What is New in Joomla 3?

Joomla is a great innovation of the mankind in the field of Content Management system (CMS). It is undoubtedly free for downloading and a wide range foundation for publishing the content in the internet, worldwide webs and it can be used separately. It is used to make websites and online applications as well. It is award winning Joomla CMS.

Joomla CMS is a content management system. It manages every piece of content to the websites. It is like an online public library that contains the track of books and keeps the record of them. The content can be of any type like photos, videos, simple text, music, books, any document, articles or any other think that a person can even think of. It helps the people to manage their contents which they do not have time to manage or they cannot do. The main advantage of Joomla CMS is that it does not require any technical and skilled knowledge to operate this management system.

Few worldwide examples of Joomla and Joomla users:

The importance and growing need of Joomla is enhancing day by day. It is immensely a popular Content Management system. There are various websites that are using Joomla to get make improvements. It has been used in many websites like e-commerce, Facebook  Twitter, business websites, online books, magazines and newspaper and so on.

Some much known websites are: linux.com, thehill.com, itwire.com, Guggenheim.org, Mtvgreece.gr, Thefashionspot.com, Unric.org.

There are various sites that are Joomla users and they are getting a positive feedback from their customers. The huge range of the users defines the success of Joomla as best Content Management System.

Joomla has launched few versions that are updated with the needs and requirements of the passing time and the people as well. It can be written in PHP by using Model View Controller. Joomla includes few special features that make it useful for the consumers. These features are:

  • RSS feeds.
  • News flashes.
  • Blogs.
  • Page caching.
  • Search.
  • Printable different versions of pages.
  • Maintain for sustaining internationalization.

After WordPress it is the most favorite and get liking by people who are using it and they ranked it the second best used CMS in the internet.

History of it’s various versions:

Joomla has released its first version in 2005, which is known as 1.0 version. Then it releases Joomla 1.5 versions that have more good features than 1.0. This version has attained long term support (LTS) for the first time. More three versions are come after Joomla 1.5 and the best thing about this version is that it support for three months till the next Long Term Version is ready to release.

In 2011, Joomla has released 1.6 versions. The main features of this version are access organization list; categorize the hierarchy which has been defined by user, and improvements in admin interface.

Six months after the release of Joomla 1.6, Joomla 1.7 has released in July 2011. The most beneficial feature of this version is that it adds improved protection and relocation of tools.

Again after the release of Joomla 1.7, Joomla 2.5 has released. It also has a Long term Support. This is the first version that can be easily run on other databases. With the release of this version the X series has been started. This series relates those versions that have LTS.

Joomla 3.0 versions have been released in September 2012. It has been decided in the December 2012 that 3.2 version should be add to support the x series so that it give boost to the life cycle to the x series and also sustain the LTS versions. This approach will also pertain on the 4.x version also.

Duration Support of Joomla version:

Each Joomla version release supports for probably 4 years. Like 2.x version that included 1.6 and 1.7 has support the life cycle of Joomla about 4 years, the duration is from January 2011 till December 31st, 2014. Same as the 2.5x version it has supported the life till 31st December 2014 after its release. It is also a smooth experience for Joomla users and developers.

3.x will also have the support of four years from the time of its release. They are also smoother than the 2.x series. And just one-click upgrades.

Upgrade process for Joomla 3.x version:

  • There are some system requirements for the 3.x versions first review them and then make sure that the server which you are using meets all those requirements.
  • Then make sure that the extensions of your system are compatible for Joomla 3.x.
  • Then make a test site so that first you can test the upgrade process.
  • If you have any doubts then consult a reliable and trustworthy developer.
  • Create a full endorsement for the files and database.
  • When all the above things are ready then you can upgrade Joomla versions.

Joomla on Mobile Phones:

Joomla is the first Joomla CMS that can be used in the Mobile phones. Mobiles are the most using devices for almost every people of the world. The followers of smart phones and tablets are also increase day by day. Those people who like Joomla in their systems and laptop get much happier when they find its 3.x version in their mobile phones as well.

Advantages of Joomla 3.x version:

There are various advantages of Joomla Version 3.x.

User friendly:

They are simple in use no special skills and techniques are required for using this version. They are user friendly. Give simple instructions to their users. Those people who have the little knowledge of internet can easily operate Joomla. That is why they have huge number of followers and fans.

Variety of templates:

There are probably more than 4000 free Joomla Content Management System templates. In the Joomla 3 versions contain an updated template that is easy to access is named as Beez3.

Incorporate Twitter Bootstrap for Browsing:

The most significant and considerable changes and development in Joomla 3.x version is the Bootstrap support from Twitter that includes the mobile awareness to Content Management System. This feature has the capability to adjust the layout according to the screen size that is helpful for the Mobile users. Bootstrap is a tool kit that is based on CSS known as Design template and also HTML for the font, text, color and other page navigation  This template helps users to get access to the website and find easiness and comfort in reading and viewing the content. They can easily browse the web pages of their required website and content.

Improved Admin UI:

New Admin UI enhances the border face for users while delivering the high quality designs for the mobiles. This feature gives advantage in managing the content easily and organize extensions and plug ins. The new look of this version will improve the surfing experience to the users on any type of device like smart phones or tablets.

Modernize and developments:

The developments and modernization of Content Management System create new innovations in the web. They reduce the difficulties in the access process towards the websites for the developers and the users both.

Joomla Framework benefits Organizations:

The basic Joomla versions do not support the requirements of the organizations and companies. In this regard the 3.x version framework provides powerful applications to the developers and users that meet the requirements of the organizations and also enhance the powers of Joomla towards the nearly unrestricted commands.

The framework of Joomla also helps the organizations to build further things:

  • Routine product catalog.
  • Systems of reservation.
  • Supply control system.
  • Communication tools.
  • Data coverage tools.
  • Incorporated e-commerce system.
  • Intricate business directories.
  • As Joomla is based on PHP and MySQL, organizations and companies can build powerful applications to share, use and support.
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Published By: Souvik Banerjee

Souvik BanerjeeWeb developer and SEO specialist with 20+ years of experience in open-source web development, digital marketing, and search engine optimization. He is also the moderator of this blog "RS Web Solutions (RSWEBSOLS)".