WordPress Vs Joomla – Popularity, Security & Usability Comparison

Introduction (WordPress Vs Joomla): The quality of a content management system will greatly affect the productivity of a website. The ability to add and remove information from a site, level of integration and ease of use are some of the major factors to consider when choosing a CMS. Most people will either use WordPress or Joomla to manage their sites. But there is a need to make an in-depth comparison between the two systems so as to achieve the best from a site. Based on the factors discussed below, WordPress tops the list.

Market Share :: WordPress Vs Joomla

WordPress-Vs-Joomla-01Products which take a bigger market share will mostly be more user friendly, cheaper or higher performers than the rest. This is taking a case where both systems have been in the market for comparatively same time.

Greater market share:

WordPress dominates the market with an estimated fifty five percent in the whole world. The number of people using WordPress sites on a daily basis as well as the viewers of these sites is far more than the rest. The estimated downloads are over 60 million.

Less market share:

Joomla takes an estimated less than ten percent of the total CMS use in the world. The number of downloads is around thirty million.

WINNER (Market Share :: WordPress Vs Joomla) : WordPress

Security :: WordPress Vs Joomla

WordPress-Vs-Joomla-02The security of a site is a key factor to consider while choosing a CMS. The high risks in the current digital world which mainly attributed to hacking and cracking of the site are a concern to all. It is advisable to look for a harder to crack system to keep the malicious programmers away.

Higher security:

WordPress developers are highly active in providing updates to enhance security. There are almost monthly updates available for download. The use of security plugins is encouraged and they are downloadable directly to the site. The SQL attacks are also reduced by having code downloads on a regular basis.

Lower security:

The absence of regular code snippets and downloadable plugins makes Joomla scores less here. It has a general setting which is more prone to attacks. The security forums are general and therefore exposure of security details of the site.

WINNER (Security :: WordPress Vs Joomla) : WordPress

Usability :: WordPress Vs Joomla

WordPress-Vs-Joomla-03Every site owner would like to add remove or edit images and other documents in their site. The ease of use of while performing these tasks will determine how effective your CMS is. Easy to follow steps in the user interface will enable the manipulation of information in the site. In addition the site should be easy to teach and understand.

Easier to use:

WordPress interface is more user-friendly. It has an elaborate user setting which is internationally set. In addition, the coding method is more elaborate and more compatible backwards. The admin panel is distinct as the functions are not duplicated from the user interface.

Harder to use:

The admin roles seem to duplicate in other interfaces as well, as the plugins and extensions. User roles are more duplicated and thus require more selections on every page. The codes and plugins used are not backwards and forward compatible. This makes its usability less, especially with previous versions.

WINNER (Usability :: WordPress Vs Joomla) : WordPress

Development Community :: WordPress Vs Joomla

WordPress-Vs-Joomla-04The larger the number of developers, the better the CMS, this is because the higher population will offer more diverse ideas and more easy to follow procedures while making any code. The size and functionality of codes governing plugins will tend to be reduced in size with time. They will however offer better solutions to issues such as compatibility, integration with social sites and user friendly interface.

Bigger development community:

In the virtual of evaluation and documentation, Wardress takes a lead. This is evident as the number of review articles is more than 3000 in popular online references. Search engines such as Google will show a big variance between the two where for WordPress there are over 70 million.

Less development community:

The number of support articles for Joomla is less than a thousand. The total results from popular search engines such as Google is about 21 million.

WINNER (Development Community :: WordPress Vs Joomla) : WordPress

Plugins & Extensions :: WordPress Vs Joomla

WordPress-Vs-Joomla-05The availability of plug-in will determine to interpret and the security of a site. A secure site should have the most recent security plugins which should allow compatibility with previous versions for easier coding.

More available:

WordPress leads in the number of downloadable plugins. They are more than 20,000 where most come as free.

Less available:

Joomla plugins are estimated to be 10,000. They are available for download. However, most will come at a small fee.

WINNER (Plugins & Extensions :: WordPress Vs Joomla) : WordPress

Conclusion :: WordPress Vs Joomla

If security, usability, plug-in availability and the size of community development is to be considered, WordPress comes out as better than Joomla. This can also be supported by the wide acceptability it has gotten from the developers and consumers in the current market.

FYI: To know more please visit the official websites of WordPress & Joomla.
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Published By: Souvik Banerjee

Souvik BanerjeeWeb developer and SEO specialist with 20+ years of experience in open-source web development, digital marketing, and search engine optimization. He is also the moderator of this blog "RS Web Solutions (RSWEBSOLS)".