3 Ways to Scale Enterprise Content Marketing in 2018

As expectations from clients feed personalization efforts, enterprise management must support content creators in producing more content for different context segments and permutation, as well as find ways to repurpose existing content. When an organization can scale its content marketing, it gets itself into a position where it can strengthen its brand affinity, expand its audience, and ultimately generate sales and leads by appealing to other organizations.

However, those looking to scale content are likely to find themselves in a complicated situation as they won’t be working with a blank canvas. As content shifts from desktop screens to smartphones to wearable tech to God-knows-what in the future, content creators will need to publish on different domains in the hope of being relevant to future audiences. So, what should be your blueprint? Any enterprise looking to scale content marketing should focus on the following essentials:

Content Marketing Tactics Graph Strategy

1) A Headless CMS (Content Management System)

3 Ways to Scale Enterprise Content Marketing in 2018 - Point 1According to Zesty.io, accommodating all digital touch points in this day and age presents an omnichannel and security complexity. Beyond computer screens, content should be formatted for artificial intelligence, virtual reality, and the internet of things. With futuristic devices continuously in play, it’s imperative that organizations use headless CMS to stay ahead of the curve or its hybrid version is known as decoupled CMS. It’s vastly more scalable than the standard CMS used by smaller companies. The robust efficiency of this CMS optimizes security, removes bottlenecks and reduces expense, which leads to increased productivity.

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2) Event-Based Dialogue

3 Ways to Scale Enterprise Content Marketing in 2018 - Point 275 percent of B2B content marketers say that in-person events like trade shows, conferences, and panels are one of the most effective forms of content marketing they’ve ever come across – just after social media and videos, and the reason is straightforward if you give it a thought. These mediums are quite effective at having a conversation with a vast audience and getting an important message across at scale. However, enterprise marketers still need to ensure that they’re offering value wherever possible by holding insightful sessions, or by championing helpful conversations on social media. Once a dialogue gets picked up on a mass level, content marketing begins to scale itself.


3) Internal Resources

3 Ways to Scale Enterprise Content Marketing in 2018 - Point 3No, we’re not talking about asking HR for favors. However, if you want to cut through the noise of competitors, attract audiences with high-level content, and generate leads, you have to bring in human resource to aid your content marketing efforts. The content you’re planning to produce will likely vary between industry trends and answers to end-user questions and technical know-how (or even a combination of all). Fortunately, many enterprise personnel are industry experts, so don’t hesitate to ask them to pitch in. For instance, the customer service guy can help create troubleshoot videos and unique content that offers more helpful insight than the rest of the cookie-cutter guides out there. Hence, never hold back from asking co-workers to describe their experience, outlook or opinion on the subject and content asset you’ve selected.

4) Compatible Tools

3 Ways to Scale Enterprise Content Marketing in 2018 - Point 4The landscape for content marketing software is rapidly shifting. Marketers are adopting software for curation, measurement, distribution, creation, publishing, and automation. However, choosing software comes with additional concerns and considerations when it must serve enterprise teams. Does the software support multiple languages? Does it make it easy to onboard far-flung personnel? Can it integrate with other enterprise tools already deployed? Contently and other similar tools fulfill most of these requirements. In addition, enterprise users also need to identify channels that are referring visitors to their content. Telegraph used Parse.ly to map user data. This allowed the newspaper company to publish content that performs well without overwhelming the visitors.

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Final Words

3 Ways to Scale Enterprise Content Marketing in 2018 - conclusion

By adopting technology and channels by which content creators can find opportunities to scale, you are saving your company both time and money. As a smart marketer knows, content is capable of cementing itself on the web. So, encourage your content leads to partner with subject matter experts to deliver value in every content asset. Also, use a robust CMS to amplify your reach.

Also, it’s crucial to build a risk-free culture that allows for feedback both from the top down and bottom up. Engaged workers in a culture that encourage creativity within an organization tend to be more sharp and productive.

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Published By: Souvik Banerjee

Souvik BanerjeeWeb developer and SEO specialist with 20+ years of experience in open-source web development, digital marketing, and search engine optimization. He is also the moderator of this blog "RS Web Solutions (RSWEBSOLS)".