5 Easy Online Hacks You Probably Know but Never Care to Follow

As you go online, you stream across hundreds of sites, window-shop thousands of products, make payments, tap on popups, and do what not! You know it might get fishy somewhere sometime, but that thought evades in front of the freedom the online world offers. While most of you might have never been a victim of cybercrimes, there are many who have become and the numbers grow as we speak. Cybercrimes are at an all-time high, primarily due to the fact that a majority of the population barely thinks twice before clicking on any random link. If the general population could exert some common sense and implement the basic rules that they are already aware of, this can be stopped to great extents. Here are 5 easy online hacks you probably know but never care to follow.

1. Never use public Wi-Fi for shopping or banking

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Making banking transaction on a public wi-fi network is like offering your account credentials on a silver platter to hackers. Public wi-fi networks are least secure and why would it not be? Security is a costly measure and you can’t have both! Therefore, use an encryption app when on a public wi-fi or better use your own private network for cash-related transactions.

It is always recommended to use a private network for financial transactions. Below are some precautions you can take to stay safe:

  • Use VPN.
  • Turn off your portable hotspot or sharing.
  • Always visit sites which are safe.
  • Check SSL certificate of the site before you visit.
  • Use trusted antivirus and keep it up to date.
  • Do not enter your login details in crowded areas.
Recommended for you: Virtual Private Network (VPN) - Features, Security & How to Use?

2. Use paid antivirus solutions always

Antivirus - Easy Online Hacks

You are well aware of the difference between a paid antivirus and a free one, yet most of you might choose to go with the latter option. Although a free antivirus would try its best to firewall you against possible attacks, its capacity is limited. A paid version, on the other hand, offers multitudes of benefits that range from blocking malware to encrypting your online transaction to a lot of other fine ways of safeguarding.

Go for quality antivirus solutions like Bitdefender, Norton, Kaspersky, etc. We would name Bitdefender if we were to suggest any one of them since it exceeds others in almost every parameter. There are sites that offer Bitdefender discount coupons and deals on leading antivirus solutions. Explore couponing sites and look for Bitdefender discount coupons if you wish to prevent yourself from overspending.

3. Don’t click on every random popup or attachment

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Did you receive a million dollars in a lottery you never entered? Are you getting job offers from Dubai? Of course not! These are some very smart hackers trying to access your personal information through such phishing email scams.

One of the major problems occurs with Chrome browsers which are related to popups.

“Chrome has been opening unrequested, undesirable and unwanted ad tabs when I click on something on the page I am working on, what should I do?” 

This question is frequently asked by many chrome users. To avoid this issue use Ad Block extensions to block such popups and keep your data safe. Full information on this topic is available here.

4. Look for SSL certification for shopping websites

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SSL is Secure Sockets Layer certificate which is used to establish a secured connection between the website and your browser. Before you rush to the payment option on an eCommerce site for the product you can’t wait to have, look for this: ‘Secure | https://www…’ The ‘Secure’ and ‘https’ in green is a mark of security and your cue to go ahead and make the payment. Similarly, don’t make a financial transaction on websites where you don’t see them.

You may also like: SSL – Do You Really Need it? This Article will Help You Decide.

5. Update your apps and software asap

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App and software updates are sickening and we agree. But, there is a reason developer do that. Hacker evolves their hacking strategies and finds new ways to get through their targeted software. Similarly, developers keep working on their end to make applications invincible. So, next time you see an update available for your app, make sure you don’t procrastinate it.

This article is written by Anthony Taylor. Anthony is a writer, student, and editor of Bitdefender discount coupon website called dailydeals4you.com. He loves writing, reading motivational stories and spending the time with his family. Follow him: Twitter | Google+.
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Published By: Souvik Banerjee

Souvik BanerjeeWeb developer and SEO specialist with 20+ years of experience in open-source web development, digital marketing, and search engine optimization. He is also the moderator of this blog "RS Web Solutions (RSWEBSOLS)".