased capability. Higher bandwidth also makes it easier to handle more traffic on the website.

Better performing Content Delivery Network (CDN)

number-rank-rating-point-order-3The Cloudflare CDN of Liquid Web VPS hosting offsets the performance load of clients to servers worldwide. This feature enhances the security protection of the site and increases the speed of the website. It is configured to cache requests for mainly static content like images, document files, and more. Using CDN reduces the costs of operation and boosts the server response and load time of the website. A CDN acts as a global cluster of caches and assists in giving an extra boost to the website speed.

In Liquid Web, the protection is built into the network itself so the server holds all website content and the cached version is used for subsequent requests. Cached content shortens transaction time, reduces bounce rate, and lowers page load time. Cloudflare automatically learns how to serve your clients in the best possible way. Another benefit of Cloudflare CDN is that it blocks traffic based on identifiers like malicious IP addresses, malicious payloads, requests that have caused server issues previously, and other frequent malicious patterns.

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Ensure resilience with integrated firewall

number-rank-rating-point-order-4Liquid Web VPS uses an integrated firewall as the first line of defense for the network. The defense protects the server and content from malicious Internet traffic. Malicious attacks may not only corrupt the content and information on the site, the downtime can result in losses too. Their integrated firewall brings resilience to the business by eliminating attacks in the form of malware.

An IP address dedicated to your website

number-rank-rating-point-order-5Liquid Web VPS hosting ensures that your websites have dedicated IP addresses.  This secure and dedicated IP helps in improving the speed, performance, and protection of the website. Dedicated IP also ensures that every website in the account receives equal attention in terms of performance. The heavy load of one website does not influence the performance of other websites.

Full extent protection with ServerSecure

number-rank-rating-point-order-6ServerSecure is basically advanced security provided by Liquid Web for fully managed Linux and Windows servers. It is the default on all servers. Users can choose the ServerSecure packages to reduce any hacking related issue with the site. Users can either choose specific services under ServerSecure as per their needs or the complete built-in server protection. The services include antivirus, malware remediation, and cleanup and optimization of security settings. For tighter security, users can opt for ServerSecure Plus.

Other features that improve server performance

number-rank-rating-point-order-7Apart from the above features, Liquid Web VPS hosting comes with several more features for ensuring smooth functioning. The DDoS attach protection offers real-time monitoring of traffic and allows user to mitigate traffic in case of a threat. It also shields your server and website from attacks. Clients also have complete control over the server environment with root-level access.

Different packages to serve different needs

number-rank-rating-point-order-8Liquid Web VPS hosting provides separate packages for Linux and Windows.  There are different pricing plans based on RAM size – 2 GB, 4 GB, 8 GB, and 16 GB. Clients can further save on costs and get more features by adding bundles to the package.

What separates Liquid Web VPS hosting from others?

What separates Liquid Web VPS hosting from others?

Liquid Web VPS hosting is one of the few solution providers that gives 100% assurance for power and network uptime for all the major routing devices on a network. Users can downgrade or upgrade the extent of VPS service as per their needs. Easy scalability ensures that clients can easily scale the server space when they need it.

Liquid Web VPS hosting servers have outperformed some major VPS hosting solution providers in terms of server speed. The verification of speed tests has been done by an independent 3rd party firm called Cloud Spectator.

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The bottom line


VPS server is more secure and efficient than shared hosting; it brings the benefits of dedicated hosting at a lower cost. VPS hosting provides more disk space, RAM, and CPU to ensure that a website or app runs smoothly. So, businesses and websites are turning to VPS hosting and migrating their existing server. While choosing a VPS hosting it is critical to ensure that the hosting you choose has all the necessary security features and functionality you are looking for.

Liquid Web VPS hosting not only comes loaded with features, but it is also giving the services at affordable rates. Their dedicated team is ready to answer all queries, right from choosing the right hosting and plan to troubleshoot issues. If you need help migrating data from your existing server, you can easily talk to the support team. As a client, you will expect knowledgeable and quick service and constant monitoring of the server.

Know more about Liquid Web VPS Hosting

Review Breakdown

Ease of Use


Liquid Web VPS hosting not only comes loaded with features, but it is also giving the services at affordable rates. Their dedicated team is ready to answer all queries, right from choosing the right hosting and plan to troubleshoot issues.

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Published By: Souvik Banerjee

Souvik BanerjeeWeb developer and SEO specialist with 20+ years of experience in open-source web development, digital marketing, and search engine optimization. He is also the moderator of this blog "RS Web Solutions (RSWEBSOLS)".