Easter basket sets are what you are likely to see around the shopping mall during the much-anticipated Easter season. That’s in the mission of Easter market campaigns for big and small businesses. As customers stroll around the retail stores searching for gifts for their dear ones, they get inspired by the sweet bunnies and crackled eggs as they lovingly smile at them. Well-packaged to entice everyone. It is also a perfect time to take a holiday, so your marketing should be timely if you are in this business. Easter is the ideal time to splurge.
What other campaigns do you need to maximize reach and a good response that fits your budget as a small business? You can’t miss this chance as the holiday is only a few days before people move forward to another season. That means your Easter campaigns need to start a few weeks or a month before the season rolls in and people start shopping. Advertising through a website is one of the best ways to reach your potential clients among many more platforms and methods we are going to share below:
1. Email marketing

Most marketers are well aware that this is one of the cheapest but effective campaigns for businesses. Having an email list will help you send bulk messages, and if you don’t, you can rent an email list of those who fit your target. So, first, you need to determine your campaign goal. Design your ads in a way to entice and motivate customers to take action. What you should use are attention-seeking images and readable text. Include a time-limited offer to encourage quick action as the Easter holiday is short.
Recommended for you: Top 5 Email Marketing Tool to Transform Your Business (Infographic).
2. Use social media contests

Using Facebook, you can launch a contest for your followers and target audience, which will attract a lot of likes and engagement. That’s one way of hitting your Easter sales target. Some of the best content you can try include:
- Facebook sweepstakes: Request your customers to go there and like your page for them to enter into a random draw. Then you can offer them extra entries for those they share with and like your page.
- Photo contest: Ask your customers to send some Easter photos, and then interactively, you can vote for those entries.
- Naming contest: Involving your customers in launching a new product or brand that you need their input on naming it. They will be thrilled as they feel involved.
- Photo caption contest: Request your customers to pick their favorite photo caption from your gallery and say something about it. Here you will be using the Easter products that you want to promote.
- Voting contest: Set some poll parameters of your Easter basket sets to offer, and ask your fans to vote for their favorite offer, as the highest vote wins.
- Essay contests: Based on your campaign, you can give your fans a topic to write and pick the best and reward the winner. There are many exciting stories about Easter to write about, like why bunnies are famous during this occasion.
- Facebook ads: Even if you have good traffic on your Facebook, using these ads increases reachability and attracts a new audience.
Give a valuable price to your fans, which relates to your campaigns. Like in this sense, you are performing an Easter market campaign, so any product inspired by bunnies will be superb.
3. Send Easter greeting cards

Remembering to send your clients a personalized season card helps foster the customer’s relationship and loyalty. From a customer’s point of view, they feel valued with this gesture. Your company gets a chance to thank its clients while motivating sales at the same time. Design the season cards matching your brand and the Easter values that your customers share.
You can add handwritten notes inside the greeting cards to make them feel unique for your loyal customers. If you have a large number of them, select a few to save yourself time.
Include a coupon offer inside the greeting card to prompt them to come and purchase the Easter products.
Sending the cards should be timely. That will help to prepare your clients to come for purchase before they go to buy elsewhere.
Printing greeting cards and mailing them is not expensive. It is an affordable marketing strategy for small businesses.
4. Use banners and flyers

Banners and flyers are one of the best ways to target local clients. Just before the Easter season begins, you need to have a pile of leaflets on the counter side and at the entry and exit places. That is going to help your customers prepare for what to expect in Easter products. You can use a memory hook of lovely Easter basket sets that they can use for gifts.
For the banners or posts, incorporate vivid colors and contrast that are unique. Use extensive and clear images that are conspicuous. A simple URL, big and bold phone number is going to be memorable. Use an experienced visual designer to use the right aesthetics and comprehendible message.
Placing all these campaign materials in a strategic place is crucial. Consider the busy intersections and shopping districts entries and exits, and other active areas.
5. Easter online campaign

Any marketer cannot ignore the power of an online marketing campaign. As people have to travel from their homes to find the banners and flyers, they can see the online advertisement from anywhere they are with their mobile device. It is one of the cheap and effective ways of getting your message across to a vast audience. Use hidden discount coupons on your website, and your customers have to find them first to use them, just like egg hunting. It is such an exciting activity that your customers will love while boosting your sales.
6. Use video content

People relate better to video than textual content. On a seasoned holiday like Easter, you can publish many exciting things to entice your customers. It’s a perfect time to showcase your creativity with your commodities as you incorporate the Easter theme. Involve your clients emotionally and ensure they participate whenever possible. Using this strategy will help improve and enhance your brand’s visibility.
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7. Use your blog

Now that the lent is over, everyone looks forward to celebrating the most awaited Easter holiday. So, you have an opportunity to offer them something interesting about the season. Use Easter-related topics that are informative to your audience. Then add the link of that article to your sale section, especially if you have Easter products. It is a campaign that converts your followers into sales.
8. Sponsor an Easter party for the kids

I remember going to pottery barns kids during the Easter season with my son, and we found a group of children painting eggs. Then I realized it was a marketing campaign they were using to sell their products. He was so ecstatic that he forgot about me as he joined the other kids. So, you can also use something similar, mostly if you are selling children’s products. As the kids get entertained, their parents will be busy shopping. Prepare some Easter basket sets of products they are likely going to buy. What a fab way to boost your sales?
9. Give the Easter cookbook to your clients

If there’s anything that people will be searching for, they are recipes to make the best exquisite Easter meal. And by offering a traditional recipe for Easter, it will be so timely and fantastic. You can also add more recipes that people can find useful for other occasions to use it longer. Remember to include your services or products inside the cookbook.
10. Easter basket sets

Customers love convenience, and bundling products that pair together is one of the best ways to put them in a basket. Most people don’t want to stress up with gifts that can go well together, and you can make their shopping easier. It also allows you to add most of the products that move slowly into the Easter basket sets. That’s a smart and intelligent way of marketing.
The benefits of Easter market campaigns

The benefit of all these marketing campaigns will not only boost your Easter sales, but they will also help your business to;
- Get the best exposure to a broader audience.
- Increase your knowledge base.
- Increase some traffic to your site.
- Build a remarkable relationship with your clients.
- Convert leads to actual sales.
- Increase your sales.
- Builds trust, which is an excellent thing for your business.
You also understand the market better and learn the most effective campaigns for your business. The metrics help you assess what is working in your campaign and what is not. Then you can switch your strategies or tweak the ones that are not. The key here is to utilize the best marketing tactics to generate the maximum sale from your campaign and marketing efforts.
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Final Words

In conclusion, whatever small business you are in, you need to prepare yourself to maximize sales during this Easter season. If you are in confectionaries, flowers, home decorations, or others, now it’s the perfect time to use appealing Easter basket sets for your marketing campaigns. However, other businesses can get creative and incorporate the season’s theme to market their products.
This article is written by Naman Modi. Naman is a professional blogger, SEO expert & guest blogger at Around the Clock Gifts, He is an award-winning freelancer & web entrepreneur helping new entrepreneurs launch their first successful online business.