Tips for Monitoring Your Child’s Safety with iPhone Spy Apps

Our kids are delicate beings and require proper and steady attention on the hour. Keeping them safe is of paramount necessity. While we can’t always be close to kids physically, we could always stay close by and monitor them to make sure they are free from harm’s way thanks to rapid technological development.

Since kids will always be kids and try to do what other kids do, go out to fun places, hang out with friends, and of course use social media a whole lot (which seems to be a growing trend), why not keep track of all their online activities (which makes up for ¾ of their total daily activities) via the Smartphone they use, be it an Android OS device or an Apple made iOS device like an iPad or iPhone?

Smart phones are these days, man’s best friend. Since a whole lot of activities have been shifted to the cyber space, it is therefore of immense importance to strategically plan ways to make sure our kids are safe on the internet.

Social media has been known to heighten depression and suicidal tendencies thanks to a few retarded bullies who prey on their victim’s psychological composure with ruthless taunts, insults and down casting. Combating depression has never been known to be easy. So why not prevent the occurrence from ever happening by monitoring the online activity of your child/ward, and remotely fore-stalling any event that would lead to a breakdown?

There has also been an increase in the numbers of rape, molestation, stalking – leading to several other negatives including the aforementioned and kidnapping. This is of course is mostly due to giving out private personal information as well agreeing to meet up a stranger he/she have barely known. All of these dangers can be averted if you monitor your child’s phone conversation and social media accounts like Facebook, Twitter and even chat apps like Whatsapp, Viber, Skype or even reveal any private information ‘causally’ with calls or texts.

In simple terms, you could also see what he/she has been doing online with his/her smartphone.

iPhone Spy Apps Child Safety

Super spy

Accomplishing the ultimate task of keeping your child safe by monitoring their activities would require you to go become somewhat of a super spy. Since we are looking to safe guard them from the evils that lurk around the internet, your best bet is a spy app (for android or iOS) as we’ve mentioned earlier.

There are quite many of them around with great features and ability to secretly monitor entire operations of a mobile phone.

Some features available on multi-platform (android and iOS – iPhones and iPads) spy apps like iKeymonitor iPhone spy app include:

  • Log keystrokes typed
  • Log Facebook and Whatsapp activities
  • Log call information
  • Record passwords
  • Log websites visited
  • Capture screenshots
  • Enable remote access control
  • Monitor all activities secretly, in stealth mode
  • Log SMS text messages
It should be noted that all the operation logs listed above will be secretly, untraceably sent across to your email and/or online account.

From the listed features, you can see that though you aren’t with the said mobile phone, you can access all the logs and activities carried out on the device.

Logs of sites your kids visits, and if there’s any improper site on the list, you can remotely disable access to the site. You also get all the call logs and messages sent and received on the device. If you are so in the mood and of course have all the time in your hands, you can be seeing all the live activities performed on the device. Activities will be rolled over in a slide sequence, courtesy of the remote screenshot feature.

Doubles as an Anti-theft

iPhone Spy Apps Anti Theft

As a cool side addition, all most of these mobile spy apps double as an anti-theft device. This means you don’t need to pay top dollar to have another anti-theft app installed on the device.

As an anti-theft app, you can remotely track the device via its GPS locator, there’s also the popular trick of taking snapshots of the person or persons who tries to open the device without correctly entering the device’s password or unlock code.

If your answer is yes, then it’s always best recommended to get a smartphone spy app, which is compatible with both Android devices and Apple made iOS devices.

Multi-platform spy apps can get the job done when it comes to remote monitoring of a device. This can really help you keep an eye on your kids remotely and monitor all their activities via their smartphone.

Final Thoughts:

iPhone Spy Apps conclusion final thoughtsNow that we have cleared the air about the having a spy app, what you can do with it, and how it can keep you updated about your ward/child’s online activities, the big question that remains to be asked is… would you want an app that serves multiple purposes? Would you like to remotely control a device, or monitor activities performed on a device? Know who your wards are talking to and what’s being discussed by getting details of their messaging?

If your answer is yes, then it’s always best recommended to get a multi-platform spy app, which is compatible with both Android devices and Apple made iOS devices. While there are free variants of such apps, it is always recommended to have a paid premium app installed, as most of the free apps could contain malicious elements and bugs which could harm your device.

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Published By: Souvik Banerjee

Souvik Banerjee Web developer and SEO specialist with 20+ years of experience in open-source web development, digital marketing, and search engine optimization. He is also the moderator of this blog "RS Web Solutions (RSWEBSOLS)".

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