The SEO Glossary – 101 SEO Terms you Should Know

Table of Contents

Here is a complete SEO Glossary for you. Please review the following 101 Terms related to SEO and Marketing:

1. AdSense:

A system run by Google that posts adverts on the Google search engine and other people’s websites.

2. AdWords:

The system with which advertisers enter their adverts onto the Google Adsense system.

3. AdCopy:

The content that makes up your adverts.

4. Affiliate Marketing:

Advertising by having adverts on other people’s websites, social media sites and search engines.

5. Analytic:

Measurement methods that produce data. The data itself may be called an analytic.

6. Anchor Text:

The text that goes into a hyperlink. The text may be clicked on in order to take the person from one page to another.

7. Black Hat SEO:

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) designed and/or orchestrated to fool or manipulate the search engines.


Links to websites that are saved, usually in a browser, to make websites easier to find later.

9. Bot:

A program that performs a specific task. For example, Google has spider bots that read web content.

10. Broken Link:

A link that no longer directs a person from one page to another.

11. Browser:

A piece of software that interprets web pages and displays them as per current Internet standards.

12. Canonization:

Picking the correct URL when there are several choices available.

13. Cloaking:

Hiding the content of a page from the viewers, from the search engines, or from standards browsers.

14. Conversion:

Having a viewer complete a certain task as set out by the webmaster.

15. Cost per Action:

CPA allows people with adverts on their website to be paid if a certain conversion action is achieved.

16. Cost Per Impression:

CPC allows people to be paid for having adverts depending on how many people see the adverts.

17. Cost per Click:

With CPC people that have adverts on their websites may be paid every time somebody clicks on their adverts.

18. Click through Rate:

CTR how many people click on the advert after seeing it. It is usually expressed as a percentage.

19. Co-citation:

Used to show search engines that you are quoting and not duplicating/plagiarizing.

20. Contextual Advertising:

Adverts based on the content of a web page and/or even on the cookies a device/PC has.

21. Cross Linking:

Links between websites that are owned by the same company and/or person.

22. Duplicate Content:

The same content being present on more than one domain.

23. Domain:

The address of a website and the name of the website.

24. Dynamic Content:

Content that changes depending on the user, the user’s device, the user’s actions, and cookies.

25. Dynamic Website:

A database-driven website that offers a different website experience to different people.

26. ECommerce Site:

A website that was set up to sell services or products.

27. Error page:

Usually, they display warnings or advice. They are generated when errors have occurred.

28. External Link:

A backlink that points from another domain to your website.

29. Favicon:

A small image that is displayed in the address bar so that people know what your website is when there are multiple tabs open.

30. Gateway page:

Web pages that were optimized simply to draw in traffic to either have them click on adverts or to send the traffic to another website or location.

31. Geo-Targeting:

Advertising or optimizing to appeal to people in a certain geographical area.

32. Hallway Page:

Indexes a few pages that you want Google to find.

33. Headings:

Describes the content of one or more paragraphs in an easy-to-understand manner.

34. Hidden Text:

Text that humans cannot read, but that the search engine bots can read.

35. Hijacking:

Coding that convinces search engines and people that a website is in a certain domain or URL.

36. Hits:

Usually, refers to the number of visitors or number of clicks.

37. Home Page:

The first page on a website that resides on the naked domain.

38. HTML:

Hyper Text Markup Language, which is a scripting language.

39. HTTP:

HyperText Transfer Protocol is used to transfer data.

40. HTTPS:

Using a Secure Socket Layer (SSL) to transfer data to and from the servers and browsers.

41. Hypertext Link:

A link that takes you from one part of a page to another.

42. Inbound Link:

The same as a backlink, where another domain links to yours.

43. Indexed Pages:

Pages that have been read, interpreted, and placed into the Google database.

44. Inlink:

This is another name for inbound links and backlinks. Some people also consider inlinks to be links from one page to another page within the same website.

45. Internal Link:

Links that point internally from one website page to another on the same domain.

46. Impression:

A single impression means that one person has seen the website, advert, or thing in focus.

47. Java Applet:

An applet that is written in Java code.

48. JavaScript:

A client-side scripting language that is commonly used within websites.

49. Keyword Density:

The number of times a keyword appears in web content.

50. Keyword prominence:

How important a certain keyword is when compared with other keywords.

51. Keyword Research:

Research into the most suitable keywords for a website or advert.

52. Keyword Research Tools:

Tools that may help a keyword researcher judge which words are the best to focus on.

