

What are the Improvements that React JS Offers in Headless WordPress?

Let’s first understand what a Headless WordPress is. WordPress blog has two sides’ front and back. The front is something that everyone sees and reads the blog. And the backend is something where you get to see the dashboard, admin panel, and other CMS tools. With the help of the WordPress tool, you can actually manage and track all the website content. If the configuration is ok, then you can edit the web page. As a user, you are getting …

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Is WordPress Good for eCommerce? Let’s Find Out!

WordPress is one of the most powerful CMS currently available in the market. It has maintained a reputation for being famous among almost 25% of all the webmasters in the world. But now with the arrival of more eCommerce platforms that are specifically made for eCommerce sellers. WordPress is struggling with hefty competition, though it has the WooCommerce plugin to add functionality and eCommerce power. Still, there are people having second thoughts when someone recommends a solution of enhancing their …

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A laptop sits on a table next to a cup of coffee displaying WordPress dashboard.

WordPress Speed Optimization: How to Accelerate your WordPress Website in 2022?

You may make the most perfect website in WordPress. Design, navigation, content, all may look too good for you, and you hope to rank high in the search results of Google. But if your WordPress website takes time to load, the website becomes a disaster. Viewers will quickly move to the next search result and leave your website. A website performs poorly when it takes time to load in the web browser. Delay in loading time is the most annoying …

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10 Best Google Review Plugins for WordPress 2021

Suppose you are looking for a spa service in your locality. What would you do? Obviously, you will reach out to your phone the first thing, Google about the best spa services; look at the stars/reviews given by the customers and shortlist your preference according to the reviews. This is the power of Google Reviews and the content created by your brand users can be commonly referred to as User-Generated Content. Such content is the most powerful, authentic, and trustworthy …

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A computer screen with a video player on it.

How to Sell Video Courses without Allowing Buyers to Downloads?

Video-based learning proves a widely accepted e-learning trend recently thanks to its various benefits. They hold your learner’s attention, take less money compared to offline learning, and free students from commuting to classes. However, any benefits have their trade-offs, and so do training videos. While providing video courses, you’re facing a digital piracy problem too. Students keep sharing your training vid with others without your permission. It’s estimated that online video piracy has blown $47.5 billion in US gross domestic …

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A wordpress app on an ipad with a pen on it.

10 Types of Websites You Can Build with WordPress

Nowadays, WordPress has made it so easy to make a website. You don’t have to be a coder of a website developer. WordPress has in-built functions, drag and drop features, easy to edit themes, plugins, which you can also use to make a website of your own. Ever since it entered the market, WordPress has revolutionized website design. Here, are the top 10 types of websites you can build using WordPress. 1. Business Website WordPress has many themes with which …

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A man wearing a tshirt with wordpress logo on it and he is typing on a computer.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Using WordPress for Your Next PHP Project

WordPress is one of the popular and strong content management solutions you will find today at the moment. It provides you with an invocation of easy-to-use appliances that can be employed to expedite the web design & development method. Approximately 80 percent of websites in the digital market today use PHP; this is the heart language to deploy WordPress for development. The WordPress CMS is further powered and maintained by numerous developers, with a quickly growing following. However, with all …

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WordPress Page Builders

10+ Best Drag-and-Drop WordPress Page Builders of 2021

Everything has moved virtual and does the business. Online presence is important for every business. For those who anticipate being entrepreneurs, WordPress is really a boon. Using WordPress, you can promote your businesses online by building a website at no or low cost. WordPress offers you a free domain, be it a website or a blog, it’s free. In addition, it offers you numerous helpful page builders, plugins, and themes to design your blog or website. The best thing is, …

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18 Excellent Calculator Plugins for Your WordPress Website

Are you searching for the best WordPress Calculator Plugins and wondering where to start from? Fret not as we have got you covered with the list of top 18 options that are worthy of consideration. Those days are a matter of the past when calculators used to be math class staples as now is the time when they play a significant role in the online selling business. This is the ultimate tool to engage the audience and to generate leads …

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WordPress and Dropshipping? Is it possible?

Dropshipping is one of the best methods for e-commerce startups who do not have huge investments in the beginning. If you are willing to start a dropshipping business model for your online store, you must find a suitable platform that would support your business. Many people wonder if WordPress is going to be a great choice. This article will explain everything that you need to know to get started with WordPress and dropshipping. We will also reveal whether WordPress is …

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