Ultimate Guide to Rank Your E-Commerce Site in SERP

E-commerce business is one of the most lucrative online businesses and you will find a large chunk of entrepreneurs who are keen to start their own e-commerce businesses and the rush is there to stay for a longer period of time. If we consider the consumer’s point of view, they have nothing to lose as they are wholeheartedly accepting e-commerce businesses with both the hands.

Online consumers prefer things that can save their time, energy and money and e-commerce businesses are offering exactly same. If a businessman can beat the competition perfectly, the sky is the limit for him. However, it does seem easy, but it is not actually. There is a cut-throat competition in the e-commerce industry and you have to take a unique path to be the game-changer in the industry.

One of the most crucial things to consider is the SEO of the website and that too in a best ethical manner. According to researchers, consumers still use search engines when they want to buy products or services online and if your business is absent in the first few pages of the search engines, you are surely going to lose the competitive edge.

Here is a list of tips that you can follow to get the best SERP for your e-commerce site.

Comprehensive and user-friendly website:


Whether you are using a WordPress e-commerce theme or others, it is crucial that you have a website that is eye-pleasing, attractive and comprehensive. The first impression does work in the online world and you need to ensure that you win the first impression by a huge margin. Ensure that the website is well-designed and does not have any errors or bugs. Also, update the products at regular intervals and notify the customers about them to increase the traffic.

Handle New Products with the Best SEO Tricks:


It is very imperative that the new products in your site have high SERPs. If you get it, your overall site ranking too will increase automatically. Well, the question is that how to do it.

Upload high definition images and relevant content in the product description. Furthermore, you also need to put the new products on the home page to get more visits. Consumers always look up for new things and if they find them on the home page, there are chances that they will end up purchasing the products.

By putting new products on the top of the page, Google crawlers will index them properly and easily.

Deal with out of stock items properly:


It is not a good sign that your customers are visiting your website and returning empty hands as they don’t find what they are looking for. What to do when you have some products that are not available or simply are out-of-stock.

If products are not available for a short period, you don’t need to do anything. If you redirect the user, there are chances that he will lose interest. Instead of it, you can offer some alternative items that he might get interested in.

Showing identical items with different brands can be a solution too. Also, you can inform the users upfront and you can maintain the loyalty.

Expired/ Obsolete Items:

link building

If you don’t address this expired or obsolete items in a good manner, your website’s SERP rank will go down rapidly as a user who visited the website and found nothing, will never come back to your website. Furthermore, it will also increase your bounce rate too.

One best alternative is to go for 301 redirect with the new items. It will also help Google to understand which pages to rank and which do not. Also, by redirecting parent category, users may get chance to look for products identical to what they are looking for. Deleting the page is not a good solution as it will be bad for the SEO point of view.

Assist your customers and that too immediately:


Research showed that if a user gets answers to their queries or questions, they will surely return to you in the future. There are many ways you can do that. One of the most impressive ways you can do so is to add the live chat facility on the website. It will surely help customers to make superior buying decisions.

Affiliate Sale:

Go ahead using affiliate networks

Although at first, it sounds crazy that joining an affiliate program can help to rank high on SERP. But it always helps. Your affiliate partners actually can create massive buzz on your products. They also share your products on their website and social profiles. This can help you to increase the brand authority of your site. Increase in your website authority will surely help on your Google ranking.

Mr. Vikram Rathod, the digital marketing manager at Couponobox.com, has elaborated this quite well,

“As an e-commerce store owner, you just can’t ignore the importance of social media and influencer marketing. It’s all about creating awareness of your products. Your affiliate partners are your real friend who helps you to promote your product to a large number of audience. This not only can help you to get new customers but also will increase the authenticity of your brand.”

Final Words:

Ultimate Guide to Rank Your E-Commerce Site in SERP - conclusion

E-commerce business is booming and with ethical and excellent SEO campaign, you can unquestionably become the market leader in the business you conduct.

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Published By: Souvik Banerjee

Souvik BanerjeeWeb developer and SEO specialist with 20+ years of experience in open-source web development, digital marketing, and search engine optimization. He is also the moderator of this blog "RS Web Solutions (RSWEBSOLS)".