Search Engine Strategies to Promote your Website

Until and unless your page is on the top of search engine result pages, no one will come to know about your page existence on the web. The web consists of billions of websites or web pages and millions of users appear every day to search one thing or the other. This article is designed to tell you about the ways to promote your site. Many of the companies might be implementing these search engine strategies but for those who are not or may have forgot to use any of the search engine strategies, should read this article as it will prove to be really beneficial.

Search Engine strategies:

The main strategy is to rank higher in major search engines and that too in natural or organic searches. All the search engines send robots or crawlers to crawl and index the webpage content, so let’s start with the steps to build up your web pages for optimal indexing. The idea behind this is not to trick or confuse the search engines but to give them the lot of clues regarding your webpage. This approach is known as Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

Use keyword rich Page Title:

search-engine-strategies-01Write the descriptive title using 5-8 words, which must include those keywords that you think people use and will use to find you. Try to remove all the filler words like “the”, “and” etc. This Page title will be hyperlinked on search engines. Place this at the top of the web page between <head>and </head> and under the title tag as shown: <title> Search Engine strategies to promote your website</title>. Try to use the some descriptive keywords along with your company name on home page. Not only use the company name but also use the words which people are more likely to search. This title shows your identity on search engines.

 Use META tag for description:

search-engine-strategies-02Search engine gives a short description below your hyperlinked title in search engine result pages. This description is a short description about the page and it must include the keywords and key phrases of that particular page. Place the META Description tag at the top of the webpage, within <head></head>tags in the below mentioned format:

<META NAME= “DESCRIPTION”CONTENT= “increase visitors, attract traffic through META tags, submitting URL’s”>

The maximum number of characters you can use is 255 but the first 60 or 62 characters are visible on Google but the more may be indexed.

Include your keywords in headers:

search-engine-strategies-03Search engines consider those keywords which appear in page headlines, so ensure that you make use of desired keywords or phrases in header tags H1 and H2. Don’t expect that search engines will parse your CSS (cascading Style sheets) to know which are the headlines- it will not. So, you must use H1, H2 and H3 tags to provide hints to search engines.

Position your keywords in first para of tour content:

search-engine-strategies-04Search engines expect that the first para of your content must consists of important keywords. This first para basically includes the introduction of the whole content. Remember, you must stuff those keywords in natural way not artificially and ensure that your keywords should not be overstuffed. In a nutshell, the keyword density must be maintained.

Make navigation search engine friendly:

search-engine-strategies-05The navigation menus formed using Java Script and flash may find appealing for users but search engines don’t read it. To make search engine robots to read your navigation menus then you must replace JavaScript and Flash navigation menus with HTML links at the end of the page. You must also ensure that it must consist of a chain of hyperlinks which take the search engine spider from home page to every inner page of your website while indexing. Never set up the navigation system using HTML frames as it a very old approach and can cause indexing problems.

There are some of the CMS which produces the URL that consists of some question marks followed by long strings of letters or numbers. Search engines find it difficult to crawl and index such URL’s, so remember to change the URL by your own to make the search engines understand it.

Create a site Map:

search-engine-strategies-06If you have large number of pages in your site, then it is better to create a site map as it will help both the search engines and users to navigate your site easily and hence easily know about all the pages available on your site. Use tools like and create XML sitemap and then place it on your site.


These are not all the ways to promote your site, but these ways will get you started. For effective internet marketing, you can start up by adopting these search engine strategies.

This article is created by Emma Alice, working as a Content Writer in SEO Rank Smart. She shared her Experience and ideas by her writing skill.

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Published By: Souvik Banerjee

Souvik BanerjeeWeb developer and SEO specialist with 20+ years of experience in open-source web development, digital marketing, and search engine optimization. He is also the moderator of this blog "RS Web Solutions (RSWEBSOLS)".