Do Not Botch With Typography – Choose the Best HTML5 Framework

It’s only words and words are all i have to take your heart away.

Though it is a song but it aptly applies to what we are going to discuss here. Despite of all cognitive studies which put forth the fact that images do have an indelible imprint on human brain we know that words have their own sacred position when it comes to delivering a message. Well this is why they were invented in the first place.

Words or Typography has the potential to affect the mood of the user and can impact your ability to solve problems.

Cognitive Impact:

Rosalind Picard from MIT and Kevin Larson from Microsoft carried on an experiment to find out the impacts on typography on the cognitive performance and mood of the reader.

They made two sets comprising of 20 people each in order to conduct two studies. Then these people were given a typeset issue of The New Yorker to read from a table device for about 20 minutes. The only difference between the two were that they gave one group a bad typeset version and the other one a good one.

The Result:

During the experiment the participants were interviewed and they were asked to tell the time, they think might have passed since they began reading. As per Weybrew, which is a psychological study helped to find out that those people who were in a positive and enjoyable mood were able to read fast and were able to complete the task within the given period of time.

Typography means designing and using attractive typefaces so as to communicate visually with the readers. It has evolved a lot, but the sole aim of communicating effectively in a creative manner still holds the ground. Thus, in this blog we will discuss the best HTML 5 based tools which help you to get the best typography for your website.

1) HTML KickStart:


As its name indicates HTML KickStart is the best framework for those who are looking for developing your website rapidly. Developers can make use of HTML5, JS and CSS building block for creating websites which you desire. HTML KickStart is thoroughly tested framework which renders you websites which can run smoothly on all the browsers such as Safari, Chrome, IE9+, Firefox, Opera and many more.

What’s new?

Recently HTML KickStart has updated itself to Font Awesome 4.2.0. Though the previous version used nice “icon-name” CSS class, but the new version covers over 200 new icons.

There are a lot of tools which can be used for incredible development and talking about typography it offers font dragr.

This tool enables the developers to test custom fonts using the @font-face at-rule and the best part is that you do not need any CSS coding knowledge. Just drag and drop it to test your fonts.

This removes the hectic process of testing custom fonts and allows you to expedite the process of loading a font and tweak it to check whether you are using the best for you or not.

2) Foundation:


Foundation has been rolling on the development floor just for four years and within this short period of time it has managed to gain millions of websites, emails and apps in its kitty. They are about to launch Foundation 6 which is a rehashed version of the previous but it helps the developers to simply and swiftly develop prototypes for efficient workflow.

The update is going to be unveiled this week and it specifically targets the typographic style and also with a promise to deliver “Design as your Differentiator” to its users. Apart from that Foundation has abilities of rapid prototyping and has a vast community of developers on its forum.

3) CreateJS:


CreateJS is another best library for those who wish to deliver highly interactive HTML 5 content. It is an open source library and tools for developing for developing a content rich web apps.

You can use this framework if you need to incorporate excellent animated effects with the different modular JavaScript library. It’s high end game graphics enable have made it popular as a gaming engine.

4) SproutCore:


SproutCore provides a comprehensive development environment which is based on jQuery to architect desktop-style applications. This is why it can be used for making heavy applications such as Gmail. It further supports complex operations such as data bindings, such as controlling a property and updating it automatically when it has been changed. Apart from that it supports unit testing and reminders of Activerecords via data layer. It is based on the popular MVC architecture and thus helps in maintaining a clean code.

5) Metro UI CSS 3.0:


Built on latest technologies, namely, HTML5, JavaScript and CSS this framework helps you to attain typographic experience which takes inspiration from Microsoft. It is an open -source framework which gives you a detailed listing on what kind of typography you wish to choose for your website.

This is the reason you can use it for designing incredible user interfaces, which offers remarkable typography, grids and several other components.

6) Skeleton:


Skeleton is another remarkable framework which lets you focus on great typography and along with that it promises responsiveness to the fonts.

Type in this framework is set to rems, wherefore the spacing and font size is dependent on single property for font size. Which implies that font-size is never changed in Skeleton, which is further dependent on the fact that whether you need it for your project or not.

The base of the typography is Ralewat which is powered by Google and is fixed at 15px (15rem) which is about 1.6 or 24 px line height.

Moreover, it also includes other basics such as anchors, emphasis, strong and underline. Apart from this the headings can be created of varying sizes which has distinct spacing or the letters, margins and also line -height.

7) Montage:


Montage is yet another fabulous HTML5 Framework which can be chosen for developing highly modern and imposing website with pleasing fonts.

It comprises of ‘Blueprints’ feature that helps the developers to bind metadata onto the objects of your application. This framework is widely used to develop single page applications for your business.

8) 52Framework:


Now is the time when most of the business owners are opting for responsive web designs as they seem to be the most sustainable development in this changing technological world.

Building a responsive website becomes easy with HTML5 framework and one of them is 52Framework. It offers a lot of striking features such as HTML5 Canvas, HTML5 Validation form , Video players and a many more features which functions incredibly well on all the browsers.

9) HTML5 Boilerplate:


HTML5 boilerplate is one of the best framework for building web apps swiftly and easily. Developers can make use of features such as jQuery, Modernizer, Normalize.css, icons and multiple analytics in order to develop a website built by highly professional experts.

You can avail version v5.2.0, along with this HTML5 Boilerplate offers Apache settings which enable the developers not only to deliver a smooth typographic experience to the users but also a great overall experience.

10) UIKit:


UIKit is one of the most widely use framework popularly known for front-end development and is used for developing imposing web interfaces.

It is a highly customizable and easy framework which is powered by several components of JS , HTML and CSS which further streamlines the development.

This framework is can be counted on for developing highly flexible code as it is built on the LESS technology.

This article is written by Arya Stark. She is a web developer working for a mobile application development company, Xicom which offers portal cms and website content management services at affordable rates. So if you are looking to avail the offshore web development and mobile application development company, you can get in touch with her.
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Published By: Souvik Banerjee

Souvik Banerjee Web developer and SEO specialist with 20+ years of experience in open-source web development, digital marketing, and search engine optimization. He is also the moderator of this blog "RS Web Solutions (RSWEBSOLS)".

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