
A Definitive Guide to Creating a WordPress Review Site

A Definitive Guide to Creating a WordPress Review Site

A review posted on your WordPress site can do wonders in exposing your business to a wider customer base. Also, reviews can influence your search engine rankings and help your website visitors gain trust in your business. Writing reviews isn’t a new concept and rather has been omnipresent as part of blogging experience since the very beginning. So, if you’re persuaded at creating your own WordPress review site read on this post further to learn a simple and effective way …

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Wordpress Plugins

6 Must Have WordPress Real Estate Plugins

Selling real estate has always been a lucrative business, but with the introduction of the internet, the business has blossomed as it has become easier than ever to present your listings to thousands of prospective buyers. Property listing sites & home value estimation tools dominate the property niche and a lot of these sites are targeted towards home buyers or property agents and attract a lot of traffic if done well. While some business may require complicated websites that take …

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WordPress eCommerce

ECommerce Tips for Making Your WordPress Store a Success

1. Selecting a domain name and hosting Finding the right web hosting for ECommerce Just when you are about to develop your website, there are mainly 2 important things which you need: A place for hosting your website A Name for your website These are the 2 things which are like your virtual property as well as the address where the people would visit for finding your business online. Both these are quite easy to get onto but choosing them …

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WordPress Theme Template Tutorial

Top 6 Things to Cover While Designing an Event WordPress Theme

As WordPress is a hugely popular CMS for building and maintaining a website, it is likely that your website is also powered by it. The benefits of using WordPress as your website’s CMS are many and availability of themes to render new look to the website is one of them. These themes also come in handy when you need to add a new page to the website to promote an event. Every website needs to have an identity that keeps …

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Top-notch WordPress Role Manager Plugins for Your Consideration

Top-notch WordPress Role Manager Plugins for Your Consideration

If you’ve several users contributing to your WordPress site, then it’s imperative for you to have control over user roles and capabilities. Of course, you wouldn’t want all the users to have access to your site’s backend, as it increases the risk of the getting the website broken. Thankfully, WordPress by default makes use of a concept called Roles, which helps provide site owners with the ability to control their website users and what they can do on the site. …

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WordPress Security Plugins

Top 10 WordPress Security Plugins to Protect Your Website from Attacks

WordPress is considered to be a very important, easy to use and cost-effective blogging platform for website owners for publishing and sharing their views, contents, and information to the whole world. But as a stand-alone platform, WordPress has some security glitch that should be fixed in a professional website with a long term goal. So we have to protect WordPress from getting hacked or getting affected by many viruses and malware. Fortunately, there are lots of security plugins are available …

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Best Free Ways to Integrate Magento with WordPress

Best Free Ways to Integrate Magento with WordPress

In this article, I will write about the importance of Magento eCommerce store and WordPress blog and how we can use them both on the same platform for making a website. In short we will know how we can merge both Magento eCommerce store and WordPress blog. Before going in the section of how we can merge Magento with WordPress, we must know separately why we will choose Magento eCommerce store and WordPress blog while making a website. Why Choose …

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5 WordPress Social Media Plugins to Use in 2016

5 WordPress Social Media Plugins to Use in 2016

The importance of social media in our lives can no longer be debated. It is a huge community that has significantly enhanced during the last decade and still continues to grow year after year. It gives us new opportunities to connect, find information, share important moments, expand our reach and stay tuned with the outer world. As for web users and bloggers, the role of social media is completely irreversible.  The phenomenal growth of social media magnates like Facebook, Instagram, …

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The Best Ways to Bid Adieu to WordPress Trackback Spam

The Best Ways to Bid Adieu to WordPress Trackback Spam

As a well-versed WordPress publisher, you probably know that you can boost your website’s traffic by approving trackbacks. These trackbacks get displayed under WordPress post comments, allowing you the opportunity to benefit from better viewer attention. In simple words, trackbacks help WordPress publisher’s converse meaningfully with their readers by sharing valuable insights. And while this paints a rosy picture of trackbacks, the reality is that this interesting feature attracts a myriad of spammers online. This is because most often there …

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Wordpress Plugins

Top 10 Wordpress Plugins that Increase your Website Profits

Deploying the WordPress website for small businesses in terms of running a marketing campaign, channelizing online visitors, generating leads, and boosting sales is a daunting task; even if the business runners have required skill, knowledge and a dedicated team because today’s environment has become highly competitive. There is the requirement of such a platform that can automate and accelerate the task in a cost-effective manner. And, all this can be possible with the help of WordPress plugins. Nowadays, there are …

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