How to Use Product Videos to Improve Conversion Rates?

Though it’s difficult to believe at first, video content can significantly boost the conversion rates of your business. Usually, it’s employed to grab the attention and interact with customers, but only a few marketers will also make use of product videos beyond the engagement.

In fact, high-quality video content can actually improve conversion rates in many aspects. It can help customers better understand your products or services, gain more trust and go through the key stages throughout the funnel.

However, it’s not just enough to simply make a product video to make it work for your business. You should also define the proper type, implement the right message and ensure the video can actually stimulate your customers to convert.

To help you create a first-class product video, in this article we’ll try to find out the main hacks and benefits of this type of video for your business, yet discover how to successfully enhance the conversion rates with the properly designed video content.

Best Practices for Product Video Use


When it comes to creating an effective product video content, there are many different aspects to consider. For instance, you should plan the concept of each video beforehand to ensure it tackles customers’ pains, pay attention to its design and presentation, adjust its content to your goal and use specifics, and many more.

That is why, below we’ve covered the basic steps that will help you to create a first-class, professional video that will be a good fit regardless of your level of experience and qualifications as a content creator.

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1. Deliver the Message as Soon as It’s Possible


To make a high-quality product video, it’s essential to make a captivating introduction. That is why ensure you’re pointing out the main message of a video as soon as it is possible. For example, you can make use of the 6-second rule to check whether your content can grab people’s attention and hook them with an intriguing message to keep on watching.

By providing your viewers with a powerfully compelling introduction, you can generate much more interest in your products or brand, while pushing them down on the marketing channel to make a purchase.

2. Consider the Design of Thumbnails


Similar to the first 6 seconds of your video, the product video thumbnail is equally important for any type of video. Not only does it make the content more professional-like, but also helps to draw the attention of your potential viewers and motivates them to watch and buy the product afterward.

Gone are the days when you could simply put the product name and picture to make your audience click on the video. Today, consumers are pickier about the content they watch, so playing around with the catching design of a video thumbnail may significantly increase engagement. A tool like Canva thumbnail maker can help you design stunning product video thumbnails.

Pro Tip: Recent testimonials have shown that adding a smiling image to a product video thumbnail can significantly enhance product sales and business profitability – definitely give a try to this hack!

3. Create Short & Rich Videos


For reaching the max efficiency in conversions, product videos today should be informative and straightforward. This is why, instead of making a 30-minute speech proving why your product is so great, try to make the presentation concise and objective. This trick will help to deliver strong and compelling arguments on why your product is the best choice, how can it benefit your potential customer, and what features make it so special compared to the alternatives on the market.

When considering the structure of a product video, feel free to include the following points:

  • Target problem and solution.
  • Focus on main product features.
  • Rich information.
  • Clear CTA.
  • Other offerings.

As for the video duration, the best practices recommend keeping it between 1-5 minutes long. However, the overall product video length can also vary depending on your main purpose and the platform you’ll use it on.


4. Make Personalized Video Content


Personalized customer experience can significantly improve the sales and raise conversion rates of any business. Moreover, there are tons of different ways to improve engagement with the customized video content, like creating specific emailing content, product marketing video materials, post-purchase reviews, and many more. A tool like Mailchimp email marketing will surely help you to distribute your product video to all your existing customers and newsletter subscribers.

Targeted on specific customer pains or product features, such videos feature higher efficiency and can generate much more leads for your business. Needless to say, that content personalization tactic is widely used in multiple aspects of business development today, transforming from an optional to a must-use trick.

5. Implement a Sense of Trust


To make your product videos more compelling and attractive, another great hack to use is to instill a sense of trust and expertise in the content created. Though it might seem useless at first, when buying new products, 59% of shoppers prefer to purchase from the brands they trust!

After all, just consider this situation in a client’s shoes: you’d rather buy a product from a company that features years of experience within the industry and has a certain authority. So, use product page videos to put a face to your business, help your leads trust you, and convert faster.

