Monthly Article Digest – May 2023 – RS Web Solutions

This is an article containing the monthly article digest for the month of “May 2023” at RS Web Solutions (@rswebsols). You can easily find all our published articles for May 2023 in ascending order by date. This is a monthly archive page to help our readers to give an easy-to-find list of monthly articles. Along with the article title, you can also read a short excerpt from each article. If you find an interesting article that catches your attention, you can, of course, click on the “continue reading” link to read the entire article. Happy reading!

1) 12 Best Tips and Techniques to Secure WordPress Admin Area

Published on: May 1, 2023 | Listed under: WordPress

Wordpress logo on a dark background.In this blog, we’ll discuss the best techniques to secure the admin area of your WordPress websites effectively. People often think their website is too small for hackers to have any interest in it. But that would be a massive mistake. Any website may be vulnerable to cyber threats like spam, malware, brute attacks, SQL injections, etc. Moreover, Hackers might even use your website to spread malware to other websites. Obviously, you wouldn’t want to wake up one day and ...

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2) How to Use Cyber Threat Intelligence to Boost Cyber Security?

Published on: May 2, 2023 | Listed under: Technology, Internet

threat-intelligence-cyber-securityCybersecurity is a familiar word but cyber threat intelligence and its relation to cybersecurity may not be a familiar concept to many of us. From fishing expeditions to ransomware, things got even worse by unleashing an avalanche of cyber-attacks, especially during this pandemic. Institutions have reported an increase of 91% in cyber security attacks, which is a conservative figure. As the workload increased, it became difficult for the cyber specialists and teams to focus everywhere at once. This is where ...

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3) 15 Best Tech Tools Every Content Creator Should Invest In

Published on: May 2, 2023 | Listed under: Technology, Blogging

MacBook-Editing-Apple-Desk-Electronics-Computer-Monitor-Screen-PC-Content-CreatorAre you an expert creator or just diving into the world of content creation? Investing in the right tech tools can help you create awesome content every time. When you have the right tech tools, you have more time to streamline how you create and share your content. Here is a list of tech tools every content creator should have. These must-have tech tools can help you produce the high-quality content that gets you results, whether for your budding legion ...

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4) How Powerful Internet Speed is Really Best for You in 2023?

Published on: May 6, 2023 | Listed under: Internet

internet-wifi-speed-test-broadband-optical-fiberWhile many claim that a connection speed of 100-200 Mbps is good enough for most households, which might be a fact a few years ago. But today, as the use of the internet is rapidly increasing and people are reliant on it more than ever, the term “good” internet speed has become more subjective and measured in the light of various factors. Thus, knowing what a good internet speed is, how you can test your connection speed, what speed you ...

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5) 10 Best Free Multi-Platform Apps to Watch Movies Online

Published on: May 8, 2023 | Listed under: Apps, Games & Software, Apps & Software

Remote-Movie-Popcorn-TV-Relax-Watch-Television-Fun-EntertainmentAre you a movie lover looking for the best free multi-platform apps to watch movies online? Then you’ve come to the right place! With so many streaming services out there, it can be overwhelming to decide which platform is right for you. We’ve put together this guide of the top 10 free multi-platform apps that will help you find and stream all your favorite movies. From classics to blockbuster hits, these apps have something for everyone. So, kick back and ...

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6) How to Install Laravel Homestead for Local Development?

Published on: May 10, 2023 | Listed under: Programming

A person typing on a laptop with code on it.The Laravel Homestead Vagrant box offers a preconfigured environment for building Laravel-based web apps. Homestead allows you to easily create a local development environment consistent with the environment in which your Laravel application will operate in production. In this tutorial, we will show you how to install Laravel Homestead on your local machine for use in development. Step 1: Install Required Software Some software has to be set up before we can begin setting up Laravel Homestead. Our first step ...

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7) React Native vs Hybrid: Which One is Better for Fintech App?

Published on: May 13, 2023 | Listed under: Programming, Apps & Software

React Native vs Hybrid App DevelopmentFinTech Apps have changed the game in the finance industry. If you want to develop your fintech app and are stuck with choosing an app development approach, this blog is for you. Fintech apps are saving people from a lot of complications that make our life difficult. They make daily transactions easy, secure, and quick. So, the question is what makes these apps user-friendly? Of course, the frameworks and programming languages make them amazing apps. It is a long-time debate ...

