Boost Your SEO With Drupal 8: The Search Engine’s Secret

Do You know the best place to hide something? Google’s 5th page would be the best place I guess. Because nobody ever looks there and most of them don’t know what it holds. My point here is, if you have a website, unless you are trying to hide it from people, there is no point if you are not there on the first page of Google. And that is why we have SEO experts cracking their heads to understand every new Google updates and algorithms that define how the search rankings appear.

SEO is not something which you can just fix once and later forget about it! It needs constant updates, changes, and improvements so that a website can stay on the first page for a long time. People are always looking out for platforms and tools which can make life (the SEO life of course) more comfortable for them and their website. Because ranking first on Google is not that easy. This is where Drupal comes in. Drupal has some amazing tools that can play a vital role in helping you optimize your website. Community developers have been continuously working to improve this platform, and the latest Drupal 8 has some of the best in town out-of-the-box SEO features which enable better optimization of a website.

Here is a small glimpse of what wonders Drupal 8 holds for you.

Faster & Better


Drupal 8’s ability to cache all entities of a web page by using several caching techniques helps your website load really quick. In the present fast-paced world, this is very important because, with innumerable options available, people just do not have that patience to wait for your website to load.

Add to this the point that the JavaScript is not loaded by default for anonymous users & JS assets getting loaded from the bottom, thus improving your page load time.



Responsive websites are the stars of the digital world right now. And when this responsiveness comes out-of-the-box, the configuration of the site to adapt to any device becomes much easier. Drupal 8 makes sure that your website is responsive enough to be viewed on any device which in turn will attract more users. And as we all know; more number of users is always a blessing for SEO rankings.

Content – The King

effective good quality content

There was a time when the content of a website was destined to a single browser, keeping in mind the device used. But in the recent years, the growth of mobile devices has completely changed the trend. Nowadays, content needs to be able to flow freely through different devices, browsers, apps, social media, social networking sites and more. With Drupal 8 you will be able to control your digital content over a number of other platforms from one single place.

The One with the Modules

drupal 8 logo

Drupal comes with a handful of modules which makes SEO easier and better for your website. From the PathAuto Drupal module that automatically creates readable URL based on your content, to the redirect module that allows you to redirect invalid URLs to new ones. Or the meta tag module that lets you add meta information like titles and descriptions.


Protect Your Online Presence - Tips for Digital Security

While speed is one of the most important attributes of a website, security is something which requires extra attention. The fact that Google rewards sites which are fast and secure make it a must-have for the SEO purpose. What is the use of all the great designs, content and other SEO improvements on your website if it can be hacked quite easily? You need to protect your site from the “bad people” on the internet, and there is no better way than Drupal 8 to do this. With its advanced features, Drupal 8 is your best bet against growing security concerns.

Better Integration


At one point, we all would have wondered how our own clicks would have affected the data statistics on Google Analytics. Yes, there are certain ways in which this can be avoided, but nothing as smooth as an adequately configured Drupal site. The free Google Analytics module of Drupal 8 allows you to dynamically show or hide certain analytics code based on various factors including user types. This allows for better filtering and more accurate statistics on Google Analytics.


Boost Your SEO With Drupal 8: The Search Engine's Secret

Making use of SEO to optimize your website in order to increase its visibility and exposure is a common practice in today’s competitive world. But how many of them are doing it, right? Are you doing it right? The answer to this question is Drupal 8 which provides you with tons of features that contribute to better SEO and better visibility to your website.

This article is written by Shefali Shetty. As a passionate technical writer for Specbee Consulting Services, Shefali loves crafting content and sharing information about technology and business. Since her world mainly revolves around digital media, business growth, and technological advancements, you can always find her delved in the digital world.

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Published By: Souvik Banerjee

Souvik BanerjeeWeb developer and SEO specialist with 20+ years of experience in open-source web development, digital marketing, and search engine optimization. He is also the moderator of this blog "RS Web Solutions (RSWEBSOLS)".