Keep a Tab on Your Brand’s Performance on Social Media for Continued Improvement

Social media has become one of the essential parts of our lives today. It is an essential platform for marketing your products and services. There are thousands of businesses that are making tons of profit every year owing to the social media platform. However, as a social media strategist, I would like to tell the readers that they should always track how their brands are doing as well as what can be done further to make things more better. In this post, we will discuss the factors above and the critical aspects related to them.

Benchmarks and measurements:


The very first step is to ensure how the presence of your social media is performing against the goals and benchmarks you have established. In case, you do not have these properly in place then you can set these up. The native channel analytics is no doubt one of the best places to start with. You need to find out whether you are hitting the goal, based on the goals you have developed for the social media. Customer service, engagement, driving traffic and awareness are some of the factors which play a vital role as well. If you not in the right position, then your immediate step is to identify the reason you are falling short.

Questions you need to ask:

  • Am I measuring the right analytics that translates into my marketing and business objectives?
  • Do I need to check out my performance against the benchmarks more often?
  • Am I following the strategies I have prepared for the social media?
  • Am I optimizing the contents as well as the paid media in an efficient manner?
Recommended for you: How Influencers are Becoming the Salespeople for E-Commerce Brands.

Reaching your target audience:

target audience

It is important to analyze whether you are reaching the target audience. Moreover, this can be achieved through the mix of quantitative and qualitative data. In fact, the channels will provide you with the insight of the audience in terms of engaged users and followers. You need to dive deep into the insights as well. You need to develop a sense of who these people are actually, both offline and online. Only if you manage to tap the mindset of the audient group you target, you can stay ahead of the curve.

Questions you need to ask:

  • Are the engaged users and the followers are on the social properties, and within the target, I am trying to achieve?
  • What other pages and brands follow?
  • How can I get a better cohesive picture of the target with third party data?
  • Is by any chance by content resonating with the target audience group?

Comparing to your rivals on Social Media:


By your industry, you can go for another way as well. You can check out your social presence stacks against your rivals. It will be difficult to find out the actual metrics as this is a private data, but you can go for the qualitative view as well. I would like to suggest that you pick 2-3 competitors and have a look at their social media presence at least once every month.

Questions you need to ask:

  • How the engagements they are having publicly are comparable to my brand?
  • What kind of engagements are they getting? – Comments, likes, shares, etc.
  • Are they running any influencer programs or social campaigns?
  • Are the engaged actively with their fans and developing a community?
When you have answers to all the question mentioned above, then you will have a tight grasp on the effectiveness of the presence you are having on the social media.

Debt management:


A debt settlement company can come to your rescue when you are severely looking for ways to come out from your debts. Many companies offer this service, but not everyone will provide you with exactly what they promise to do. They will take a certain amount of fee for the services they offer. Their task is to persuade your creditors to settle down for half of the amount you owe to them. They can also arrange for monthly payments instead of a tremendous lump sum amount.

It is essential to check out the authenticity of the debt settlement company you choose to settle down with. It is so because the amount you pay to them will be accumulated with their business in the form of the settlement fund. When they do find that the fund is accumulated enough to meet one of your debts, they will approach one of the creditors and clear off their dues. Each company has its own set of working procedures, and you can talk about everything in details before finally signing the documents.

You may also like: Tips to Incorporate Great Content in Your Social Media Marketing Strategy.

Final Words:

Keep a Tab on Your Brands Performance on Social Media for Continued Improvement - conclusion

You can check out our other blogs on social media. Our expert bloggers frame these unique contents with the hope to share something informative and unique with the readers!

This article is written by Isabella Rossellini from Top Ten Reviews. She is a marketing and communication expert. Isabella also serves as a content developer with more than seven years of experience. She has previously covered an extensive range of topics in her posts, including business and start-ups.
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Published By: Souvik Banerjee

Souvik BanerjeeWeb developer and SEO specialist with 20+ years of experience in open-source web development, digital marketing, and search engine optimization. He is also the moderator of this blog "RS Web Solutions (RSWEBSOLS)".