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8) 8 Practical Ways How 3D Printing Can Benefit Your Business

Published on: May 13, 2023 | Listed under: Business, Technology

A 3D printer in operation, printing a yellow object on its platform. A control panel with blue and black display is visible in the foreground.Three-dimensional (3D) printing is an innovative technology revolutionizing the manufacturing industry. For one, it allows businesses to produce complex designs and prototypes quickly and efficiently. As it continues to improve, 3D printing can expand into more applications in various business industries. In fact, the global 3D printing market is predicted to reach USD$83.90 billion by 2029, growing at a compound annual growth rate of 24.3% from 2022 to 2029. The future of 3D printing looks very promising. The potential for ...

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9) Artificial Intelligence in PR and Marketing: The Future Trends that Can Improve the Efficiency of Your Public Relations Campaigns

Published on: May 15, 2023 | Listed under: SEO & Marketing, Business, Technology

Two blue speech bubbles with a man and a robot.Predictive analytics, Machine learning, and various Big Data technologies allow businesses to make data-driven decisions, improve their promotional campaigns, and also provide more personalized services to their clients and customers. Having been delighted with both their process improvement and also superior results, businesses have increasingly invested in the use of Artificial Intelligence. In fact, 91.5% of large companies have reported ongoing investments in AI. So how can AI improve your PR and Marketing campaigns in the near future? These days ...

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10) Online Brain-Activating Ways that Are Surprisingly Fun!

Published on: May 16, 2023 | Listed under: Internet

A group of people working on laptops in a library.Finding ways to keep your brain sharp and engaged while also having fun is a bit of a challenge, but you would be surprised by the plethora of online activities that can help you activate your brain, the advancement of technology has something to do with it too. Whether you want to improve your attention span, have a better memory, step up your problem-solving skills, or simply relax and de-stress while being online, there’s something new and exciting for everyone. ...

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11) How to Choose the Best eCommerce Marketplace for Your Shopping Needs?

Published on: May 16, 2023 | Listed under: eCommerce

Online-Shopping-Parcel-Laptop-Purchase-Buy-eCommerce-UnboxingIn today’s digital era, online shopping has seamlessly intertwined with our daily lives. With our digital companion, we have the privilege of browsing through an extensive assortment of products from across the globe. However, with a robust assortment of platforms for conducting business transactions, it can be exceptionally challenging to select the perfect one. Hence, in this discussion, we will explore a few distinguishable features as the eCommerce marketplace becomes increasingly competitive. Know Your Needs The paramount and essential step ...

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12) What are MVP Solutions and How To Use Them?

Published on: May 17, 2023 | Listed under: Business, Apps & Software, Programming

A woman is using a laptop and a mobile phone to develop a website.MVP is a Minimum Viable Product, and the implementation of MVP solutions into your startup can save you a bunch of energy and nerves. Essentially, it will be your product in the most basic form. It will still solve the essential needs of your customers, which you plan to address but will cost you 3-4 times less than a full-weight product. The concept of MVP was popularized by Eric Ries in his book “The Lean Startup”. It emphasizes the importance ...

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13) The Impact of 5G Technology on the IoT

Published on: May 18, 2023 | Listed under: Technology, Internet

5G-Connection-Data-Device-Digital-Future-Gadget-Internet-IoT-network-Technology5G is the latest generation of cellular network technology, succeeding the previous 4G LTE mobile networks. 5G networks offer blazing-fast internet and data transfer speeds of up to 20 Gbps theoretically. Most commercial 5G service providers give consistent internet speeds of up to 1 Gbps for practical use. However, the use of 5G is merely limited to data transfer and voice calls. 5G also enables many new-age technologies such as automated machines, remotely controlled robots, self-driving vehicles, and most importantly, ...

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14) Different Types of Website Traffic: Direct, Organic, Paid, Social, and Referral

Published on: May 19, 2023 | Listed under: SEO & Marketing

line-graph-chart-statistics-arrow-data-growth-business-trafficNavigating the digital landscape can be an exciting journey, especially when it comes to understanding website traffic. This vital metric, representing the number of people visiting a webpage, serves as the pulse of any online platform or business. And just like a bustling city, website traffic isn’t one-size-fits-all; it’s a diverse ecosystem of various types. Our focus in this article? To shed light on these different website traffic types: direct, organic, paid, social, and referral. We’re going to dive deep ...

