
Person sitting at a desk with a laptop, holding their head in frustration. The desk also has a camera, notepad, coffee cup, film slate, and green plant.

Tools & Tips to Deal with your Stolen Content (Plagiarism)

The internet space is ruled by content, and hence the quote “Content is King”. It typically attracts a large number of people, which in turn establishes and popularises brands, increases visibility, engagement, and organic and social leads. That is the power of written words. No wonder then many unscrupulous entities rob high ranking and lucrative content for their own benefits. This form of thievery is also called “Plagiarism” where text-based information, graphics, infographics, and ideas are simply copied and passed …

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7 Predictions About 2014

7 Predictions About 2014 (Smartphones, HTML5, and more…)

As 2014 is already here, we are here too, with our predictions and hopes for the year and from the year. Without beating around the bush, lets see what these predictions are. It Will Be All About SmartPhones Although for North Americans and West Europeans, this might sound a bit strange, as you are already having the best Apple, Samsung, Sony or HTC has to offer, it is not till middle of 2013 when the sales of smartphones started to …

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Email Copywriting

Email Copywriting – A Comprehensive Guide for Effective Emails

Introduction (Email Copywriting): Emails always remain the center of web activity for both personal use and driving communication to work. It has become an essential part of our lives. Be it in the form of social networking update alerts or a means of communication to send and receive important information. Focus On Content For Better Conversion Rates There is a psychological science involved in encouraging customers to open, read and respond to the marketing email. This is where an effective …

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virtual-private-network vpn

Virtual Private Network (VPN) – Features, Security & How to Use?

Virtual Private Network (VPN) can be described as a communication platform among computers in an organization. It may consist of connection companies, organizations or institutions or consist of departments in an organization. This networking method is done on public networking system, mostly the internet. It is done by securing systems referred to as network protocols. Providers will consider security, geographical coverage and speed as their main determinants of the infrastructure used. The provider will offer well secured service level agreement …

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