10 Features Every Salesforce Professional Should Know

Administrators/Devs/Consultants are a key piece of any business that has a Salesforce usage. They keep things ticking over just as growing Salesforce features to incorporate new divisions and highlights. Being a balanced Admin that sees all of Salesforce’ highlights is basic and on the off chance that you might want to get guaranteed. This blog is going to feature a few zones that each Salesforce Admin ought to almost certainly execute and use. Hence in this blog, the following 10 features of the Salesforce platform shall be covered:

1. Custom Objects, Fields & Relationship

Point 1Fundamentally, Salesforce is essentially a database with a cluster of related tables, sections, and lines. Clearly, it is significantly more than this yet it is basic to get familiar with the rudiments first. Just as the standard articles and fields that accompany your Sales or Service cloud item, you can modify Salesforce with your own. Understanding the diverse sorts of connections that interface questions together, the distinctive kinds of fields that can be utilized and the ramifications of utilizing these is an establishment learning step.

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2. Security Model

Point 2The Salesforce security representation is somewhat of a mammoth to tame, however, it associates with all that you do in Salesforce. The security representation includes highlights like profiles, jobs, consents sets, sharing settings, field level security, object authorizations, and the rundown goes on. Knowing every one of these back to front is vital to giving your client base the best client experience and guarding your information.


3. User Management

Point 3Being an Administrator implies a standout amongst your most imperative duties is ensuring that all clients can get to all aspects of Salesforce they have to carry out their responsibility. Just as jobs and profiles to control what the User can do and see; you have a great deal of client related consents.

4. Dashboards

Point 4Arranging and sorting information is another migraine we all have needed to live with. So how about we talk about the cool Salesforce highlight – ‘dashboards’- that will enable you to sort your information precisely the manner in which you need it. The best favorable position of the highlight of the dashboard is that you would almost certainly see all the pertinent information without investing an excess of energy hunting down it. There are different sorts of information you can follow on dashboards.

5. Email Sync

Point 5With Salesforce, you can synchronize every one of the information with your mail so it is sent consequently. This beyond any doubt saves a ton of ‘cutting’ and subsequently ‘pasting’ time for you. Salesforce bolsters Microsoft Outlook and has answers for Gmail and other outsider email customers.

6. AppExchange

Point 6With Salesforce’s AppExchange, you can create and post your application, utilize other, officially created applications as a stage, and furthermore introduce applications to redo your Salesforce page. AppExchange likewise gives you a chance to contract engineers and advisors as and when you need them. So, there’s no compelling reason to chase for them on various stages once more.

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7. Page Layouts

Point 7A characteristic antecedent from finding out about fields and the security show is page designs and record types. These two highlights are straightforwardly connected yet have altogether different applications about when and how to utilize them. A standout amongst the best things you can find out about these two highlights is the point at which one may suit superior to the next.

8. Workflows

Point 8When you have the nuts and bolts of the Salesforce CRM nailed down, it’s an ideal opportunity to go onto computerization. Work process rules and the procedure manufacturer are incredible methods for utilizing clicks not code, to computerize complex business forms. The procedure manufacturer is the “new age” of work processes. It has more activities like a post for chatter and makes a record.

9. Formula and Validation Module

Point 9Just as computerizing your CRM, you need to ensure that no awful information gets in. Approval rules decide if the information went into Salesforce is legitimate or not for a particular record. For instance, suppose each time another opportunity is made you need to realize what the lead source on this was; we can make a standard to ensure this is filled in inevitably.

10. Chatter

Point 10On the off chance that you utilize the Salesforce suite of instruments, there are highlights that you would discover additionally supportive to you regardless of whether you don’t utilize every one of them consistently. For example, with ‘Chatter’, you can take an interest in a talk or begin another dialog of your own with someone else.

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Features Every Salesforce Professional Should Know - conclusion

To finish up, Salesforce has a large group of cool highlights to make CRM smoother. The activity and management of information reduced to a lesser nightmare. Salesforce’s CRM suite has a progression of cool instruments to address a wide range of CRM-related issues. It has turned into an enormous hit in all parts of business advancement and isn’t constrained to deals and advertising.

This article is written by William Hills from JanBask. He is a professional technical writer with an experience of more than 7 years. His has written a variety of contents in the past and now writing on salesforce consulting services, sales cloud, AWS cloud migration, salesforce implementation, and many more topics.

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Published By: Souvik Banerjee

Souvik BanerjeeWeb developer and SEO specialist with 20+ years of experience in open-source web development, digital marketing, and search engine optimization. He is also the moderator of this blog "RS Web Solutions (RSWEBSOLS)".