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15) Which Digital Marketing Methods Work Best Together and Why? Is It Better to Have Multiple Strategies in Play at Once?

Published on: May 22, 2023 | Listed under: SEO & Marketing, Business

A man is working on a computer in an office.There are many different digital marketing strategies that modern businesses can leverage today to bolster their brand awareness and make more sales through their website. But the question isn’t: “Which digital marketing methods should I focus on?” Instead, we should be asking: “Which works best together and how can we benefit from having multiple strategies in play at once?” In this article, we’re going to highlight the various strategies you can adopt and how they work when executed in sync ...

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16) Best AI Marketing Tools 2024: Know How to Automate with AI

Published on: May 22, 2023 | Listed under: SEO & Marketing, Business

A group of robots with laptops in front of them.Article Note: This article “Best AI Marketing Tools : Know How to Automate with AI” was first published on May 22, 2023. We last updated this article with fresh information on November 24, 2023. Tools based on artificial intelligence (AI) are revolutionizing almost every industry, including marketing. For the purpose of promoting their brands and firms, many businesses of all kinds are turning to AI marketing solutions. Whether you’re an individual or a company, they ought to be included in ...

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17) 15 Best Mobile App Development Tools to Help You Out

Published on: May 26, 2023 | Listed under: Apps & Software

Social-Media-Audio-Chat-App-Technology-Phone-MobileFrom financial institutions to restaurants, the advent and continual technological advancements of smartphones, tablets, and smartwatches have led many companies to develop their own mobile apps. In fact, according to Gartner research, more than 75 percent of businesses around the globe have developed or adopted at least one app in hopes of growing their revenue stream. Nowadays having only a mobile-first optimized website is not enough to secure revenue. Customers like the convenience of a mobile app with seamless user ...

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18) Top 10 Best USB Flash Drives / Pen Drives (2024)

Published on: May 27, 2023 | Listed under: Top 10, Product Reviews

Connection-Flash-Memory-Laptop-USB-Pen-DriveA USB Flash Drive, also known as a Pen Drive, is an incredibly useful and versatile digital storage device. These small devices are lightweight and compact which makes them super convenient for transport. They can store all types of data like documents, pictures, music files, and videos. This is an essential tool for anyone who wants to securely store or transfer data quickly. USB Flash Drives come in many different sizes with varying capacities. Smaller drives typically have up to ...

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19) The Complete Guide to Location-Based App Development

Published on: May 29, 2023 | Listed under: Apps & Software

A hand holding a smartphone displaying a map with GPS locations on the screen, suggesting navigation or a tour guide app. The background features a blurred view of a car dashboard.If you have ever been stuck in an unknown place or missed a turn, you must have realized the value of location-based apps like Google Maps, or Foursquare. The combination of geolocation technology and mobile apps has emerged as a revolutionary solution for modern-age people. Days are gone when you have to open a big size map or ask a stranger to reach your destination. Today, it is more simple and easier than ever. With just a few clicks, you ...

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20) How to Use Web Design and Content Optimization for User Engagement?

Published on: May 30, 2023 | Listed under: SEO & Marketing, Design

Individuals collaborate on a project, engaging in brainstorming with colorful sticky notes and sketches, while a laptop sits nearby on the table.The ever-increasing number of internet users offers boundless possibilities for your company to achieve fame and fortune. With each passing day, this unmatched virtual space continues gaining the attention of multitudes of ingenious content generators, brands, and more who plan on showcasing their products and services to audiences worldwide. Thus, budding entrepreneurs like yourself stand an excellent chance of realizing their dreams by becoming part of the vibrant online community. So, how can you leave a long-lasting impression? With the ...

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21) The History of ReactJS (Infographic)

Published on: May 31, 2023 | Listed under: Programming

The-History-of-ReactJS-featuredReactJS is undoubtedly one of the most popular, widely used, and influential JavaScript libraries in the web development industry. While working as a software engineer for Facebook Advertising, Jordan Walke created the first rough draft of the library in 2010. Walke needed a way to make his own life easier, when developing for Facebook that allowed the updating of specific parts of a page without the need to refresh the entire thing, which led to the creation of the library. ...

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Published By: Souvik Banerjee

Souvik BanerjeeWeb developer and SEO specialist with 20+ years of experience in open-source web development, digital marketing, and search engine optimization. He is also the moderator of this blog "RS Web Solutions (RSWEBSOLS)".