53. Keyword Stuffing:

Purposefully entering a keyword too many times into text in order to fool the search engines.

54. Keyword Targeting:

Adverts and websites are optimized for certain keywords, and those keywords may be called target keywords.

55. Keyword density:

How often a target keyword appears in a web page when compared with all the words on the web page.

56. Landing Page:

The page that the user lands on if he or she clicks a link.

57. Link Removal:

Removing links from a search engine’s index.

58. Link Reputation:

Measuring if a link will have a positive or negative effect on your website.

59. Linking Profile:

All of the links that point to your website and what they may mean.

60. Long Tail Keyword:

Keyword phrases that are longer than three words.

61. Meta Description:

Metadata that may appear on the search engine results page.

62. Meta Keywords:

Metadata that tells the search engines which of your words are keywords.

63. Metrics:

A chunk of data that is used to measure something on or about your website.

64. Microblogging:

Small blog posts of just a few words. The most popular form is via the social media site Twitter.

65. Mirror Site:

An exact replica of a single website.

66. Naked Links:

Links that do not have anchor text, images, or any type of media.

67. Navigation:

The name for the system and method by which users get around and navigate your website.

68. Negative Keyword:

Keywords that advertiser do not want to be included in their keyword profile.

69. Niche:

A topic, theme, area, group or “thing” that is set apart from the mainstream in such a way that it has its own identity.

70. Nofollow:

A tag that instructs the search engines not to index a link.

71. Organic Link:

A backlink to another website in a website post.

72. Organic SEO:

Allowing your content to rank up on its own.

73. Outbound links:

Links on your website that go out and over to another website.

74. Page rank:

A now outdated way of judging the search engine friendliness of a website.

75. Page Title:

The title of a web page.

76. Page Views:

A number showing how many people have looked at a web page.

77. Paid links:

A link pointing to another website. The link costs money.

78. Penalty:

A Google penalization–usually for attempts to manipulate its search engine.

79. PPC (Pay per Click):

Promoters pay every time their advert is clicked.

80. Reciprocal Links:

Where one website links to another, and the other website links back.

81. Redirect:

A person lands on a website and is sent to another website.

82. Referrer String:

It’s a header field that identifies another website’s address that is linked to the resource requested.

83. Robots.txt:

It gives instructions to the search engine crawlers to help them crawl the website as the webmaster desires.

84. RSS:

Really Simple Syndication updates users when new content is produced.

85. Search Engine Marketing:

Using search engines to spread a marketing message.

86. Search Engine Optimization:

Abiding by Google search engine guidelines in order to rank higher on all search engines.

87. Search Engine Results Page (SERP):

A list of results after a person enters a query into a search engine.

88. SEO Copywriting:

Content is written for search engines that is also user-friendly.

89. Site Map:

A guide that tells users and/or search engines where the website’s pages are located.

90. Spam:

Automated messages and content that has no thought or consideration behind its dissemination or inclusion.

91. SSL:

Secure Socket Layer is an encryption technology.

92. Static Website:

A website that doesn’t change. The opposite of a dynamic website.

93. Time-On-Page:

How much time a user spends on a web page.

94. TLD:

Top Level Domain.

95. Trackback:

A system that notifies a webmaster when another website has linked to their website.

96. Traffic:

How many visitors a website or web page gets.

97. Unique Visitor:

New traffic that is not repeated traffic from people that have visited before.

98. URL:

Uniform Resource Locator.

99. Viral Marketing:

Marketing that uses other people’s inclination for sharing to spread quickly.

100. Web Crawler:

A program that searches for, searches through, and reads content. It is usually used to index information.

101. White Hat SEO:

Search Engine Optimization that follows the Google guidelines.

This article is written by Stacey Marone. She is a part-time essay writer for Since graduation, she has become a professional essayist, blogger, and online guest poster. She is able to turn her hand to many things, and is especially knowledgeable about economics, statistics, and search engine marketing.
Disclosure: Some of our articles may contain affiliate links; this means each time you make a purchase, we get a small commission. However, the input we produce is reliable; we always handpick and review all information before publishing it on our website. We can ensure you will always get genuine as well as valuable knowledge and resources.
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Published By: Souvik Banerjee

Souvik BanerjeeWeb developer and SEO specialist with 20+ years of experience in open-source web development, digital marketing, and search engine optimization. He is also the moderator of this blog "RS Web Solutions (RSWEBSOLS)".