6. Create Post-Purchase Videos


Product videos are not solely those related to the item or service presentation. You can also create product-related content targeted at reviewing their features, advantages, and possible drawbacks (stressing the alternative products you can offer, of course), recorded webinars and demos, FAQ sessions, and many more.

We’d also like to pay attention to the post-purchase videos that allow customers to discover tons of useful information, related to the product utilization specifics, great hacks, and add-on features that might have been missed before you bought the product. What is more, you can even create videos based on the reviews filmed by your clients to build more trust in your brand. Whatever file format you will need to work with, you can always effortlessly convert video online with professional video editing software like Movavi video converter!

7. Target on Marketing Specifics


Finally, product videos can be a great fit when creating marketing material, like digital ads, email notifications, and many more. Depending on the purpose of use, the video content will become extremely helpful at any stage of interaction, starting from engaging your potential customers and their education right to the lead generation and post-purchase experience.

That is why, when planning your product video content, always try to analyze what’s intended behind: gain more interest in the brand, inform customers about the latest arrivals or convince them to purchase the product.

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Why Do Product Videos Matter?


Regardless of the common stereotype that product videos are used solely to present your product or new services available, their role in business development and growth is significant. Let’s now review what are the major benefits product video content can provide to a business!

Improves average order value
Point 1

The more your customers are aware of the products/services available, the better they can understand the value of each – the larger the average order value you will get. That is why, product videos can become an effective source of information, thanks to which your clients can discover the main features, use cases, and superiority of your items compared to market analogs.

Increases conversions
Point 2

Thanks to the effectively designed content of product videos, they can provide reasonable insights on why a certain product/service is a must-have, encouraging customers to make the purchase and ensure themselves. Over 79% of consumers claim that a brand’s video convinced them to purchase an item or service after reviewing it.

Builds brand awareness
Point 3

Unlike most other content, product videos can be widely used to boost brand awareness more interactively. This content can also improve the authenticity of your brand and showcase its best qualities that might help customers to perceive it as genuine and original, which also results in better conversion rates!

Boosts business rankings
Point 4

A product video is a great tool for improving the search engine ranking and taking advantage of the market. At present, search algorithms fill the SERP with various sorts of content, including blogs and, of course, videos. Creating catching video content can improve the brand visibility, show expertise in the marketplace and improve the competitiveness of your business.

Keeps users engaged
Point 5

When customers have to choose between reading the product review or watching a video – they usually end with the second option. Product videos are much more captivating and informative yet require less time and effort to percept the information. So, creating high-quality video content can help you to improve your connection with your audience and keep them always interested in the latest products/services on the stock.

Minimizes product return rates
Point 6

Product videos can also reduce the return rates, mostly because of providing your clients with the ability to make an informative, well-considered purchase decision. Once a potential customer discovers the main features of your products/services, their pros, and cons and creates a realistic opinion about whether it’s worth getting.

Empowers marketing strategies
Point 7

Finally, this type of video can significantly improve your marketing efforts, as well as other strategies targeted at improving business performance. Based on what your goal is, every video can deliver the most effective message to encourage customers and then further interact with your brand!

As you can see, product video content is a fascinating tool to enhance the conversion rates, as well as boost many other aspects that matter for product performance: return rates, online presence, brand awareness, video marketing, and many more.

You may also like: The Importance of Video Production in Business.

Make the Most of Your Product Videos Right Away!


Regardless of how natural the online shopping practice is today, trusting a new store is always intimidating. However, the properly created product videos open up lots of attractive opportunities to set up a strong connection with your potential customers and turn the one-time buyers into loyal clients.

Thus, high-quality, professional product video content is one of the best investments for any business, regardless of its industry and objectives. Whatever products or services you’re offering, product videos can save up a considerable amount of time, cost, and effort while maximizing your business income.

Simply put, it’s definitely worth it!

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Published By: Souvik Banerjee

Souvik BanerjeeWeb developer and SEO specialist with 20+ years of experience in open-source web development, digital marketing, and search engine optimization. He is also the moderator of this blog "RS Web Solutions (RSWEBSOLS)".