10 Reasons for Choosing WordPress for your Blogging

There are many people who ask what the reason is behind using WordPress for blogging. Well, there is not only one reason but there are many. But the answer can never be “because I love it”. It will not solve their queries. They need more information related to this and that is why asking.

So, here are some of the reasons for choosing WordPress if you want to start blogging:

1: Free To Use

Choosing WordPress for your Blogging 1

It is absolutely free and that is the best thing about this WordPress. For getting premium themes and the plugins you have to pay but still you can use almost everything for free. Even the themes and plugins available for free are quite great. It can provide you with a strong base to start your blogging.

2: Completely Open Source

Being open source means you can change and alter the codes here and even redistribute those changes in designs among other fans of WordPress. You can also collaborate with them openly. So, you can help them to make a better software than the one it is already. This is the absolutely lovely feature about this. You are going to love it as well.

3: Easy To Use

Do you send emails? If you can send emails then you can easily use WordPress as it is that simple and easy to use. The dashboard is very easy to use as it is very simple. It actually works the way it is supposed to and you can control it in a great way.

4: Great Functionality

It works really fast and great. The best thing about it is its superior functionality. It is simple, intuitive and also looks great. There are many functions that you can use the WordPress blog and get your blogging done in style. You will get everything that you need to do your blogging and even some more with a premium membership.

5: Great Options for Design

A website or a blog will never look great without a proper design. For this WordPress brings some great options for you with a lot of designs and templates. You can even pay for the premium themes or can choose among the free themes which are great. You can also recommend them some of the themes that you want.

6: Great for SEO

When you are blogging, one of the most important things that you need is Search Engine Optimization. With the help of SEO, you can bring your blog to top results of the Google search engine. WordPress makes the SEO easier for you. You can use the plugins and also enter required information that is needed. You also have to make regular posts that can make sure that the SEO is working on its own.

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7: Safe and Secured

You can add essential security features to your websites. For this, you will need free or paid plugins that will help your website to be safe and secured all the time. It is also very important to keep all the backup of your website and keep it safe from the hackers. It is even secured against the virus attacks. It is simple yet very helpful.

8: Accessible By All

You have to understand that even blind people read websites. And without any extra coding they can read the WordPress websites. All you need is to fill the text with some photographs. WordPress can be accessed by all the people including the ones with disabilities. Thus, if you are thinking about creating a website or blog, WordPress is the first and foremost choice.

9: Expandable

You can make the website or blog as big as you want with the help of WordPress. There is literally nothing that you cannot achieve or do with the help of a WordPress blog. You can start with something small and then expand or move it in the way you want. It provides a great solid base for you to work on your blogs and websites.

10: Big Community

There is a huge community of WordPress which is always active. If you stuck in some problems and want to get out of that, you can ask the community to help you. You will get thousands of replies and responses to help you in this matter. You can also share tips or tricks about the WordPress and even learn from there.

Choosing WordPress for your Blogging

This article is written by Nebojša V. He is using WordPress at his website about Cars Reviews Carsoid.com. He is a PHP developer, DJ, Music Producer and an Online Marketing Manager. He is a combination of DJ who loves PHP programming. :-)
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Published By: Souvik Banerjee

Souvik Banerjee Web developer and SEO specialist with 20+ years of experience in open-source web development, digital marketing, and search engine optimization. He is also the moderator of this blog "RS Web Solutions (RSWEBSOLS)".

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